

by Guest2777  |  13 years, 8 month(s) ago

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 Tags: Beijing, business, cecilia, development, director, finaly, fire, hok, INTERNATIONAL, Lee, ltd.



  1. Guest9437

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  2. Guest6555

    How Did Cecilia Lee ( Li Xiaoxi) the Former Marketing Director of HOK, China Gave a Raise to Get a Raise from her Boss Patrick Sloan


    The s*x-scandal erupted when video and over 500 pictures was made publicly available and online showing Cecilia Lee the Marketing Director of HOK in China undressing in a hotel room and posing in front of the camera at the time that she was hired to work for HOK in Beijing office. In addition, s*x chats and s*x messages also discovered in a seized computers and a phone that was used by Cecilia Lee that unveiled the sexual nature of the relationship in between the boss and his employee/mistress, where Patrick Sloan (the boss), who is married (at least for now), the former Vice-President, Director of Design for HOK, one of the world’s leading architecture firms suggesting to Cecilia Lee, who is the employee/mistress, to have s*x and to watch pornography movies at Cecilia’s apartment.

    Rumors of Patrick Sloan’s extramarital affairs and the infidelities with Cecilia Lee, who was also married at the time, have been whispered in HOK office in Beijing, China for many years. Fear of retaliation from Patrick Sloan, who was the boss anchorage over HOK office in China, has kept the story from being exposed till his departure from HOK.

    For detail view on what was discovered click here

    Who is Cecilia Lee?

    Cecilia Lee is a daughter of Chinese scholars who was exposed recently for committing academic fraud: Known to the Western World as Cecilia Lee was born in the Northern part of China in 1969 under the name Xiaoxi Li (or Li Xiaoxi). Ironically, Cecilia Lee was born to well educated family and she grew up in Beijing Jiaotong University, where her father Professor Li Gen Cheng is teaching civil infrastructure and her mother Professor Cheng Guihua teaching architecture according to Cecilia. Cecilia Lee got married at least twice and divorced twice.

    In her personal life Cecilia Lee could be described as a female carnivore with an extremely elevated need for s*x, it said by her business colleagues and schoolmates. From her s*x chat with Patrick Sloan we have learned that Cecilia Lee is very experienced and imaginative sexual partner and an “active agent of free love”.

    What does Cecilia Lee have to say in her own behalf?

    Five years ago, when the rumor first surfaced, Cecilia Lee, who was 36 at the time, emphatically stated that “Nothing happened” between herself and Patrick Sloan. However, over 50 pages of explicit details of sexual encounters between Patrick Sloan and his employee/mistress Cecilia Lee was discovered. The most notorious of these involved using a pencil and beer bottles as a s*x aid.

    Why Cecilia Lee did need to give a raise to get a job?

    Patrick Sloan has abused his power in HOK office in Beijing China for personal gain and sexual favors from disqualified applicant for employment at HOK. Cecilia Lee, who graduated from NO university in China or in the Western Hemisphere possesses no degree in economics, finance, and architecture or in law as she claims.

    Cecilia Lee’s claims of fame is earning dual Master’s Degrees, one of which, she obtained from Thunderbird School of Global Management, a private business school in the United States, and the first and oldest graduate school specializing in international management and global business and the second Master Degree from Arizona State University was founded to be fraudulent and fabricated at best.

    Cecelia Lee claims to be graduated student with Highway Engineering Degree from Tongji University in Shanghai, China. However, her Diploma submitted to Thunderbird is demonstrating that she has graduated from the Foreign Language Institute in Beijing.

    Cecilia Lee for the past 5 and a half years has obtained numerous recognitions for her fabricated accomplishments including the recognition for Women in Business in China, which aims at empowering and recognizing women for their business successes and has been participating in national forums and in other public events on behalf of HOK introducing her fraudulent background in order to win business for HOK

    Cecilia Lee’s s*x-addiction

    Cecilia Lee had previously been confronted with numerous allegations of sexual misconduct while she was still married, most notably in regard to an alleged long-term relationship with construction manager Mr. Lu Ha Min of China Construction, with whom she had sexual relation with at the same period that she was cheating on her husband with Patrick Sloan and at least five other guys.

    Cecilia Lee has posted her totally node and uncensored pictures online

    Totally naked and uncensored pictures of Cecilia Lee have been posted online by Cecilia Lee and on social network, where her friends and relatives could see them. Cecilia Lee also felt that it is appropriate for her to send her naked pictures to strangers, whom she never met via emails. Amazingly, Cecilia Lee did not understand that they are totally inappropriate and did not express any regret for the embarrassment that it has caused to her employer, HOK, and to her parents and to her two children. The nude photos were posted at visited by over 170,000.00 people in a matter of a few days.

    Here are some of the comments and remarks which viewers left online relating to obscene pictures, which was displayed by Cecilia Lee. Those comments was verified and certified for the authenticity and notarized by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China in 2005:

    “Beijing Sister” (“京姐”) was the username which was most commonly used by Cecilia Lee at

    标题: 。 (1405 reads) 时间: 2005-8-19 周五, 上午1:52京姐

    Subject: —– “Beijing Sister” on 2005-8-19 at 1:52 am

    • 京姐照得好细腻,连花心都看的那末清楚。。。 — master98 – (0 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午9:41 (58 reads)

    “Beijing Sister’s” picture was taken so meticulous that the core of flower (her v****a) can be seen clearly —–master98 on 2005-8-19 at 9:41 am

    • 看见了,京姐姐拍生殖器官的相片!!!!!!!!太可怕了。 — 笑狮子 – (21 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午8:13 (190 reads)

    Yes , I did see . Photo of “Beijing Sister’s” v****a!!!!! Too terrible!!!! ——-smiling lion at 8:13 am on 2005-8-19

    • 想不到京姐这个人这么不道德,那样的照片都敢贴,啧啧 — 26°C – (0 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午4:01 (56 reads)

    I did not expect “Beijing Sister” is so immoral, she even upload her pornographic nude photo —-26C on 2005-8-19 at 4:01

    • 茸茸的花芯 — 悍马 – (0 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午3:53 (45 reads)

    Downy core of flower (her v****a) —-hanma on 2005-8-19 at 3:53 am

    • 那是花心吗? — 龍心忘我 – (0 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午3:50 (52 reads)

    That is the core of flower? (Her v****a) —-2005-8-19 at 3:50 am

    • 第四张真黄啊!! — Canker – (0 Byte) 2005-8-19 周五, 上午2:27 (51 reads)

    The No 4 photo is so indecent!!! — Canker on 2005-8-19 at 2:27 am

    These pictures were posted online for all to see and are, as you can all imagine – featuring all her body parts uncensored. The Chinese Minister of Justice that authenticated her pictures declared that those uncensored naked pictures of Cecilia Lee and her online posting are not safe for general consumption.

    The history repeats itself

    Cecilia Lee’s old friends and colleagues say “Cecilia Lee the Marketing Director of HOK office in Beijing, China, just like in the case of Tiger Woods needs to undergo s*x-addiction therapy” and Dr. Zoldbrod from In-depth treatment for sexual addiction center in Boston says that “When people start to look for help in dealing with sexual or pornography addiction they often state that they feel out of control. They have tried to stop and set limits on themselves, but have found they are back where they started. Many have made promises to spouses, to partners, even to themselves that this will be the last time… but then find themselves in the same place wondering “How did I get here again?” They ask themselves full of anger and despair, “How could I do this again?”


  3. Guest3201

    Cecilia Lee, If you donot stop to cheat, defraud and slander, you will be fired by your new company just as you claim you found a new job. HOWEVER, Cecilia Lee, do you think you can find so-called great job without edcuation? I think in your imagination....., maybe you also want to play the same old trick by f*****g with the potentail boss for a job...., BUT too difficult for men to be interested in you!!!

  4. Guest8303

    Cecilia Lee in here pretends to be somebody trying to say " she resigned the job at HOK and found a great job", Cecilia Lee is really a shameless woman, Cecilia Lee was fired together with her s*x partner Partrick Sloan because the s*x scandal and also her education fraud as well as corruption.


  5. Guest7432






  6. Guest928

     Ms. Lee has resigned and has continued to find a great job with another company.

    Her jealous, crazy ex-husband, Ron Nechemia, who has slandered her all over the web should be ashamed to have released private photos of her. What is really sad, is that their children will pay the price. 

  7. Guest8465

    Have they been fired for the s*x scandal that was erupted when video and over 500 pictures was made publicly available and online showing Cecilia Lee the Marketing Director of HOK in China undressing in a hotel room and posing in front of the camera at the time that she was hired to work for HOK in Beijing office or for defrauding and falsifying her education and work history? Maybe she was fired for bribing government officials or for giving kickback to executive of state owned enterprises that granted architecture, interior design, engineering, planning and consulting contracts to HOK? MAYBE SHE WAS FIRED FOR ALL THE REASONS TOGETHER?

  8. Guest6646

    Have they been fired for the s*x scandal that was erupted when video and over 500 pictures was made publicly available and online showing Cecilia Lee the Marketing Director of HOK in China undressing in a hotel room and posing in front of the camera at the time that she was hired to work for HOK in Beijing office or for defrauding and falsifying her education and work history? Maybe she was fired for bribing government officials or for giving kickback to executive of state owned enterprises that granted architecture, interior design, engineering, planning and consulting contracts to HOK? MAYBE SHE WAS FIRED FOR ALL THE REASONS TOGETHER?

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