
Australia Day on the beach

by Guest4192  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Please detail me how Aussies spend their national day on the beaches and what kind of celebrations do they have there?

 Tags: Australia, beach, Day



  1. Guest3256
    The national day of Australia is celebrated annually on 26 January by Aussies. On Australia Day, over half of the nation’s population of 21 million attend either an organized community event, or get together with family and friends with the intention of celebrating our national day mostly a day at the beaches. Celebrate the Australian spirit at an Australia Day Lunch, which is organized at the beaches in the country. The beaches in the country are always a favorite for families on Australia Day and people arrived early to get a place to hang for the day.
    Bondi Beach, in Sydney, is one of the lucky beaches in Australia where so many people celebrate Australia Day in good spirits, and enjoy everyone’s culture, whilst saying we are all Australians.
    The famous Australia Day dunny races are held in front of the Sunshine Coast’s and this Australian tradition is a true spectacle to watch. Games, races and other entertainment for the kids take place inside Aussie World, with a range of passes on offer at various prices.

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