
Age requirement for an Australian visas

by Guest4019  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I am not too young and want to apply for Australian visa. Would anyone tell me that age requirement for an Australian visas?

 Tags: age, Australian, Requirement, visas



  1. Guest1251
    Depending on the particular visa category you are eligible there can be a cut-off age.  For example, the general skilled migration visa programmed has a cut-off age of 45 years.  Once someone is 45 or older they are no longer eligible to apply for an Australian general skilled migration visa even if they meet all the other requirement regarding skilled occupation, work experience, and English ability.

    In relation the Australian business, if you are 55 and over, unfortunately you will not be eligible for the business (provisional) visas unless as an applicant you will be making an application based on operating a business that will be of exceptional economic benefit to Australia. You may want to look into the Investor Retirement Visa sub class 405 at it has a minimum age requirement of 55.

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