
Dealing with an abusive brother. My brother is a terrible person. He has hit me very hard on more

by Guest3878  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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My brother is a terrible person. He has hit me very hard on more than one occasion. He is constantly calling me nasty names that I refuse to repeat. He tells me I should have been aborted and I have no reason to exist. He has threatened to kill me multiple times. He is always yelling at me and cursing. Moving out is not an option, I have no where else to go and as of now I cannot find employment. I have tried talking to other family members, nobody seems to believe me or does not want to intervene. This is not his house, he does not pay any bills. My fathers pays everything but will not kick him out. He and his wife live here and she does nothing but stands there and watches him do this to me. She also lives here and does not pay any bills.  ( I was staying here before my dad allowed them both to move in.) Earlier this year, his ex-girlfriend had dumped her cat off on us and I was taken care of it. My brother would abuse her, he used to hit her very hard. I tried to stop him but he put me in a choke hold and I couldn't breathe, then he slammed me against the wall. The cat then disappeared and he told me he killed her. I cannot call the police, I have no evidence to back up my claims. He is an awful horrible person and I have no way to get away from him. I try to avoid him as much as possible but until I find work, I cannot afford to move out. Nobody will help me. I'm at my wits end and I don't know what to do anymore. Can anybody offer me any advice? I honestly feel about ready to jump off a bridge. After losing my mother last year due to medical malpractice...there's not much more I can take.. he is such a horrible person that every time he went to see her..he would make her cry...she was dying and that's all he ever did.

 Tags: Abusive, brother, dealing



  1. Guest2619
    I have to deal with the same problems with my brother, he abuses me verbuly and physicaly, He once hurt me so bad that my face had a cut running from my eyebrow to the corner of my lip. It didnt want to heal for weeks, I even had to go to school like that, I had to explain to everyone that i fell down the stairs, (I had to make something up, who's going to belive me that my brother abuses me), from then it hasnt gotten any better, my parents dont listen to me and my friends think im over exaggarating. Nobody is listening to me.

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