
Angela Suleman, Octuplet Grandmother

by Guest1496  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Octuplet grandmother Angela Suleman spoke to "The Early Show's" Maggie Rodriguez, the first interview she's given since cashing in with a videotaped interview for Radar Online in which she slammed her daughter and gave a tour of their cramped home.

After calling her daughter "unconscionable" Angela has softened some, saying "you can resent your daughter for just so long."

 Tags: Angela, Grandmother, Octuplet, Suleman



  1. Amit bang
    "I was actually very upset that my daughter had gone and done this in-vitro," Suleman said. "But after I saw them, you know, I thought, my goodness, these are my grandchildren. They're so tiny and fragile. I'll have to be there for them, you know, like I was for the others."

    She also said of paying for the six kids she has already been helping to raise that "my retirement check goes every month. it's just gone."

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