
1986 nissan D21 I have replaced the plugs, distributor cap, and rotor why does the engine bog out?

by Guest9992  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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1986 nissan D21 I have replaced the plugs, distributor cap, and rotor why does the engine bog out?

 Tags: 1986, Bog, Cap, d21, distributor, Engine, Nissan, Plugs, replaced, Rotor



  1. amomipais82
    Hi There,
    Have you checked your cold start valve?, Or it could be that your vehicle has a preheat carb base that is not working.

    Have you tried priming the intake with starting fluid or gas to see if it starts then?

    Let me know, that would help with the diagnosis.

    Let me know about what you have done so far on your car.

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