
Advertisement Boards in the parking lots of shopping malls in Melbourne?

by Guest6355  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I have seen this several times, advertisement boards in the parking lot of shopping malls wearing 50% off sign, or something like that. Do these advertisement boards really encourage business? Some friends also suggest me to advertise through these boards. Do you really think it will work? Someone please give me some useful advice. I would be really thankful for this favor. Thanks in advance for the time.

 Tags: Advertisement, Boards, lots, malls, Melbourne, parking, Shopping



  1. Guest5697

    These advertisement boards in the shopping malls are placed to advertise the different businesses and products of different merchants in the market. These boards are always visible for the people who come for shopping on daily basis. My uncle is running a garments store and last month he placed the advertisements on these boards around Melbourne in different localities. He really got a great business on that product. I think the best way to market the product or enhance the business is marketing strategies. These boards are one of the aspects of marketing. Marketing strategies are made to grab the attention of costumers and consumers. I think these boards really work in a best way. You can make an attractive add of the product and placed it on different localities around the city where people come every day. Hope I have cleared a lot of things related to this bill board advertisement to you. Now you can also check about the marketing strategies on internet.

    In the last I would say best of luck to you in your business.


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