
Are all the teams in World Cup 2011 quarterfinals well and truly deserving ones?

by Guest8779  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Since the 1st round of the World Cup 2011 almost over, so are all the teams reaching the quarter finals very much deserving ones or it was all their luck?

 Tags: 2011, Cup, deserving, ones, quarterfinals, teams, truly, World



  1. Guest209
    If we look at all teams who are looking to make it up to the quarter final, they are those teams which have been in the top 10 rankings. So this would not be wrong to say that all the teams that are cruising into the quarter finals are not the deserving ones. Had it been a weaker team, this would have made the competition rather boring and one sided as we have seen in the previous two World Cups.

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