
Details about New Zealand secondary schools

by Guest435  |  12 years, 11 month(s) ago

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My brother wants to move New Zealand; he wants to know some details about New Zealand secondary schools so that he can easily continue his study there.

 Tags: details, schools, secondary, Zealand



  1. Guest6756
    High school in New Zealand usually begins at 13 years of age beginning at the year nine level. Core subjects are offered during year nine and 10 - English or Maori, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies and Physical Education. Generally a couple of elective subjects are also taken. To understand the schooling system in New Zealand, the Ministry of Education has published a guide to schooling which looks at what schools teach and how schools are run. The students begin the National Certificate of Achievement (NCEA) in Year 11, working towards a qualification to gain entry into their tertiary institution of choice.
    NCEA is a new national qualification for New Zealand secondary school students. Implemented throughout New Zealand schools in 2002, NCEA is the current path to tertiary education. Many schools in New Zealand have been experiencing an increase in the number of students that come from a non English speaking background. These students help bring diversity to a school, and add awareness to a school learning environment.

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