
Details about geography of Philippines

by Guest7298  |  13 years ago

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Philippines is one of the renowned city of Southeast Asia. I am looking for the detail about the geography of Philippines. Can someone provide me with the detail about the geography of Philippines?

 Tags: details, geography, philippines



  1. Guest8558

    The Philippines officially renowned as the Republic of the Philippines, is a homeland in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. The Philippines is an cluster of 7,107 islands with a total land locality, encompassing inland bodies of water, of roughly 300,000 square kilometers (116,000 square miles). Its 36,289 kilometers (22,549 miles) of seashore makes it the homeland with the 5th longest coastline in the world. It is present between 116° 40', and 126° 34' E. longitude and 4° 40' and 21° 10' N. latitude and is separated by the Philippine Sea to the east, the South China Sea to the west, and the Celebes Sea to the south. The isle of Borneo is present at couple of hundred kilometers southwest and Taiwan is present exactly to the north. The Moluccas and Sulawesi are present to the south-southwest and Palau is present to the east of the islands. Most of the mountainous isles are enclosed in tropical rainforest and volcanic in origin. The largest hill is Mount Apo. It assesses up to 2,954 meters (9,692 feet) overhead ocean grade and is established on the isle of Mindanao. The Galathea Depth in the Philippine Trench is the deepest issue in the homeland and the third deepest in the world. The trench is established in the Philippine Sea. The longest stream is the Cagayan River in to the north Luzon. Manila Bay, upon the seashore of which the capital town of Manila lies, is attached to Laguna de Bay, the biggest lagoon in the Philippines, by the Pasig River. Subic Bay, the Davao Gulf, and the Moro Gulf are other significant bays. The San Juanico Strait divides the isles of Samar and Leyte but it is crossed by the San Juanico Bridge.

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