
Amazon introduces Kindle Fire

by Guest102409  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Amazon introduces Kindle Fire

 Tags: Amazon, fire, introduces, kindle



  1. Guest102410
    Amazon has confirmed its own tablet. This is Amazon Kindle Fire, a device with 7-inch screen that boasts cost $ 200, but has no camera, microphone or 3G connection possibility. The device has Android operating system, but with a customized Amazon interface style.

    The rumors have been confirmed. Amazon has decided to enter the tablet market with its own device. The company wants to deal with competitors like Apple and Samsung has its own or Motorola device. Amazon betting on innovation in price and services to address the well-established manufacturers.

    This is a very simple device on the supply of large companies. Amazon Kindle Fire has been designed with the intention to provide the main functionalities of a tablet with a much more affordable price. This company has dispensed with tools like the camera that often integrate this type of gadgets and microphone, according to Europa Press agencies

    Do you think Kindle Fire can be iPad competitors?

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