
Can I get the name of Australian Holiday events?

by Guest1892  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I need to know about the unique events that takes place in Australia during the vacations.

 Tags: Australian, events, Holiday, name



  1. Guest7982
    At Australian Holidays, we're proud to support unique Australian Events that celebrate the unique culture, lifestyle and sporting prowess of our nation. Here are just some of the events you can join in and cheer along or participate in:
    - Gold Coast Bazaar, The Gold Coast explodes with color and excitement as the inaugural GC Bazaar takes off in June. A festival of fun, food and fashion.
    - Gold Coast Airport Marathon, in which over 14,500 participants participates.
    - Noosa Enduro, a 100km mountain biking adventure.
    - Whale Watching Season, The best place in the world to see migrating humpback whales.
    - Noosa Half Marathon, 21km race through beautiful Noosa on the Sunshine Coast of Australia.
    - Noosa Jazz Festival, which features 120 artists performing in over 25 restaurants over this four day event.
    - Gold Coast Half Ironman Triathlon and Lexmark Indy.

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