
Blackberry corporate customers able to use the service only Blackberry’s consumer system is down, is this true

by Jack Fisher  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Blackberry corporate customers are still able to use the service only Blackberry’s consumer system is down, is this true
I just talked to a friend of mine who is a corporate customer of Blackberry and to my surprise she is still able to send and receive emails, text messages and all other services.  She said all the people in her office had no down time.  From this it likes like the Blackberry downtime problems are only with consumer systems.
I’m sure Blackberry makes more money from the consumers compared to the corporate but even more interesting is this questions, how come they can keep the corporate system up but yet the consumer side of things is out of order?
These are the kinds of things that allow the competitors to gain market share and since Apple is already leading the pack, Blackberry’s owner RIM needs to act fast. Loyal customers like me who are loyal for two reasons:
1. I don’t believe in monopolies which is why I am supporting Blackberry over Iphone
2. I think Blackberry (RIM) is a real contender
If these problems continue I would have to readjust my loyalty meter.
Am I the only one who thinks if RIM does not act fast; it will be hard for them to compete in the future?

 Tags: able, Blackberry, Blackberrys, consumer, Corporate, customers, service, System, true

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Jack Fisher


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