
Acreage of Gold-Exploration for lease in Africa Mozambique

by Enginéér Jose Antonio  |  12 years, 4 month(s) ago

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I am Enginéér Jose Antonio a staff worker of the Ministry of Minerals Resources Mozambique Southern Africa. I have been mandated by the (Min.M.R) in position of Dr. Esperança Bias. She remains the Minister of Minerals Resources Mozambique.

My mandate assignment is to source companies or individual that wishes to explore gold in Mozambique. The location of our Gold wealth is located in the western Mozambican mountains part of Tete province in a huge land that is presently available for Gold exploration.

We are also ready to receive your suggestions on improvement of our industry, and encourage everyone to know more and more mineral wealth of our beautiful Mozambique.

For more information contact Enginéér Jose Antonio e-mail: (

For more information orientation to the discovery of Gold in Mozambique view below links:

 Tags: Acreage, africa, GoldExploration, lease, mozambique

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Enginéér Jose Antonio


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