
Current certificates issued by CBFC

by Guest8524  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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I am want to know more about the certificates issued by CBFC current a report on Indian foreign relations, I need someone to help me with this topic, I would be thankful.

 Tags: CBFC, certificates, current, issued



  1. Guest2801

     CBFC stands for the Central Board of Film Certification India. The CBFC currently issues the following certificates.

    Symbol Name Definition/Notes

    U Universal All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children. Films under this category should not upset children over 4. This rating is similar to the MPAA's G, the BBFC's U, and the OFLC's G ratings.

    U/A Parental Guidance All ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for children under 12. This rating is similar to the MPAA's PG-13, the BBFC's 12A, and the OFLC's PG and M ratings.

    A Adults Only Only adults are admitted.

    Nobody younger than 18 may rent or buy an 18-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category do not have limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and strong violence/s*x references along with non-detailed sexual activity is also allowed. This rating is similar to the MPAA's R and NC-17, the BBFC's 18, and the OFLC's MA and R ratings.

    S Restricted to any special class of persons This rating signifies that the film is meant for a specialised audience, such as doctors.

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