
Capital Venture,Capital Venture Funding,Sourcing for Capital Venture

by Capital Venture  |  12 years, 5 month(s) ago

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We provide loan for Business owners only, the name of our loan agency is NPA LOANS LTD.
We assist Business seeking Financial Capital for legal Venture; first you must prove us with some deals as stated below.
1.) Company registration
2.) Prove of Personality such as international Passport
3.) Prove of residential Address
Be informed that the entire above mentioned certificate will be confirmed by your country embassy. We offer urge Loans Capital, ranging from $500.000USDollars to a maximum of $5.000.000 US Dollars.
Please don’t contact us if you are not qualified with the above stranded!!!
For more details contact email:
Contact Person: Mrs. ANNA MAPCO
The possibility of getting a Loan with the NPA LOANS LTD is based on approval, which will be after submission of application, and be informed that the taken loan would have to be paid back with a period of 4 years, at interest of 2.5%, deteriorating to comply with the dead-line pay-back period of time, we will direct your company name to a black listed.
We empower your company financial image.

 Tags: Capital, FundingSourcing, venture, VentureCapital

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