
Comparison of Pakistan and Indian Army

by Guest4881  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Pakistan and India are arch rivals, I am looking for a brief comparison of Pakistan and Indian Army.

 Tags: Army, Comparison, Indian, Pakistan



  1. Guest3752

     Indian and Pakistani militaries get the maximum chunk of the budget allocation. India is the second largest military manpower in  the world. While Pakistan’s  military manpower consisits of  1,449,000 personell. Pakistan’s ground forces are equipped with American or Chinese weapons like FIM 92 Stinger SAMs, BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missiles, T-82 tanks and other equipments, while their Indian counterparts are equipped with mostly home-made and Soviet technologies like IR guided 9K35 Strela-10 SAMs, 3rd Gen IR guided Nag anti-tank missiles, UAVs and a large inventory of tanks and support vehicles.

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