
5 Deadly mistakes during s*x

by Guest101596  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Okay we are intense and dare to lead the romantic moment, but eye are attitudes that inhibit our partner, and worse, even uncomfortable in what should be the best moment alone.

1) Make comments when s*x

If you think he 's doing a bad job on your body. Seize the moment, take his hand and guide him to where you feel comfortable. When you are more relaxed explain what you like and practice it the next time.

2) Wait for what he does everything and not put anything on your part

s*x is an act of 2 people. Both must do their part to make your partner a good time together and experience pleasure. Dare to play, the feelings and instincts never lie.

3) Login to have s*x just to please

Forced or unwillingly, s*x is a choice that can bring serious consequences for self-esteem. Being with your partner should be a mutual, purposeful and stimulating to the senses choice, if it does not, it is very likely that the passion is extinguished.

4) Faking an o****m

In short it is the worst choice. They know where the performance becomes commonplace. The day I discovered you also spent a great shame lose your confidence and you will have given you a blow to your emotions. Nobody better than you, to give you some tips to help the time.

5) Using blackmail to get him to bed

Why deny it?, when we are unwell Want Men to give us our space and do not insist, but when this happens to reverse the cross out of inconsiderate, inattentive and we thought that they do not care. The fact to be honest, does not allow us to manipulate a tragic story and make them feel guilty for putting them to bed.

Do you think there is another matapasiones error?

 Tags: DEADLY, mistakes, sex



  1. Guest101909
    Okay we are intense and dare to lead the romantic moment, but eye are attitudes that inhibit our partner, and worse, even uncomfortable in what should be the best moment alone.

    1) Make comments when s*x

    If you think he 's doing a bad job on your body. Seize the moment, take his hand and guide him to where you feel comfortable. When you are more relaxed explain what you like and practice it the next time.

    2) Wait for what he does everything and not put anything on your part

    s*x is an act of 2 people. Both must do their part to make your partner a good time together and experience pleasure. Dare to play, the feelings and instincts never lie.

    3) Login to have s*x just to please

    Forced or unwillingly, s*x is a choice that can bring serious consequences for self-esteem. Being with your partner should be a mutual, purposeful and stimulating to the senses choice, if it does not, it is very likely that the passion is extinguished.

    4) Faking an o****m

    In short it is the worst choice. They know where the performance becomes commonplace. The day I discovered you also spent a great shame lose your confidence and you will have given you a blow to your emotions. Nobody better than you, to give you some tips to help the time.

    5) Using blackmail to get him to bed

    Why deny it?, when we are unwell Want Men to give us our space and do not insist, but when this happens to reverse the cross out of inconsiderate, inattentive and we thought that they do not care. The fact to be honest, does not allow us to manipulate a tragic story and make them feel guilty for putting them to bed.

    Do you think there is another matapasiones error?
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