
Are You Addicted to FarmVille too?

by Guest4577  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Addicted To FarmVille "Facebook Groupe"

 Tags: addicted, farmville



  1. amomipais82
    I've just found a bug on farmville that will give you an unlimited amount of experience points.. but i suggest you hurry as as soon as zynga realise they'll fix it!.. just click on a friends icon and click 'visit/help friends farm' then when your friends farm has loaded it will ask you to click 'accept' to help.. DON'T press accept, instead click on the same friends icon AGAIN and click 'visit/help friend farm' AGAIN.. this will reload the same friends farm.. repeat this process.. what this does is not only reload the friends farm again, it will reload the 'accept help' box again creating a backlog!! when you've done this for maybe 20 times (you can do it as many times as you want!) there will be 20 'accept' boxes waiting for you to press!! each giving you 5exp each time!! REMEMBER use this relaoding process on 1 friends farm at a time.. and only press 'accept' when you have reloaded the desired number of times.. 20 for example..

  2. Guest6242
    Yes, I play both Farmville and Fishville. According to December 2009 stats, Farmville and Cafe World are the Top 2 games on Facebook.
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