
Details about Singapores Central Business District?

by Guest8229  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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My brother an internee journalist, my task is to write and gather updated information of the current happenings. I am wondering about details about Singapore’s Central Business District?

 Tags: business, Central, details, District, Singapores



  1. Guest1474
    Singapore's Central Business District actually spreads across both the central and southern parts of the island (you'll know when you're there - it boasts striking high-rise structures). You can get a good visual orientation to the city as you cross the Benjamin Sheares Bridge on the East Coast Parkway, which links the airport to the city center. The Singapore cityscape looks magnificent, particularly at night when buildings are brilliantly lit. Offshore, there appears to be another city all lit up because of the many ships anchored there - Singapore is one of the busiest seaports in the world.

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