
Counselling and Care Corner of SIM Singapore

by Guest2768  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I’m an advanced diploma student from Raffles College of Higher Education and I want to take a Part-time Diploma course in NUS Singapore. I want to Counseling and Care Corner of SIM Singapore

 Tags: care, corner, counselling, sim, singapore



  1. Guest3742
    SIM University presents its uniqueness of lifelong learning for adult learners with its flexibility of programmes. University life can be fun and exciting, but, it can also present many stressful moments for those who have left school for many years. Managing the demands of work, family, and studies can create a high level of anxiety and stress. Help is available for students to tap on.
    C-three offers a safe and conducive environment for clients with personal challenges to seek help and guidance from professional counselling psychologist(s) and counsellors. Counselling services are offered to everyone regardless of race, language, or religion. C-three promotes wellness and self-awareness in an individual for normal functioning. Its primary objective is to promote the holistic development of behavioural and mental health of students at UniSIM and SIM-GE through professional counselling. Its secondary objective is to serve as a practicum site for students in the counselling programme at UniSIM, and to provide opportunities for them to put into practice the theories and techniques learnt during the course of their studies. The team, comprising of professional counsellors, counsellors-in-training and a centre administrator, is committed to provide counselling services to individuals of all ages, gender, ethnicity, and ability.

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