
Are there sight?

by Guest101632  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Almost all been there. It's kind of magical, inexplicable and unrepeatable connection shaking inside. According to Mariano Vázquez MartÃ_nez, sexologist and therapist Alicante (Spain), the issue to our "emotional illiteracy " and explains, "I believe that life produces encounters blowing up emotional resilience has so far ignored.

We are generally illiterate about we perfect emotional ". For the expert, that mystery pouring an exchange of glances no problem.

When you put us goosebumps

For many people, at first glance these arrows are a perfect combination of physics, chemistry, biology... and up. And that is the erotic attraction involves the skin and eyes, warm blood and exacerbates tenderness. Speaking of skin, you know what's the largest sexual organ?

The epidermis, for example, contains a large number of nerve endings, and the dermis has corpuscles collected tactile sensitivity, the pressure frÃ_oy. " A skin caressing and caressed, says sexologist Mexican David Martinez Barrios, " transforms into a giant sensory antenna is capable of giving and receiving pleasure. "

The crush of the senses

"Love at first sight" has much to do with the interaction of the five senses (sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing), or each one of them in particular.

It adds Dr. Barrios, " sensory stimuli that can trigger a sexual response and the brain is just integrator and effector organ of the total response of the body."

For those who are not experts in the field, but who have felt " butterflies in the stomach ", anywhere can be the perfect setting for lash seduction. Even a meeting. The short distances work great.

A chill that lasts a lifetime

Who would have occurred, and have something to say for life, an intimate story that will accompany you throughout your existence. It is an emotional thrill which you were previously unaware of and is based on a desired s*x encounter. If you also becomes durable... what more can we ask?

 Tags: sight



  1. Guest101945
    Almost all been there. It's kind of magical, inexplicable and unrepeatable connection shaking inside. According to Mariano Vázquez MartÃ_nez, sexologist and therapist Alicante (Spain), the issue to our "emotional illiteracy " and explains, "I believe that life produces encounters blowing up emotional resilience has so far ignored.

    We are generally illiterate about we perfect emotional ". For the expert, that mystery pouring an exchange of glances no problem.

    When you put us goosebumps

    For many people, at first glance these arrows are a perfect combination of physics, chemistry, biology... and up. And that is the erotic attraction involves the skin and eyes, warm blood and exacerbates tenderness. Speaking of skin, you know what's the largest sexual organ?

    The epidermis, for example, contains a large number of nerve endings, and the dermis has corpuscles collected tactile sensitivity, the pressure frÃ_oy. " A skin caressing and caressed, says sexologist Mexican David Martinez Barrios, " transforms into a giant sensory antenna is capable of giving and receiving pleasure. "

    The crush of the senses

    "Love at first sight" has much to do with the interaction of the five senses (sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing), or each one of them in particular.

    It adds Dr. Barrios, " sensory stimuli that can trigger a sexual response and the brain is just integrator and effector organ of the total response of the body."

    For those who are not experts in the field, but who have felt " butterflies in the stomach ", anywhere can be the perfect setting for lash seduction. Even a meeting. The short distances work great.

    A chill that lasts a lifetime

    Who would have occurred, and have something to say for life, an intimate story that will accompany you throughout your existence. It is an emotional thrill which you were previously unaware of and is based on a desired s*x encounter. If you also becomes durable... what more can we ask?
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