
1951 GMC Chevy Pickup Truck. I need to tow my 51 chevy pick up from Monterey to Santa Barbara

by Guest3846  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I need to tow my 51 chevy pick up  from Monterey to Santa Barbara behind my 2004 Honda Pilot and need to know Curb Weight for Truck?  Thanks.

 Tags: 1951, chevy, GMC, Pickup, truck



  1. amomipais82
    Chevrolet valves have always be .006" for the intake when the engine was hot and .013" for the exhausts. However when the 231 cubic inch engine came along they put hydraulic lifters in it and used it on the Powerglide equipped cars. In the pick up trucks with the 236 I would assume that the same features as the Chevy car engine prevailed, the aluminum pistons, full pressure lubrication and the hydraulic lifters. They are adjusted by bring the cylinder to top dead center on the firing stroke, meaning that the rotor is pointed to the terminal in the distributor cap that runs to the cylinder being worked on, loosening the adjusting s***w on the rocker until there is a little free play, tightening the s***w until all the free play is just gone, and then turning the s***w down an additional one and one quarter turn.
    Good Luck.

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