
Are there any types of diabetes?

by Guest7658  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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What are the types of diabetes, I have heard that diabetes can be classified into different categories, what is the difference between all the types, what risk do they pose to the human body?

 Tags: diabetes, types



  1. Guest3652

    There are different types and forms of diabetes. But there are three main types of diabetes which are

    Type 1 Diabetes

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Gestational Diabetes.

    Type 1 Diabetes is known as Juvenile Diabetes or Insulin Independent Diabetes. The type 1 of Diabetes can occur in different stages, but is most common in children, adolescents or the young adults. Insulin is a type of hormone which is produced by special types of cells which are called beta cells, and they are produced in pancreas, in the organ located behind your stomach. Insulin is also needed to remove blood sugar into cells, here is stored for later purposes for the conversion of energy. In the type 1 diabetes these types of cells produce are responsible for producing little or no insulin.

    The type 2 diabetes is much more common than the type 1 diabetes. It constitutes most of the cases of diabetes. It usually occurs in the adulthood. The young people are now increasingly being diagnosed with this disease. In this condition pancreas fail to make enough insulin in order to keep the glucose level to normal level, because the body of a person does not respond well to the insulin.

    The third type of diabetes is high blood glucose that is developed at the time of pregnancy in a woman who is not facing the problem of diabetes. Some women have gestational diabetes and they are at higher risk than the type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the later stages of life.


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