
Best movie of the year 2010?

by Guest6677  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Please list me the best movie of the year 2010. I want your opinions about it and mine vote is for the inception. Please share your opinions about the best movie.

 Tags: 2010, Movie



  1. Guest820

    The best movie for this year is Inception. You can watch this online in HD quality at

  2. Guest8198

    I like the Expendables, watched it here in good quality HD and sound.     .

  3. Guest2401

  4. Guest9973

     The year 2010 saw many new films released worldwide. 2010 saw a dramatic increase and prominence in the use of 3D-technology in filmmaking and movie releases. There are so many successful movies of 2010 and I am not sure if I can do justice by mentioning the best one. So instead this is a brief list of movies that I loved and which were released in 2010.

    1 . Prince of Persia

    2. Inception

    3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

    Many animated movies also got released in that year and below are the three movies of my choise:

    1. How to Train Your Dragon

    2. Despicable Me

    3.Shrek Forever After (Shrek 4)

  5. Guest3873

    For me it is inception. is the site from where i  enjoyed this movie.


  6. Guest1701

    Black Swan is the best movie of 2010. I assured untill you don't watch this you can't judge so watch this once.

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