
Cars 2 spy adventure

by Guest101448  |  10 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Cars 2 spy adventure

 Tags: adventure, CARS, Spy



  1. Guest101761
    Now Disney Studios in June premiere the second installment of Cars, the Pixar film number 12 and is directed by John Lasseter and Brad Lewis.

    According to the producers, this second parterobará the hearts of young and old and bring moviegoers to the race track, but this time to travel the world yvivir a great adventure of espionage.

    The star of the race cars, "Lightning" McQueen and Mater take their friendship to exciting destinations when crossing the ocean to participaren elprimer World Grand Prix to determine what the car ma, s fast world.

    Cars 2 features a cast of new cars among which include secret agents, menacing villains and international racing competitors remarkable.

    Lasseter, who won the Golden Globe for the first installment of Cars, debuted as a film director in 1995 with Toy Story. Since then he has directed classic Disney - Pixar as A Bug's Life Toy Story 2 and Cars. Today, it is the creative director of Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios.

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