
Can you actually blow an engine?

by Guest4487  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Can you blow an engine if the rpm is too high? I've never heard of it happening except in drag racers and in video games, but never actually seen it or heard of it happening in a normal car

 Tags: actually, Blow, engine?



  1. Guest6406
    YES U can but not blow but yeah the tern used for it is Engine Blown.I did MIne In abbottabad Pakistan i never knew that the oil get leaked from my engine but i kept on driveing it fast and then first there was a sound from the pistons then a LOud Bang with sum smoke the Engine was blown..

  2. Guest4217
    I think,"yes" but that is coz of driving your car in a low gear for a longer period of time, its true, I havent heard it myself.
  3. Guest3258
    no its not if u drive ur car in lower gear ur Engine get seased but blowing the engine is completely different.....
  4. Guest888
    I believe that if an engine has too much pressure building up within, and no way to contain it, it would blow. Am i right?
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