
9 Benefits of s*x for woman

by Guest101511  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Having s*x between 6 and 8 times a month can help you enjoy the daily life and prevent disease.

Here are 9 benefits you seek to have s*x with your partner more often.

1. Reduces stress

The hormones released during s*x and stimulation of certain nerves have a calming effect.

Two. You younger longer retains

The increase in the ratio of estrogen helps maintain smooth skin without wrinkles, a more refined figure and hair and eyes brighter.

Three. Calm Muscle Pain

Because oxitosina endorphins and are released, the natural corticosteroids that have analgesic properties are increased.

According to a series of studies of French universities, it seems that DHEA levels rise, which have proven anti-cancer properties.

May. Moreand best s*x = moreand better defenses

The released hormones help the body to secrete higher amounts of substances that strengthen the defenses. Checked by California researchers.

6. Activates blood circulation

Helps fabrics stay fit for more years.

7. Regulate your rule

According to American studies, this occurs by contact of certain chemicals in the secretions inteercambian when having s*x with your partner.

8. Prevents depression

Help to pick the mood so advise psychiatrists in Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as improving your physical wellbeing.

9. Slimming

It helps you burn calories, the amount depends on the position and you make foreplay.

 Tags: benefits, sex, WOMAN



  1. Guest101824
    Having s*x between 6 and 8 times a month can help you enjoy the daily life and prevent disease.

    Here are 9 benefits you seek to have s*x with your partner more often.

    1. Reduces stress

    The hormones released during s*x and stimulation of certain nerves have a calming effect.

    Two. You younger longer retains

    The increase in the ratio of estrogen helps maintain smooth skin without wrinkles, a more refined figure and hair and eyes brighter.

    Three. Calm Muscle Pain

    Because oxitosina endorphins and are released, the natural corticosteroids that have analgesic properties are increased.

    According to a series of studies of French universities, it seems that DHEA levels rise, which have proven anti-cancer properties.

    May. Moreand best s*x = moreand better defenses

    The released hormones help the body to secrete higher amounts of substances that strengthen the defenses. Checked by California researchers.

    6. Activates blood circulation

    Helps fabrics stay fit for more years.

    7. Regulate your rule

    According to American studies, this occurs by contact of certain chemicals in the secretions inteercambian when having s*x with your partner.

    8. Prevents depression

    Help to pick the mood so advise psychiatrists in Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as improving your physical wellbeing.

    9. Slimming

    It helps you burn calories, the amount depends on the position and you make foreplay.
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