
Criteria and requirements to qualify for disability

by Guest4656  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Criteria and requirements to qualify for disability

 Tags: criteria, Disability, qualify, requirements



  1. Guest8167

     To qualify for disability, either for social security disability or ssi disability, you need to successfully get through two different sets of criteria established by the social security administration with regard to their disability benefit programs. 

    The first set of criteria has nothing to do with your condition, but everything to do with basic eligibility for either program. For the social security disability program and the ssi program, a disability claimant cannot work and earn more than an amount equal to or greater than what is known as SGA, or substantial gainful activity. To learn about sga, visit this site's definition section. 

    The second set of criteria, of course, has everything to do with a claimant's medical, psychological, or psychiatric condition. Essentially, the process works this: an applicant for ssdi (social security disability insurance) or ssi benefits contacts an SSA field office and requests that an application be taken for disability benefits. After such a request has been made, an appointment will be set to do an in-office interview or a telephone interview. Following this interview, and the completion of an applicant's paperwork, the disability file will be transferred to a state-level agency that is assigned the task of evaluating a claim for disability and making a decision. That agency is known, in most states as DDS, otherwise referred to as Disability Determination Services. 

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