

by Guest1907  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Please help ok well I have braces and I have had them for 4 years now! And all I had was a gap and a big overbite I wanted too know how come I had braces fdor so long and I don't really wear my rubberbands but now I am but today I went to the orthodontist and niw I have 2 rubberbands in the right and left side so that's 4 and now it hurts and I can't open my mouth why do I have 2 rubberbands in the left and right side? Why isn't the braces working? I still have an overbite and my gums are a little puffy so they sometimes bleed.. what should I do I want y braces off now! And last question have you had braces for more thn 4 years? Thank you




  1. Guest8732
    i have those rubber bands too there meant to be sore . if you wear them everyday the less sore it will be. the elastics are for correcting your over bite and to position the jaw line. id say you will get them off in around 6months ? ive only had mine for over a year now should be getting them off soon but my friend has hers for nearly 6 yrs!the more you wear your elastics and less you break your wires the quicker you will get them off ! hope this helped :)

  2. Guest965
    Ive had rubber bands 4 only like 2 moths but the time i have had them i can tell they have helped.ive noticed that when i dont were them 4 a while me mouth starts 2 ache more then if i do wear tem
  3. Guest4903
    Ive had rubber bands 4 only like 2 moths but the time i have had them i can tell they have helped.ive noticed that when i dont were them 4 a while me mouth starts 2 ache more then if I do wear them.
  4. Guest2350
    its because you didnt wear your rubber bands, thats probably why it is taking longer. I'm wearing rubber bands right now and the first couple of days i had to have them on were really painful. But after a while my mouth got used to it and they dont hurt at all anymore, just some slight pressure. Also you say your gums are puffy and sometimes bleed...that seems like signs of gingivitis. you shouldn't be having that problem if you brush and floss your teeth regularly. You should probably go to a dentist to check your gums because it could lead to other health problems.
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