
10 secrets chameleon

by Guest101445  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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How many times have you wanted to change your look and you could not The secret is not in the money, just a little creativity, color and daring.

1. As short or as long as you want

Hair extensions curtain as well as being "in " completely transform the look and sometimes personality. You can also advise your stylist to cut hair modern and practical.

Two. Color vs Color

Change your hair shade or highlight your features soften as decide. You can make adjustments with different shades and even color effects that match the season.

Three. Looking through secret

Well say that the eyes are the window to the soul, how about changing the color? There disposable pupilentes to bring shine to your face, captivating the attention of suitors and leaving your friends thinking "wow what a change ".

May. elegant fans

The next time you have a night out inyéctale your look a bit of intensity. Learn how to put yourself false eyelashes, playing with different styles and give a professional touch to your look siempre.Éste is one of the best kept secrets of the red carpetshh !

6. magical Cure

It is natural basic colors in our palette of cosmetics. But it is never too late to change them. Ask at the counters of the big brands, but do not notice each firm has special colors for each season.

7. Well ordered Trapitos

With thousands of earrings that bring in mind, we rarely take time to sort the closet, not knowing that this is the master key to start a new look. Take some time and put your clothes and accessories by color. Visually will give new options combinaciÃ_ny sure you will find things you thought you lost.

8. Enchanting Fragrance

There are many things that remind people, including the aroma. This feature is a hallmark in addition to help us feel safe will frame a change of attitude. Dare !

9. Baby Steps

Walking is something we do every day, but change the traditional way of doing it and add a touch of sophistication, such as Gateway, will make a big difference. Beware shoes, do not think just because you use you will see spectacular towering shoes. Rehearse in front of a mirror!

10. Smile 10

Worry about the look of your teeth. Keep it healthy and do not let the coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes many dyes apagen the light of your smile. The lipsticks will be spectacular with bright white teeth.

 Tags: 10, chameleon, Secrets



  1. Guest101758
    How many times have you wanted to change your look and you could not The secret is not in the money, just a little creativity, color and daring.

    1. As short or as long as you want

    Hair extensions curtain as well as being "in " completely transform the look and sometimes personality. You can also advise your stylist to cut hair modern and practical.

    Two. Color vs Color

    Change your hair shade or highlight your features soften as decide. You can make adjustments with different shades and even color effects that match the season.

    Three. Looking through secret

    Well say that the eyes are the window to the soul, how about changing the color? There disposable pupilentes to bring shine to your face, captivating the attention of suitors and leaving your friends thinking "wow what a change ".

    May. elegant fans

    The next time you have a night out inyéctale your look a bit of intensity. Learn how to put yourself false eyelashes, playing with different styles and give a professional touch to your look siempre.Éste is one of the best kept secrets of the red carpetshh !

    6. magical Cure

    It is natural basic colors in our palette of cosmetics. But it is never too late to change them. Ask at the counters of the big brands, but do not notice each firm has special colors for each season.

    7. Well ordered Trapitos

    With thousands of earrings that bring in mind, we rarely take time to sort the closet, not knowing that this is the master key to start a new look. Take some time and put your clothes and accessories by color. Visually will give new options combinaciÃ_ny sure you will find things you thought you lost.

    8. Enchanting Fragrance

    There are many things that remind people, including the aroma. This feature is a hallmark in addition to help us feel safe will frame a change of attitude. Dare !

    9. Baby Steps

    Walking is something we do every day, but change the traditional way of doing it and add a touch of sophistication, such as Gateway, will make a big difference. Beware shoes, do not think just because you use you will see spectacular towering shoes. Rehearse in front of a mirror!

    10. Smile 10

    Worry about the look of your teeth. Keep it healthy and do not let the coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes many dyes apagen the light of your smile. The lipsticks will be spectacular with bright white teeth.

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