
BenQ W5000 projector, half screen is b&w stripes, what's wrong?

by Guest8266  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Have a BenQ W5000 projector. the right side of the screen went completely white while watching television.  powered the unit off and now the right side of the screen is nothing but verticle black and white stripes, the left side of the screen appears normal.  What could the problem be?

 Tags: BenQ, BW, half, Projector, screen, stripes, W5000, Whats, wrong



  1. Guest4914
    I'm getting the same issue but on the left side of the screen.
    Very odd, just started happening. The projector is about 50 hours into it's second lamp. I shutdown/restarted the projector and it was okay for a few minutes but then back to the alternating black and white vertical bars on the left half of the screen.

  2. Guest2179
    YMMV...Turn W5000 off, wait for cooling fan to turn off, flip the on/off manual switch to off, wait for the indicator lights to go out. Unplug everything.
    Stand the unit up vertically on it's left side (the side with the filter).
    Wait 5 minutes.
    Return the unit to normal seating. Plug everything back in. Turn on.

    That worked for me for now. We'll see if it continues to work for the next buncha hours.
  3. Guest8406
    I have also seen this issue and I am about 50-100 hours into my second lamp. I tried the "turn off and stand sideways for a while" trick, and upon powering it back on it was only good for about 5 miuntes. I am now finding that turning it off for about 1 hour gives my back about 5 minutes of viewing time before the defect begins. However if I wait for a whole day I can not get more than 15 minutes of correct operation.

    Did you eventually solve this problem? Thanks for any advice.
  4. Guest5866
    Original poster here.  I sent my projector back to BenQ to get repaired and they found that the control board was defective and needed replaced.  Appearantly BenQ had some suspect control boards that didn't have enough solder on them or something to that effect.  If it is out of warranty, mine was 3 weeks out, it will cost you about $500 to fix.
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