
Animation Agents

by Guest173  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Animation Agents

 Tags: agents, animation



  1. amomipais82
    Things change daily from day to day at the studios for what they are looking for.  Regime changes at the studios are also notorious for changing what they're looking for. Sometime you'll pitch a show and it's ready to sign on the dotted line then WHOOOSSHHH... someone from Nick moves to Disney and your project dies on the vine. Then you try and pitch it to where the guy you pitched it to moved to and they want something else now.

    Go everywhere and pitch. You may be at the right place at the right time and BINGO... your show's in production and on the fall line up.

    This happens so often my head spins and I should be used to it by now.

    Make sure you have a reversion clause if anyone wants to pick it up. Sometimes they'll 'warehouse' a project so no one else can make it. If the rights don't revert back to you over a reasonable amount of time you can't pitch it any where else. If they don't revert to you at all you're sunk on that project...forever.

    I hope this helps.

  2. jane

    Please post your question in detail so that it make some sense to answer.

    hope it helps
  3. amomipais82
    Things change daily from day to day at the studios for what they are looking for.  Regime changes at the studios are also notorious for changing what they're looking for. Sometime you'll pitch a show and it's ready to sign on the dotted line then WHOOOSSHHH... someone from Nick moves to Disney and your project dies on the vine. Then you try and pitch it to where the guy you pitched it to moved to and they want something else now.

    Go everywhere and pitch. You may be at the right place at the right time and BINGO... your show's in production and on the fall line up.

    This happens so often my head spins and I should be used to it by now.

    Make sure you have a reversion clause if anyone wants to pick it up. Sometimes they'll 'warehouse' a project so no one else can make it. If the rights don't revert back to you over a reasonable amount of time you can't pitch it any where else. If they don't revert to you at all you're sunk on that project...forever.

    I hope this helps.
  4. Guest4215
    Dear Sir / Mam ,            

    It's my honor to introduce our company ANIWAY , as a professional 3D , 2D CELL and  DIGITAL ANIMATION  STUDIO  to you .

    We are one of  the leading Concern   providing Animation CD / DVD based on different short stories , Animated  Music Video , Film , Serial , 3D VFX Video Footage , E Learning ,  Website Development Etc. Located in Barrackpore , Kolkata  India .

    We are having business relation with different companies in home and abroad all the time , such as IRELAND, GERMANY and ROMANIA  with long-term agreement .
    So we require agents who can provide animation projects .
    Thanks ,
    Amitava Sengupta

    Plz. Visit Our Web :


    CONT  +91-9230570506 , +91-9433300256 , +91- 033 64578100 / 200 / 400
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