
Can a computer work well without antivirus and registry cleaner ?

by Guest3131  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Can a computer work well without antivirus and registry cleaner ?

 Tags: Antivirus, Cleaner, computer, Registry



  1. amomipais82
    You can opt for a single program offering comprehensive protection against viruses and spyware. In the same way, you can also opt for different programs if the idea of two solutions sounds better than a single one. Both programs will protect your registry.

    Why do people opt for independent registry cleaner programs? Your registry is the most important part of your operating system. It deserves special, unique and independent protection. Only registry cleaner programs can provide the level of protection that your computer's registry requires. Rather than letting multiple programs make a hash of the task of protecting your registry, it makes sense to use a single program that offers the best possible protection. It is a mistake to rely on complicated and cumbersome programs to protect your registry. Relying on lighter and simpler registry cleaner programs is a much better option.

  2. Guest1240
    In reply to your question I would say yes the computer can work well without antivirus and registry cleaner if you do not use Linux instead of the Windows Operating system you do not have to worry about any virus attacks.
  3. Guest6403
    I would like to rectify the answer given by "Guest12379687"

    It should be If you use Linux instead of Windows.

    Thanks and regards
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