
Change a fuse in your home in 6 Easy Steps

by Guest101573  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Often, maintenance and home repairs are reserved for men. Fortunately, this idea is becoming increasingly obsolete. For example, to change a fuse does not necessarily have to be an electrical technician, in reality it is a very simple task, just do it and know to be careful. Here we offer a series of steps to do it without problem:

Cut the power. Lower lever switch on the light (the famous switch, which contains the fuses). NEVER manipulate wiring without cutting off the power.

Identifies which fuse that no longer serves, this can be done by withdrawing first one and then another, with tweezers. Once you've taken both sides unscrew and remove the filament (the shim that is inside the cylinder) is complete and if that still serves fuse if burned, do not mean that you will encontradoel changed.

Replace the fuse with a new one. Now if you prefer, you can change only the filament in the supermarkets (in the hardware department) or hardware stores sell the parts you do not have to spend more and burning.

Carefully place one by one cylinder in place. Check that they are well placed, pressed hard to make full contact with the electrodes.

Since you made sure that they are well placed, close the door switch. Make sure it is securely closed.

Finally, back up the switch lever and,bingo, you will see as light does.

As you see it is very simple, but you must be very easy to work Queuña cuidadoya can do dangerous if you do not take adequate measures. If the switch is in the open, NEVER try to change a fuse if it is raining and the surface is wet because you are exposed to an electric shock. Your safety is paramount.

For all this fits you clear, you have a video, although it is quite home, quickly explained the basics, we hope you serve.

 Tags: Change, easy, fuse, home, steps



  1. Guest101886
    Often, maintenance and home repairs are reserved for men. Fortunately, this idea is becoming increasingly obsolete. For example, to change a fuse does not necessarily have to be an electrical technician, in reality it is a very simple task, just do it and know to be careful. Here we offer a series of steps to do it without problem:

    Cut the power. Lower lever switch on the light (the famous switch, which contains the fuses). NEVER manipulate wiring without cutting off the power.

    Identifies which fuse that no longer serves, this can be done by withdrawing first one and then another, with tweezers. Once you've taken both sides unscrew and remove the filament (the shim that is inside the cylinder) is complete and if that still serves fuse if burned, do not mean that you will encontradoel changed.

    Replace the fuse with a new one. Now if you prefer, you can change only the filament in the supermarkets (in the hardware department) or hardware stores sell the parts you do not have to spend more and burning.

    Carefully place one by one cylinder in place. Check that they are well placed, pressed hard to make full contact with the electrodes.

    Since you made sure that they are well placed, close the door switch. Make sure it is securely closed.

    Finally, back up the switch lever and,bingo, you will see as light does.

    As you see it is very simple, but you must be very easy to work Queuña cuidadoya can do dangerous if you do not take adequate measures. If the switch is in the open, NEVER try to change a fuse if it is raining and the surface is wet because you are exposed to an electric shock. Your safety is paramount.

    For all this fits you clear, you have a video, although it is quite home, quickly explained the basics, we hope you serve.

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