
Dial an Insult Australia (03) 96502997

by Guest1047  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Dial an Insult Australia (03) 96502997

 Tags: 03, 96502997, Australia, dial, insult



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    <div class="dablink">Due to <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Naming_conventions_(technical_restrictions)#Forbidden_characters" title="Wikipedia:Naming conventions (technical restrictions)">technical restraints</a>, A# redirects here. For other uses, see <a href="/wiki/A-sharp" title="A-sharp">A-sharp</a>.</div>
    <div class="dablink">This article is about the letter.  For the indefinite article, see <a href="/wiki/A_and_an" title="A and an" class="mw-redirect">A and an</a>.  For other uses, see <a href="/wiki/A_(disambiguation)" title="A (disambiguation)">A (disambiguation)</a>.</div>
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    <td class="mbox-image"><img alt="" src="" width="37" height="40" /></td>
    <td class="mbox-text" style="">Look up <i><b><a href="" class="extiw" title="wiktionary:A">A</a></b></i>&#160;or <i><b><a href="" class="extiw" title="wiktionary:a">a</a></b></i> in <a href="/wiki/Wiktionary" title="Wiktionary">Wiktionary</a>, the free dictionary.</td>
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    <div class="floatnone"><a href="/wiki/File:Latin_alphabet_Aa.svg" class="image" title="A"><img alt="A" src="" width="130" height="37" /></a></div>
    <th colspan="6" style="background:#ccf;padding:.4em;-moz-border-radius:.25em;-webkit-border-radius:.25em;border-radius:.25em;">Basic <a href="/wiki/Latin_alphabet" title="Latin alphabet">Latin alphabet</a></th>
    <tr style="text-align:center;">
    <td width="16.6667%"><strong class="selflink">Aa</strong></td>
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    <p>The letter <b>A</b> is the first <a href="/wiki/Letter_(alphabet)" title="Letter (alphabet)">letter</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Latin_alphabet" title="Latin alphabet">Latin alphabet</a>, a <a href="/wiki/Vowel" title="Vowel">vowel</a>. Its name in <a href="/wiki/English_language" title="English language">English</a> (<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><span title="pronunciation:"><img alt="play" src="" width="11" height="11" /></span> <span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English" title="Wikipedia:IPA for English">/</a></span><span class="IPA"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key" title="Wikipedia:IPA for English"><span title="primary stress" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">ˈ</span></a></span><span class="IPA"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English#Key" title="Wikipedia:IPA for English"><span title="long 'a' in 'bade'" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">eɪ</span></a></span><span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA"><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English" title="Wikipedia:IPA for English">/</a></span></span>) is spelled ‹<b>a</b>›; the plural is <i>aes,</i> although this is rare.<sup id="cite_ref-OED_0-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-OED-0"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a></sup> A is also similar to the Ancient Greek letter <a href="/wiki/Alpha" title="Alpha">Alpha</a>, which it is based on.</p>
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    <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href="#Origins"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Origins</span></a></li>
    <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href="#Usage"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Usage</span></a></li>
    <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href="#Codes_for_computing"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Codes for computing</span></a></li>
    <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href="#See_also"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">See also</span></a></li>
    <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5"><a href="#References"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">References</span></a></li>
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    <h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/w/index.php?title=A&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Origins">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Origins">Origins</span></h2>
    <p>"A" can be traced to a <a href="/wiki/Pictogram" title="Pictogram">pictogram</a> of an <a href="/wiki/Ox" title="Ox">ox</a> head in <a href="/wiki/Egyptian_hieroglyph" title="Egyptian hieroglyph" class="mw-redirect">Egyptian hieroglyph</a> or the <a href="/wiki/Proto-Sinaitic_alphabet" title="Proto-Sinaitic alphabet">Proto-Sinaitic alphabet</a>.<sup id="cite_ref-World_Book_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-World_Book-1"><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></a></sup></p>
    <table class="wikitable">
    <tr style="background-color:#EEEEEE; text-align:center;">
    <th>Proto-Semitic<br />
    ox's head</th>
    <th>Phoenician<br />
    <i><a href="/wiki/Aleph" title="Aleph">aleph</a></i></th>
    <th>Greek<br />
    <i><a href="/wiki/Alpha_(letter)" title="Alpha (letter)" class="mw-redirect">Alpha</a></i></th>
    <th>Etruscan<br />
    <th>Roman/Cyrillic<br />
    <tr style="background-color:white; text-align:center;">
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:EgyptianA-01.svg" class="image" title="Egyptian hieroglyphic ox head"><img alt="Egyptian hieroglyphic ox head" src="" width="64" height="64" /></a></td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:Proto-semiticA-01.svg" class="image" title="Proto-semitic ox head"><img alt="Proto-semitic ox head" src="" width="64" height="64" /></a></td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:PhoenicianA-01.svg" class="image" title="Phoenician aleph"><img alt="Phoenician aleph" src="" width="64" height="65" /></a></td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:Alpha_uc_lc.svg" class="image" title="Greek alpha"><img alt="Greek alpha" src="" width="65" height="38" /></a></td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:EtruscanA.svg" class="image" title="Etruscan A"><img alt="Etruscan A" src="" width="39" height="59" /></a></td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:RomanA-01.svg" class="image" title="Roman A"><img alt="Roman A" src="" width="60" height="55" /></a></td>
    <p>In 1600 B.C. the <a href="/wiki/Phoenician_alphabet" title="Phoenician alphabet">Phoenician alphabet</a>'s letter had a linear form that served as the base for some later forms. Its name must have corresponded closely to the <a href="/wiki/Hebrew_alphabet" title="Hebrew alphabet">Hebrew</a> or <a href="/wiki/Arabic_alphabet" title="Arabic alphabet">Arabic</a> <a href="/wiki/Aleph" title="Aleph">aleph</a>.</p>
    <table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" style="background-color: white; float: right;">
    <tr align="center">
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:BlackletterA-01.png" class="image" title="Blackletter A"><img alt="Blackletter A" src="" width="64" height="64" /></a><br />
    <a href="/wiki/Blackletter" title="Blackletter">Blackletter</a> A</td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:UncialA-01.svg" class="image" title="Uncial A"><img alt="Uncial A" src="" width="58" height="47" /></a><br />
    <a href="/wiki/Uncial" title="Uncial" class="mw-redirect">Uncial</a> A</td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:Acap.svg" class="image" title="Another Capital A"><img alt="Another Capital A" src="" width="45" height="50" /></a><br />
    Another Blackletter A&#160;</td>
    <tr align="center">
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:ModernRomanA-01.svg" class="image" title="Modern Roman A"><img alt="Modern Roman A" src="" width="64" height="63" /></a><br />
    Modern Roman A</td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:Modern_Italic_A.svg" class="image" title="Modern Italic A"><img alt="Modern Italic A" src="" width="64" height="64" /></a><br />
    Modern Italic A</td>
    <td><a href="/wiki/File:Modern_Script_A.svg" class="image" title="Modern Script A"><img alt="Modern Script A" src="" width="64" height="64" /></a><br />
    Modern Script A</td>
    <p>When the <a href="/wiki/Ancient_Greece" title="Ancient Greece">Ancient Greeks</a> adopted the alphabet, they had no use for the <a href="/wiki/Glottal_stop" title="Glottal stop">glottal stop</a> that the letter had denoted in <a href="/wiki/Phoenician_languages" title="Phoenician languages" class="mw-redirect">Phoenician</a> and other <a href="/wiki/Semitic_languages" title="Semitic languages">Semitic languages</a>, so they used the sign to represent the vowel <span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">/a/</span>, and kept its name with a minor change (<a href="/wiki/Alpha_(letter)" title="Alpha (letter)" class="mw-redirect">alpha</a>). In the earliest Greek inscriptions after the <a href="/wiki/Greek_Dark_Ages" title="Greek Dark Ages">Greek Dark Ages</a>, dating to the 8th century BC, the letter rests upon its side, but in the <a href="/wiki/Greek_alphabet" title="Greek alphabet">Greek alphabet</a> of later times it generally resembles the modern capital letter, although many local varieties can be distinguished by the shortening of one leg, or by the angle at which the cross line is set.</p>
    <p>The <a href="/wiki/Etruscans" title="Etruscans" class="mw-redirect">Etruscans</a> brought the Greek alphabet to their civilization in the <a href="/wiki/Italian_Peninsula" title="Italian Peninsula">Italian Peninsula</a> and left the letter unchanged. The Romans later adopted the <a href="/wiki/Old_Italic_alphabet" title="Old Italic alphabet">Etruscan alphabet</a> to write the <a href="/wiki/Latin_language" title="Latin language" class="mw-redirect">Latin language</a>, and the resulting letter was preserved in the modern <a href="/wiki/Latin_alphabet" title="Latin alphabet">Latin alphabet</a> used to write many languages, including <a href="/wiki/English_language" title="English language">English</a>.</p>
    <div class="thumb tright">
    <div class="thumbinner" style="width:222px;"><a href="/wiki/File:LowercaseA.svg" class="image"><img alt="" src="" width="220" height="260" class="thumbimage" /></a>
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    <div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/File:LowercaseA.svg" class="internal" title="Enlarge"><img src="" width="15" height="11" alt="" /></a></div>
    Typographic variants include a double-story and single-story <b>a</b>.</div>
    <p>The letter has two <a href="/wiki/Lower_case" title="Lower case">minuscule</a> (lower-case) forms. The form used in most current <a href="/wiki/Handwriting" title="Handwriting" class="mw-redirect">handwriting</a> consists of a circle and vertical stoke (<span class="Unicode">"ɑ"</span>), called <a href="/wiki/Latin_alpha" title="Latin alpha">Latin alpha</a> or "script a". Most printed material uses a form consisting of a small loop with an arc over it (<span class="Unicode">"a"</span>). Both derive from the <a href="/wiki/Majuscule" title="Majuscule" class="mw-redirect">majuscule</a> (capital) form. In Greek handwriting, it was common to join the left leg and horizontal stroke into a single loop, as demonstrated by the Uncial version shown. Many fonts then made the right leg vertical. In some of these, the <a href="/wiki/Serif" title="Serif">serif</a> that began the right leg stroke developed into an arc, resulting in the printed form, while in others it was dropped, resulting in the modern handwritten form.</p>
    <h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/w/index.php?title=A&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: Usage">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Usage">Usage</span></h2>
    <div class="rellink relarticle mainarticle">Main article: <a href="/wiki/A_(disambiguation)" title="A (disambiguation)">a (disambiguation)</a></div>
    <p>In English, "a" by itself frequently denotes the <a href="/wiki/Near-open_front_unrounded_vowel" title="Near-open front unrounded vowel">near-open front unrounded vowel</a> (<span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">/æ/</span>) as in <i>pad</i>, the <a href="/wiki/Open_back_unrounded_vowel" title="Open back unrounded vowel">open back unrounded vowel</a> (<span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">/ɑː/</span>) as in <i>father</i>, or, in concert with a later orthographic vowel, the diphthong <span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">/eɪ/</span> as in <i>ace</i> and <i>major</i>, due to effects of the <a href="/wiki/Great_vowel_shift" title="Great vowel shift" class="mw-redirect">great vowel shift</a>.</p>
    <p>In most other languages that use the Latin alphabet, "a" denotes an <a href="/wiki/Open_front_unrounded_vowel" title="Open front unrounded vowel">open front unrounded vowel</a> (<span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">/a/</span>). In the <a href="/wiki/Help:IPA" title="Help:IPA" class="mw-redirect">International Phonetic Alphabet</a>, variants of "a" denote various <a href="/wiki/Vowel" title="Vowel">vowels</a>. In <a href="/wiki/X-SAMPA" title="X-SAMPA">X-SAMPA</a>, capital "A" denotes the <a href="/wiki/Open_back_unrounded_vowel" title="Open back unrounded vowel">open back unrounded vowel</a> and lowercase "a" denotes the <a href="/wiki/Open_front_unrounded_vowel" title="Open front unrounded vowel">open front unrounded vowel</a>.</p>
    <p>"A" is the third common used letter in English, and the second most common in <a href="/wiki/Spanish_language" title="Spanish language">Spanish</a> and <a href="/wiki/French_language" title="French language">French</a>. In one study, on average, about 3.68% of letters used in English tend to be ‹a›s, while the number is 6.22% in Spanish and 3.95% in French.<sup id="cite_ref-Trinity_College_2-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-Trinity_College-2"><span>[</span>3<span>]</span></a></sup></p>
    <p>"A" is often used to denote something or someone of a better or more prestigious quality or status: A-, A or A+, the best grade that can be assigned by teachers for students' schoolwork; A grade for clean restaurants; <a href="/wiki/A-List" title="A-List" class="mw-redirect">A-List</a> celebrities, etc. Such associations can have a <a href="/wiki/Motivation" title="Motivation">motivating</a> effect as exposure to the letter A has been found to improve performance, when compared with other letters.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-3"><span>[</span>4<span>]</span></a></sup></p>
    <p>A <a href="/wiki/Turned_a" title="Turned a">turned "a"</a> (<span title="Representation in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)" class="IPA">"ɐ"</span>) is used by the <a href="/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet" title="International Phonetic Alphabet">International Phonetic Alphabet</a> for the <a href="/wiki/Near-open_central_vowel" title="Near-open central vowel">near-open central vowel</a>, while a turned capital "A" ("∀") is used in <a href="/wiki/Predicate_logic" title="Predicate logic">predicate logic</a> to specify <a href="/wiki/Universal_quantification" title="Universal quantification">universal quantification</a>.</p>
    <div style="float: right; width: 400px; clear:right; margin-left:1em;">
    <div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; line-height: 140%; font-size: 1.3em;">Alternative representations of A</div>
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="text-align: center; background: white;">
    <tr style="font-size: 85%; line-height: 125%;">
    <td width="50%" style="border-left: 1px solid silver; border-top: 1px solid silver; line-height:1.3em; padding:0.3em;"><a href="/wiki/ICAO_spelling_alphabet" title="ICAO spelling alphabet">NATO phonetic</a></td>
    <td width="50%" style="border-left: 1px solid silver; border-top: 1px solid silver; border-right: 1px solid silver;"><a href="/wiki/Morse_code" title="Morse code">Morse code</a></td>
    <tr style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; line-height: 100%;">
    <td width="50%" style="border-left: 1px solid silver; padding:0.3em;">Alpha</td>
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    <p>In <a href="/wiki/Unicode" title="Unicode">Unicode</a>, the <a href="/wiki/Majuscule" title="Majuscule" class="mw-redirect">capital</a> "A" is codepoint U+0043 and the <a href="/wiki/Lower_case" title="Lower case">lower case</a> "a" is U+0061.<sup id="cite_ref-unicode_4-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-unicode-4"><span>[</span>5<span>]</span></a></sup></p>
    <p>The <a href="/wiki/ASCII" title="ASCII">ASCII</a> code for capital "A" is 65 and for lower case "a" is 97; or in <a href="/wiki/Binary_numeral_system" title="Binary numeral system">binary</a> 01000001 and 01100001, respectively.</p>
    <p>The <a href="/wiki/EBCDIC" title="EBCDIC" class="mw-redirect">EBCDIC</a> code for capital "A" is 193 and for lowercase "a" is 129; or in <a href="/wiki/Binary_numeral_system" title="Binary numeral system">binary</a> 11000001 and 10000001, respectively.</p>
    <p>The <a href="/wiki/Numeric_character_reference" title="Numeric character reference">numeric character references</a> in <a href="/wiki/HTML" title="HTML">HTML</a> and <a href="/wiki/XML" title="XML">XML</a> are "<tt>&amp;#65;</tt>" and "<tt>&amp;#97;</tt>" for upper and lower case, respectively.</p>
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    <li id="cite_note-OED-0"><b><a href="#cite_ref-OED_0-0">^</a></b> "A" <i>Oxford English Dictionary,</i> 2nd edition (1989). <i>Aes</i> is the plural of the name of the letter. The plural of the letter itself is <i>A</i>s, A's, <i>a</i>s, a's.</li>
    <li id="cite_note-World_Book-1"><b><a href="#cite_ref-World_Book_1-0">^</a></b> <span class="citation book">"A". <i>The World Book Encyclopedia</i>. <b>1</b>. Field Enterprises, Inc. 1956. p.&#160;1.</span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=bookitem&amp;rft.btitle=A&amp;rft.atitle=The+World+Book+Encyclopedia&amp;;rft.volume=1&amp;rft.pages=p.%26nbsp%3B1&amp;;rfr_id=info:sid/"><span style="display: none;">&#160;</span></span></li>
    <li id="cite_note-Trinity_College-2"><b><a href="#cite_ref-Trinity_College_2-0">^</a></b> <span class="citation web"><a href="" class="external text" rel="nofollow">"Percentages of Letter frequencies per Thousand words"</a><span class="printonly">. <a href="" class="external free" rel="nofollow"></a></span><span class="reference-accessdate">. Retrieved 2006-05-01</span>.</span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=bookitem&amp;rft.btitle=Percentages+of+Letter+frequencies+per+Thousand+words&amp;rft.atitle=&amp;;rfr_id=info:sid/"><span style="display: none;">&#160;</span></span></li>
    <li id="cite_note-3"><b><a href="#cite_ref-3">^</a></b> <span class="citation Journal"><a href="" class="external text" rel="nofollow"><i>Letters affect exam results</i></a>. British Psychological Society. 9 March 2010<span class="printonly">. <a href="" class="external free" rel="nofollow"></a></span></span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=book&amp;rft.btitle=Letters+affect+exam+results&amp;;;;rfr_id=info:sid/"><span style="display: none;">&#160;</span></span></li>
    <li id="cite_note-unicode-4"><b><a href="#cite_ref-unicode_4-0">^</a></b> <span class="citation web"><a href="" class="external text" rel="nofollow">"Javascript Unicode Chart"</a> (in en)<span class="printonly">. <a href="" class="external free" rel="nofollow"></a></span><span class="reference-accessdate">. Retrieved 2009-03-08</span>.</span><span class="Z3988" title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook&amp;rft.genre=bookitem&amp;rft.btitle=Javascript+Unicode+Chart&amp;rft.atitle=&amp;;rfr_id=info:sid/"><span style="display: none;">&#160;</span></span></li>
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    <li><a href="" class="external text" rel="nofollow">History of the Alphabet</a></li>
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    <div class="dablink">For the novel, see <a href="/wiki/The_Insult" title="The Insult">The Insult</a>.</div>
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    <p>An <b>insult</b> (also called <b>putdown</b>) is an expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is considered degrading and offensive. Insults may be intentional or accidental. An example of the latter is a well-intended simple explanation, which in fact is superfluous, but is given due to underestimating the intelligence or knowledge of the other.</p>
    <p>Whether or not speech or behavior is insulting in practice, and sometimes by the terms of local <a href="/wiki/Assault" title="Assault">assault</a> statutes, is often a product of the subjective sense of the insulted party. However, insults to one person who might not mind such derogatory speech may indirectly insult others. Many states and local municipalities enforce prohibitions against rude, offensive or insulting speech, leaving citizens, law enforcement officers and courts to decide what is and what is not an insult. The concept of <a href="/wiki/Fighting_words" title="Fighting words">fighting words</a> as a form of prohibited speech has developed in the <a href="/wiki/Jurisprudence" title="Jurisprudence">jurisprudence</a> of <a href="/wiki/United_States_Constitution" title="United States Constitution">U.S. constitutional law</a> concerning <a href="/wiki/Terms_of_disparagement" title="Terms of disparagement" class="mw-redirect">terms of disparagement</a>. However, the <a href="/wiki/Fighting_words" title="Fighting words">fighting words</a> exclusion is construed in an extraordinarily narrow manner, and only the type of insulting speech which is deemed "meaningless" can be suppressed; speech containing literary, artistic, political, or scientific significance cannot be suppressed, even if wantonly and maliciously insulting, demeaning, or even inciting of racial, ethnic, religious or sexual hatred; there is no "right to be unoffended" in the United States. The role of insults in the social sense may be better understood by an appreciation of how the term is used in a medical setting. Though a popular idiom refers to "adding insult to injury", in a medical context, they are one and the same: physicians examine <i>injuries</i> resulting from an <i>insult</i> to flesh and bones, caused by various traumatic events. In speech and in social settings, insults are words which tend to <a href="/wiki/Injury" title="Injury">injure</a> or damage the <a href="/wiki/Psyche_(psychology)" title="Psyche (psychology)">psyche</a>. In <a href="/wiki/Humor" title="Humor" class="mw-redirect">humor</a>, insults may be exchanged in much the same way as fighters exchange blows in training, to develop a resistance to the pain of mild injuries, or to spar with no real intention of causing any serious injury.</p>
    <h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Insult&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: Perceptions of insults">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Perceptions_of_insults">Perceptions of insults</span></h2>
    <p>Sociologists suggest that insults are often an indicator of flawed reasoning about the character or motivation of others. Though insults are common, and often used in jest, a fundamental axiom of sociology recognizes that derogatory forms of speech make erroneous attributions about the motivation of a person. Scholars classify the erroneous assumptions as the <a href="/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error" title="Fundamental attribution error">fundamental attribution error</a>.</p>
    <p>Situations also exist in which a person falsely believes he or she has been insulted. For example, terms such as "Asian", "incorrect", "drunk", or "full-cheeked" are often interpreted as derogatory, when in fact they may be neutral descriptive terms or factual statements, which, at worst, would be simply inaccurate or incorrect rather than insulting. This phenomenon often occurs in individuals who suffer <a href="/wiki/Self-victimization" title="Self-victimization" class="mw-redirect">self-victimization</a> or hypersensitivity.</p>
    <h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Insult&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: See also">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="See_also">See also</span></h2>
    <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_hominem" title="Ad hominem">Ad hominem</a></li>
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    <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" rel="lightbox[3202]"><img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-3375" title="guangdong-china-cantonese-school-girl-takes-off-clothes-for-stealing" src="" alt="Scenes from a video showing a young Chinese girl revealing her body to avoid being beaten by schoolmates angry over her thievery." width="560" height="687" /></a></p>
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    <p><strong>From <a title="广东女中学生偷东西被威胁脱衣凌辱拍视频" href="" target="_blank">Mop</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank">NetEase</a> (no longer accessible):</strong></p>
    <p><!--开平事件发生不久,小猫的朋友今天给我发来一段视频,让我翻译里面的对话。该视频长达9分钟,视频里的女生先是遭同学殴打,然后被逼脱光衣服拍下视频。而事件发生的原因竟是因为这名女同学前后三次偷了同学的东西,而殴打并逼他脱衣服竟是她的同学,而且这里面还有好几个女同学的声音。施暴的几个学生从头到尾都没有露脸。但他们的对话里透露了,他们会传到网上让“麻勒佬”一起观看。女生说,如果我脱光了,你们是不是不打我,让我走…… --></p>
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;">It has not been long since the <a title="Naked Chinese Girl Attacked By Cantonese Teens [NSFW]" href="" target="_blank">Kaiping Incident</a> happened, a friend of mine sent me a video, asking me to translate the dialogue inside. This video is about 9 minutes long, the schoolgirl in the video first being beaten by schoolmates, then forced to take off her clothes and filmed. What more, the reason this incident happened was all because this female student had altogether stolen things three-times from her fellow students, and those beating her and forcing her to take off her clothes are all her schoolmates, and further there are voices of many female classmate in [the video]. The several students using violence do not reveal their faces throughout the video. However, in their dialogue they disclosed that they will upload it onto the internet to let &#8220;Ma Le/Lei Lao&#8221; [unsure, maybe this is a Cantonese name] all see it. The girl says, &#8220;if I take off all my clothes, will you guys not hit me, and let me go&#8230;?&#8221;</p>
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;">I do not know what is wrong with these <a title="More posts about 'Guangdong'" href="">Guangdong</a> children, and why do these horrific incidences happen so frequently? I do not want to excessively express my anger, I only want to expose/make public this incident. Everything I give to society and the law to deal with and punish</p>
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;">If you are a reporter/journalist, please provide me your true identification, I will send you the video. Moppers, please do not contact me, I do not want to spread the video out.</p>
    <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" rel="lightbox[3202]"><img class="size-medium wp-image-3374 aligncenter" title="guangdong-china-cantonese-schoolgirl-beaten-by-classmates-for-stealing" src="" alt="A screen capture of a video where a Cantonese girl in a school uniform is bent over after being beaten by her classmates for stealing." width="480" height="360" /></a></p>
    <p><strong>Comments on Mop:</strong></p>
    <blockquote><p>So cruel&#8230;</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>Today&#8217;s children~~all society&#8217;s fault!!!</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p><a title="Guangdong's eight-toed wonder" href="" target="_blank">What is wrong with these children?</a> What is driving Guangdong&#8217;s developed economy?</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--又是广东啊!!!!<br />
    <blockquote><p>Guangdong again!!!<br />
    Truly speechless yet again!!!</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--广东人呐···<br />
    <blockquote><p>Guangdong people [Cantonese]&#8230;<br />
    What can I use to save you people&#8230;</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--俗话说得好啊:天堂向左,广东向右啊<br />
    <blockquote><p>A proverb says it well: Heaven is towards the left, Guangdong is towards the right.<br />
    This is what a Guangdong contract worker told me&#8230;</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--正常,我在优酷后台审核部门,天天看的到这些视频。<br />
    <blockquote><p>Normal, I work in Youku&#8217;s back office verification department, and I see these videos every day.<br />
    The country does not allow them to be disseminated, so they are all screened/censored.</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>I am not a reporter/journalist, but I like the vast masses want to see&#8230;</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>Do the people who want to watch the video still have integrity? I write this as someone who likes to watch AV and X-rated material.</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--和社会上的某些风气拖不了关系<br />
    比如我们的林同志···<br />
    <blockquote><p>This cannot be separated from society&#8217;s morals.<br />
    For example, our <a title="Government Official Attacks 11-Year-Old Girl" href="" target="_blank">Comrade Lin</a>.<br />
    Everything is violent.</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>Let me turn the page, very true, this is indeed today&#8217;s children. The larger the city, the worse it gets. Violence and s*x, this is their lives after they become 16-years-old.</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--隐秘的地方都打码了<br />
    可是LZ就是脸不打<br />
    你这跟把视频传上来有什么区别 .<br />
    靠<br />
    <blockquote><p>All the private areas were blurred/masked&#8230;<br />
    But <a title="LZ = lou zhu = original topic starter" onclick="'','','location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=560,height=200,left='+(screen.availWidth/2-280)+',top='+(screen.availHeight/2-100)+'');return false;" href="">LZ</a> does not blur/mask the face.<br />
    Is this any different from uploading the video?<br />
    <a title="kao = f**k" onclick="'','','location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=560,height=200,left='+(screen.availWidth/2-280)+',top='+(screen.availHeight/2-100)+'');return false;" href="">Kao</a>,<br />
    other people also want face [care about dignity]!</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>You deserve it for stealing. We are beating you to teach you a lesson. Let us see if you steal again. [Not a good translation but something like this.]</p></blockquote>
    <blockquote><p>I can only say that with regards to today&#8217;s girls, everyone has been deceived by external appearances. &#8220;The &#8216;badness&#8217; of boys was taught by girls!&#8221; Something one of my old schoolmates used to often say&#8230;</p></blockquote>
    <p><!--广东那里真几吧乱啊 千万别去 说不定你死都不知道怎么死的--></p>
    <blockquote><p>Guangdong, that place, is a real f*****g mess. Never go there. You may die and not know how you died.</p></blockquote>
    <p><strong>See Also:</strong></p>
    <li><a title="Teenager Bullied, Walks Home Naked" href="">Teenager Bullied, Walks Home Naked</a></li>
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">1 hour ago
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    <p>Welcome to the Human Condition... we love to share a video called loneiness, but it is better than crying alone. ...<a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">1 hour ago
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    <p>Fauna, please do not feed the trolls... remember the +/- fiasco? ...<a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on Toby Chan Crowned 2010 Miss Hong Kong, Netizens Suspicious" rel="nofollow">3 hours ago
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    <p>Wow, a lot of references to mainland girls while the contest is for Hong Kong girls. Yet everyone seems to want to open the doors to outside the range of the co ...<a href="" title="on Toby Chan Crowned 2010 Miss Hong Kong, Netizens Suspicious" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">4 hours ago
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    <p>The saddest part here is that there's somebody next to her filming all this... ...<a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on Toby Chan Crowned 2010 Miss Hong Kong, Netizens Suspicious" rel="nofollow">4 hours ago
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    <p>You know, most of them are sort of ...fugly.  It's no wonder she won.  She actually seems more attractive than her 2 runner ups by a large margin.
    FYI, these a ...<a href="" title="on Toby Chan Crowned 2010 Miss Hong Kong, Netizens Suspicious" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">4 hours ago
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    <p>You know, getting dumped has never really hurt me.  Why would you want someone that dislikes you enough to dump you on Valentine's Day.  Her BF obviously intend ...<a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Red Army Orchestra Internet Meme: Collection Of Parodies" rel="nofollow">6 hours ago
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    <p>I love red ants :p ...<a href="" title="on The Red Army Orchestra Internet Meme: Collection Of Parodies" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on "Chinese Women, Please Don't Sleep With Foreigners"" rel="nofollow">6 hours ago
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    <p>obody wants to date someone who has a long pointy nose

    As opposed to a pigs nose?

    manly cheek bones

    Like an uighur or laowai perhaps? But never a han c ...<a href="" title="on "Chinese Women, Please Don't Sleep With Foreigners"" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">6 hours ago
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    <p>What she's crying out is not sadness but, loneliness... ...<a href="" title="on The Saddest Young Girl of Qi Xi Jie, Chinese Valentine's Day" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    <div class="comment-meta commentmetadata"><a href="" title="on "Chinese Women, Please Don't Sleep With Foreigners"" rel="nofollow">7 hours ago
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    <p>In some ways I hate the UK.

    Then move to Spain, see if it is any better. They are powerless against Moroccans. ...<a href="" title="on "Chinese Women, Please Don't Sleep With Foreigners"" rel="nofollow">more &raquo;
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    zombiejudas <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, November 17, 2008 at 10:30 pm</a>

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    <p>given the list of trackers in this torrent, it already has been shared far and wide. </p>
    <p>and trying to restrict torrenting is a kinda useless endeavour. </p>
    <p>just search on btjunkie or anywhere for: &#8220;guangdong schoolgirl&#8221;</p>

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    zombiejudas <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, November 17, 2008 at 10:45 pm</a>

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    <p>addition: whoever made this torrent file, is indeed quite stupid, as it looks like someone went through a list of all possible trackers, like adding, a not-really-tracker that you cannot use at all, but forgot the seeding part of torrenting, as I am connecting to noone.</p>

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    DuckChinSoup <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, November 17, 2008 at 11:03 pm</a>

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    <p>This site is so yellow!   As in &#8220;I&#8217;ll give you access to this video of naked teens but you have to send me an email (for the previous video) or sign up for my RSS feed (this video) first!</p>
    <p>How is this any different from p**n sites like that require an email address for you to get at the goodies?</p>
    <p>Either provide links to the material, or don&#8217;t.  Pretending that you are performing some sort of service by asking people subscribe to your RSS feed to get at the child pornography&#8211; ask your local PSB if you think this isn&#8217;t kiddie p**n, is disgusting.</p>

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    James <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 2:21 am</a>

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    <p>I agree with DuckChinSoup to a point</p>
    <p>Although you might mean well, all you succeed in doing is making her re-live her shame, humiliation</p>
    <p>this is the type of stuff that police would find when they catch a peadophile or something</p>
    <p>For although your intentions might be noble, there are sick people who get off on this stuff</p>
    <p>You are simply a means to an end</p>
    <p>means: &#8216;wanting&#8217; to help<br />
    ends: satisfying there sick pleasures</p>
    <p>Yes it is disgusting that people would seek to administer their own brand of &#8216;justice&#8217; </p>
    <p>which can only be described as sexual assult, sexual humiliation and rape</p>
    <p>Such material should not be publicised, IF you really wanted to help you would take this to a police station</p>
    <p>If you think there are corrupt, then surely they are good government officials or something you can turn to</p>
    <p>for as you put this up, and it spread</p>
    <p>ALTHOUGH you were trying to help, it could have ended up on pedophile websites</p>
    <p>So not only has that schoolgirl been humiliated, but have sick f**king disgusting people, wanking over her</p>
    <p>Seriously the are VERY SICK people who live in the world</p>
    <p>wha are just WAITING for peeople who do things with such good intentions just to fuel their disgusting desires.</p>
    <p>What makes you think they are not sick enough to try and find her?</p>
    <p>Knowing what she looks like.<br />
    Knowing what lies under her clothes.</p>
    <p>by advertising her in such a way you are only fuelling such things, you know?!</p>
    <p>Yes this is disgusting<br />
    But this is an issue fo the local government</p>
    <p>If you REALLY wanted to help her<br />
    you could try police, counsellors</p>
    <p>Do actually believe that the sick people in this world do not get off on such humiliation?</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, November 17, 2008 at 11:42 pm</a>

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    <p>I&#8217;m torn. On one hand, this IS a topic that is talked about and thus legitimately within chinaSMACK&#8217;s domain to report/translate/share, but this will definitely divide the chinaSMACK&#8217;s visitors. You&#8217;re going to have those who think it is incredibly wrong, those who agree it is wrong but will still watch, and those who really aren&#8217;t surprised by anything on the web.  </p>
    <p>chinaSMACK has always been risque, so to speak. I think that&#8217;s evident by the subject material they&#8217;ve covered. However, I do think sharing the torrent, no matter how ubiquitous it might be, might squander some of the reputation the website has earned over the past few months. That would be unfortunate given how much good content they often produce.</p>
    <p>That said, is chinaSMACK supposed to be a window into the Chinese internet or is it supposed to be a gatekeeper? Do we want this website to strictly show us how it is, even when it is disgusting or wrong or whatever&#8230;or is there a line that ought to be drawn? Maybe our line is different from Fauna&#8217;s line. </p>
    <p>Tough call, but I think reporting should be enough. As with the Kappa girl video, I think those who are curious enough to find it will do so. I don&#8217;t think its necessary for chinaSMACK to take the extra step to provide it. </p>
    <p>Moralizing aside, I think the RSS subscription thing is pretty standard fare for a lot of blog media websites. They occasionally offer something extra to &#8220;reward&#8221; their loyal readers. Now, I don&#8217;t think this video is a necessary &#8220;reward,&#8221; but I don&#8217;t think its fair to fault someone for trying to encourage readers to subscribe.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 12:03 am</a>

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    <p>I forgot to play Devil&#8217;s Advocate and explain why I feel compelled to be at least &#8220;torn&#8221; about this. To help explain, I want to quote a fantastic blog post by Roland Soong over at EastSouthWestNorth:</p>
    1. A bad thing happens somewhere in China (such as police brutality, government malfeasance, a forced eviction, a coal mine disaster, etc).</p>
    <p>2. The local government suppresses all information.</p>
    <p>3. All media reports are censored.</p>
    <p>4. The victims begin a petitioning process up the hierarchy in order to seek justice.  The road is long and hard and nothing ever results.</p>
    <p>5. The Internet forums/blogs rushed to report on the case. </p>
    <p>6a. Within 48 hours, all traces of negative (i.e. against the authorities) information are erased by order of the authorities, or else by self-censorship at the portals/forums/blog service providers.</p>
    <p>6b. Positive (i.e. on behalf of the authorities) information appear from Internet commentators who are paid by the authorities for their efforts</p>
    <p>7.  But there are just too many portals/forums/blogs that important information will eventually seep through.</p>
    <p>8. Senior Chinese officials take notice, and corrective actions are taken.</p></blockquote>
    <p>The previous &#8220;child p**n&#8221; video (the Kaiping Incident linked above) also met a ton of outrage by people who said it should not be spread. The reason why I say &#8220;Devil&#8217;s Advocate&#8221; is because the only reason the aggressors in the previous video were ever brought to justice was because the video spread on the web and eventually enough people were aware of it, identified the participants, and the police were forced to do something about it. </p>
    <p>While I doubt chinaSMACK and its legion of foreign readers are going to factor much into any measure of justice being rendered, I&#8217;m going to maintain the position I took in the previous Kaiping post: When behavior like this is exposed, it gives society a chance to stop it and change it. Sure, you&#8217;re going to have a ton of people joyriding it and simply enjoying the free p**n, but I do think there is some appreciable benefit for society to be stunned, outraged, and shocked into facing a serious problem, especially one amongst its children. </p>
    <p>I hate to say it, but seeing a video has far more impact on people&#8217;s consciences than reading words or seeing censored pictures. Stanley Kubrick used this to great effect, to deeply disturb people into fearing a future of moral decay amongst youth (A Clockwork Orange anyone?). It is really easy to overlook, dismiss, and forget words and blurry pictures. A video is that much more personal, more real, and more frightening to behold. </p>
    <p>Accuse me of rationalizing if you want, but I think it needs to be said that, however sad it may be, sometimes authorities act only when enough attention is given something, especially here in imperfect China. I know the moralists are going to be up in arms, and while I still agree the torrent is unnecessary and too big of a risk for chinaSMACK to take on, I do want to say good things have happened when people finally realize:</p>
    <p>&#8220;d**n, that&#8217;s fucked up.&#8221;</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 12:37 am</a>

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    <p>Providing a link to this kind of media is *NOT* cool, regardless how widely spread it is or how easy it is to find via x*x method.  Period.  Uncensored naked (even not sexual) s**t of teenagers or kids is just wrong.  Censor it and discuss. No further comments on this thread from me.</p>

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    Joe <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 11:20 am</a>

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    <p>&#8220;naked (even not sexual)s**t of teenagers or kids is just wrong&#8221;</p>
    <p>Mate&#8230;. people like you are destroying the world.</p>
    <p>You are confusing pornography with the natural human body.<br />
    Grow up.</p>

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    LordOfTheFlies <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 1:25 am</a>

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    <p>I don&#8217;t think the video is real.  I&#8217;m going to have to download it myself to verify that it actually shows a young woman taking her clothes off.</p>
    <p>For research purposes, of course.</p>

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    will <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 1:36 am</a>

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    <p>@ kai</p>
    <p>I would fall under the last group. I find nothing shocking on the net anymore.</p>
    <p>The only reason why I would say not to post the torrent on this site is because, I like chinasmack too much and I wouldn&#8217;t want it to be taken down because of this.</p>
    <p>Although I&#8217;m not sure about the legalities regarding something like this.</p>

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    Taojas <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 1:38 am</a>

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    <p>It&#8217;s real. Look up 广东女中学生被威胁脱光衣服. There is nothing really p**n or entertaining about it. It is only useful in documenting the sad depravity of some teenagers. Needless to say, the cops and all relevant authorities should come down like a ton of bricks on the guys who made it &#8211; as I&#8217;m sure they will.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>jayman</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 5:35 am</a>

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    <p>These videos are not what most people would consider &#8220;s**y&#8221;. If someone wanted to see p**n, there is so much more varied stuff out there.</p>

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    Teacher in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 8:21 am</a>

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    <p>Well, looks like I found the reason why I couldn&#8217;t log on to the site through &#8220;normal&#8221; measures this morning.<br />
    I&#8217;ve got nothing to add on what Kai said, I think he hit it right on the nose (that&#8217;s what my blurry, pre-tea brain thinks right now anyway&#8230;)  Nothing like a bit o the ole ultra-violence in the morning&#8230;</p>

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    Alex <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 8:27 am</a>

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    <p>Seems ChinaSmack is now blocked in China and that\&#8217;s for a very good reason. Seriously how low are your moral standards guys ? What\&#8217;s the point this other than pushing up your google rankings ? Wow!?</p>

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    Shanghai Brit <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 8:49 am</a>

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    <p>I don&#8217;t really know what to think of this, normally my curiosity gets the better of me but I think this time I&#8217;m going to pass on downloading that video. The fact that it&#8217;s a schoolgirl who is no older than 16 probably, to me means it is completely wrong to watch.</p>
    <p>But I can&#8217;t disagree with what Kai said. The internet is becoming a vigilante police force in this country where police don&#8217;t normally care. If more pressure can be put on the authorities to act appropriately and deal with such disgusting behavior as this then surely that&#8217;s a good thing.</p>

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    Ron <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 9:10 am</a>

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    <p>Where did you see the video?</p>

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    <a href="http://www.THEWHT.COM" target="_blank"><img alt='' src=';;r=R' class='avatar avatar-48 photo' height='48' width='48' /></a>
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    <a href='http://WWW.THEWHT.COM' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>THEWHT.COM</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 9:21 am</a>

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    <p>it&#8217;s sad how some people resort to violence, nothing good came out of it, and it never will. </p>
    <p>k.mean<br />
    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>

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    Anonymous westerner <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 9:43 am</a>

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    <p>There is a difference between p**n and nudity.</p>
    <p>And it&#8217;s not child p**n. She&#8217;s not a child.</p>

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    MJ <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 10:20 am</a>

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    <p>Ridiculous! Why you guys blame for ChinaSmack, the link on Mop still exists. ChinaSmack just share the content. Actually, there are many people on Mop provide the link of the video.<br />
    Only you have courage to face it , then you have ability to correct it.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 10:21 am</a>

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    <p>Strange, I can see chinaSMACK just fine here in Shanghai. </p>
    <p>Like will said, I think it&#8217;s better to avoid getting the baby tossed out with the bathwater on this one. I&#8217;d hate to see chinaSMACK: </p>
    <p>1) get blocked,<br />
    2) have its reputation overshadowed by this, or<br />
    3) get overrun by indignant people who can&#8217;t see beyond the obvious.</p>
    <p>So I&#8217;m all for the torrent link being excised as a compromise. I think the hard-hitting in-your-face reports will be enough and let others hunt it out on their own.</p>
    <p>That said, I really have to remark how interesting it is to compare the composition of comments from the Chinese side and from the, uh, chinaSMACK side. Now, I know these aren&#8217;t good statistical samples, but while there are comments against spreading the video on both sides, there seems to be more Chinese commenters who skip being outraged about the video&#8217;s existence and go directly to being outraged with kids doing these things to each other. </p>
    <p>Sure, maybe the spread of the video itself can be construed as being bad in of itself (depending on the motivation behind it), but doesn&#8217;t it seem a bit like worrying too much about the symptom without worrying about the disease?</p>
    <p>People will be curious enough to watch this video simply because it is outrageous and outside of accepted social norms. 2girls1cup anyone? While I don&#8217;t advocate this video spreading for sickos to m********e to, I think the world could do a lot more good worrying about their kids doing fucked up s**t like this than worrying about their kids&#8217; videos getting spread. </p>
    <p>I&#8217;ll be the first to say I&#8217;m not particularly sympathetic to the &#8220;victim&#8221; or &#8220;aggressors&#8221; (in the video) that this video got out (well, they uploaded it, right?). For one, the &#8220;victim&#8221; stole from others and she chose to disrobe to buy her way out of a beating. On some level, she&#8217;s facing the consequences of her actions. I know some people feel bad being the peanut gallery but s**t, too late now. </p>
    <p>For another, for the &#8220;aggressors,&#8221; if there is any way for them to get caught (choosing vigilante retribution instead of going through what I&#8217;m sure they consider to be ineffective, unsatisfying law/authorities), it will take a lot of people being aware of this video for someone to be outraged enough to know someone in the video and rat them out to authorities annoyed enough by the internet attention to expend some manpower to go make an example of these kids. The video boils down to them publicly shaming someone that wronged them (deep roots in the Cultural Revolution, but not specific to the Chinese). Yet in doing so, they crossed the line too (or maybe the girl was smart enough to know that opting to disrobe would get her more eventual sympathy than getting her a*s beat), so now we have to go about publicly shaming them for publicly shaming others. </p>
    <p>I&#8217;ll go one step further and say I hope the kids get exposed as well as all their parents for not f*****g teaching their kids how to be decent human beings. At least on MTV&#8217;s Sweet 16 show, we usually get to see the fucked up parents who create such fucked up kids and ridicule + despise them all equally. I&#8217;m seriously hoping the kids on the video are all caught and taught a lesson.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Charles Frith</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 12:46 pm</a>

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    <p>I believe that this post makes sense of the ugliness.</p>
    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
    <p>It&#8217;s not the kids we should blame. What sort of parental generation has been raised in China? A greedy, callow and ruthless one by the looks of it. Money comes into the equation at some point.</p>

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    blah <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 2:16 pm</a>

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    <p>A mixture of corporal and mental punishment. Bright kids, hopefully she will not steal again.</p>

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    Miako Tamatsue <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 2:27 pm</a>

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    <p>News about children should be protected.  It&#8217;s not about local laws or state laws or international laws.  It&#8217;s the law of morals and ethics.   It&#8217;s the law of humanity.  Freedom of press comes responsibilities.  Any pictures of children in the news should be blurred out to protect their identity for many reasons.  Please take a pro-active stand.  I have seen more than one image or video on this site of children who have committed a crime or been a victim of crime.  I know that the images or videos are eventually taken down or replaced, but I appeal to the webmaster of this site to make it policy not to play the videos or show the images of children as victim or as criminal.</p>
    <p>Many times, children do not know what is right and what is wrong.  By showing these images, you will practically destroy their lives by humiliating them or even worse, cause retributions in their communities that they do no deserve.  A girl in the video was a victim.  Showing her being humiliated will further spread her humiliation in her community.  The children who victimized her do not deserve to be judged by Internet users who do not fully understand the situation.</p>

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    Miako Tamatsue <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 2:41 pm</a>

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    <p>Kai, your reasoning is does not make sense at all.  To say that &#8220;for one, the &#8216;victim&#8217; stole from others and she chose to disrobe to buy her way out of a beating. On some level, she’s facing the consequences of her actions&#8221; is as childish and thuggish as those children in the video.</p>
    <p>If someone at your work or school or neighborhood accused you of stealing, then you should stand there and get a beating that you deserved?  How do you really know that the girl stole something?  It could be that one of the ring leader of that group doesn&#8217;t like her and started to accuse her of stealing.  The rest are just sheep following the leader.  Children can be that many times.  In fact, adults can be like too.  Why don&#8217;t you and them reported to the proper authority and let it take it&#8217;s course.  The law, as created by the community, has been created to determine the proper course of action.  How is beating a girl up on the street is a proper action regardless if she did or not?  Is it a basic human right that everyone can be vigilente and punish anyone that they judged to do them wrong?  Please grow up.</p>

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    Lee <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 3:00 pm</a>

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    <p>Reading your website tells me more about China and transformation of China than reading New York Times or listening to BBC. Fantastic Work and thanks for your amazing work.</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 4:28 pm</a>

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    <p>@Miako Tamatsue<br />
    Thank You. Thank you. Thank you.</p>

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    Peteryang <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 5:05 pm</a>

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    <p>it&#8217;s p**n if you think it is<br />
    it&#8217;s not if you don&#8217;t<br />
    aka 光腚不流氓,谁看谁流氓</p>
    <p>and PLEASE CENSOR HER FACE.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 8:47 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Miako Tamatsue:</p>
    <p>You seem to have completely misunderstood what I was saying. Judging by your comment, I&#8217;d like for you to go back, reread what I wrote, and then point out to me where I am advocating vigilante justice or beating up innocent people because you appear to be accusing me of that. While you&#8217;re at it, explain what exactly is &#8220;childish and thuggish&#8221; and how. </p>
    <p>Next, please explain how anything I said suggests that an innocent person should just stand there and take a beating, or you can acknowledge that you were asking the most ridiculous and irrelevant rhetorical question ever.</p>
    <p>Third, you finally ask a good question that no one has really been asking: Why the h**l DIDN&#8217;T these kids seek recourse through the authorities? THAT is a far more socially interesting thing to be concerned about than whether or not this kid&#8217;s face is blurred or not. I&#8217;m all for blurring and protecting the identity of the victim, but I&#8217;m much more interested in trying to educate society enough so s**t like this doesn&#8217;t happen again. What about you? </p>
    <p>Before you respond, make sure you ask yourself if I or anyone here is actually advocating that anything on this film was &#8220;proper&#8221;? It might help you understand how utterly ridiculous you are for chastising me to &#8220;grow up.&#8221; Once you&#8217;ve resolved all the mental dissonance you&#8217;ve hatched upon me, then you can do the world a favor and tackle the problem of how you&#8217;re going to go about educating these ignorant, dumbass kids that this is not the way they should go about handling their problems. You&#8217;re obviously not satisfied with ONE of my suggestions that we point at this video and say &#8220;BAD, THIS IS BAD, B-A-D, DO NOT BE AN IDIOT LIKE THESE PEOPLE.&#8221; Maybe the whole negative reinforcement angle doesn&#8217;t sit well with you, so show us how it&#8217;s done.</p>

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    fireworks <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 10:00 pm</a>

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    <p>It is shocking and outrageous that bullying can go on like this. I am not surprise that it happened in Guangdong because of the previous incident involving another girl in a cyber cafe and being swarmed by 6+ girls and beating her.</p>
    <p>Face is a important concept in Chinese culture. Disrobing somebody (a fetish in Guangdong) is the ultimate in losing face.</p>
    <p>Sure the law or the school teachers maybe less effective but that is the only course. Who is to say that citizens or more importantly students can take revenge and the law into their own hands and dish out punishments and humiliation. This means that the school and its teachers are not doing enuff to help these students whether they were victims or bullies learn about civilisation, ethics and moral code.</p>
    <p>This is part of the new generation of children who have access to the Internet, youtube, iPod generation. The old fashion form of bullying takes place but its even more virile, shocking and unpredictable because the opportunistic punks will upload the videos to maximize damage. These children have gone too far, step over the mark.</p>
    <p>Some Guangdong parents need to educate their children about culture and civilization, how to frigging behave and treat others even if they are in the wrong.</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 10:06 pm</a>

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    <p>@Kai<br />
    &#8220;I’m all for blurring and protecting the identity of the victim, but I’m much more interested in trying to educate society enough so s**t like this doesn’t happen again.&#8221;<br />
    Protecting the underage girl who has been passed around the internet with full naked body &amp; face exposed should be the priority here, Kai, if we trample on the rights of AN individual, we risk losing the rights of all individuals, regardless of the &#8220;greater good&#8221; you&#8217;ve came up with.</p>
    <p>I don&#8217;t think showing this video around teaches ANYONE, ANYTHING.  Do you think this video going about will stop girls from stealing at school?  Do you think it will stop SHAMING of other kids or other people for doing something wrong?  Have you considered that pushing this video around will ENCOURAGE repeats of this kind of punishment? are kids so learned and wise as to accept your &#8216;lessons&#8217; that you&#8217;ve created as a result of this video being pushed about, and really come to the same conclusions as you? I for one seriously think not, and it&#8217;s a shame that this vid has been put here with the girls face, as well as linked to the full naked underage fully exposed version (I assume?).</p>
    <p>Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Period.  And your response to Miako in the form of things like &#8220;Why the h**l DIDN’T these kids seek recourse through the authorities?&#8221; &#8212; are you serious? They&#8217;re kids, they don&#8217;t abide by the same matured opinions you may.  I think you&#8217;ve made far too many assumptions in your justifications &#8211; kids are cruel..straight up..and pushing this vid around will only end up leading to many more of its ilk.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 12:28 am</a>

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    <p><strong>@ fireworks:</strong></p>
    <blockquote><p>Who is to say that citizens or more importantly students can take revenge and the law into their own hands and dish out punishments and humiliation. <strong>This means that the school and its teachers are not doing enuff to help these students whether they were victims or bullies learn about civilisation, ethics and moral code.</strong></p></blockquote>
    <p>YES, EXACTLY. </p>
    <p>It takes a village to raise a child.</p>
    <p><strong>@ Rick in China:</strong></p>
    <p>We need to start at a presumption that we can both agree upon. So, let&#8217;s begin with the possible consequences of this video spreading.</p>
    <p>You think this video spreading around will &#8220;ENCOURAGE&#8221; repeats of this kind of punishment. Sure, I acknowledge copycat crimes and that other misguided individuals might think this is a great idea. However, are you insisting that this is the ONLY possible consequence of the video spreading?</p>
    <p>If not (and I should hope so), are you going to argue that there is absolutely ZERO ways to use this INCIDENT (but perhaps not this video, hence why I&#8217;m not willing to say this video SHOULD be spread, only accepting that it HAS and working with that in mind) to bring awareness to a potential problem amongst China&#8217;s youth and to instigate an appropriate social response to it in the form of, say, increased ethical education? </p>
    <p>&#8220;Kids are cruel&#8230;straight up&#8221; sounds like a justification and an assumption to me, Rick. I know kids CAN be cruel, but they don&#8217;t have to, not with good socialization through parents, educators, society, etc. I don&#8217;t think kids possibly being cruel justifies focusing only on how wrong it was for this video to be spread without even dedicating a single brain cell to thinking of how this can be used to remind people that we need to watch our kids, teach our kids, and yes, protect our kids.</p>
    <p>Maybe our worldviews are different, Rick. Ironically, I&#8217;m the optimist here and you&#8217;re the cynic. You have complete faith that this video is going to spawn copycats and I have moderated faith that people seeing this video, being profoundly disturbed by it, and the surrounding outrage of this happening in the first place will lead to:</p>
    <p>1. Kids identifying how cruel and awful this is.<br />
    2. Parents identifying how cruel and awful this is, then teaching their children.<br />
    3. Society identifying how cruel and awful this is, then teaching the parents to teach their children.</p>
    <p>What do you think, Rick? &#8220;Are you serious?&#8221; Yes, absolutely serious. I mean, that&#8217;s why capital punishment and public executions exist, right? That&#8217;s why we encourage rape victims to out their rapists even if that brings them unfair but often unavoidable public shame, right?</p>
    <p>s**t, Rick, life isn&#8217;t fair. There are lines on the ground, some clearer than others, but my position here is not to argue with you guys that spreading this video is appropriate, it is to tell you that the video is spread, telling Fauna she&#8217;s an idiot for taking the risk of spreading it further for whatever marginal benefit she thought she was going to get, and asking you all to find something constructive out of all of this. </p>
    <p>If our children knew better than to resort to such measures for retribution, we wouldn&#8217;t have to worry about protecting the identity of a naked girl in a video. For crying out loud, TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Teenagers do this because WE, as a society, FAILED to teach them what is RIGHT and WRONG. </p>
    <p>You&#8217;ll say &#8220;yeah, and this spreading this video is WRONG, so you should be patting me on the head for fighting against this evil.&#8221; Well, yes, here&#8217;s your cookie, now can we actually accept what happened in the video, accept that it spread, accept that you saw it, and learn from it all? This is like a war that happened, and some soldier got killed by another soldier, and you&#8217;re more preoccupied about the right to life than trying to figure out why the war happened in the first place. Yes, arguing about the right to life is noble and all, but is that all there is to this?</p>

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    Teacher in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 9:13 am</a>

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    <p>@ Kai and Rick<br />
    Having a lot of experience dealing with kids in China, I thought I could weigh in partially on this.<br />
    I think the &#8220;kids are cruel&#8221; saying is too easy of an out in this situation.  Sure, kids do things to each other that are cruel, but they generally learn when they are told that that behaviour is inappropriate.  I&#8217;ve personally dealt with several instances of bullying and shaming in the past three years, and one of them from a girl who was particularly spoiled and badly behaved.  The school refused to punish her properly, so I took the step to refuse to teach her until she apologized.  That lasted for 2 weeks (during which time she was not allowed in my class), then she caved in and admitted her behaviour was wrong.  She learned a lesson and has since become almost a model student.</p>
    <p>Can this video be used to teach a lesson?  Probably.  When dealing with kids and teenagers, it&#8217;s hard to say anything 100%; just like adults, there are many different personalities, upbringings and psychologies to take into account.  Thinking about my own students (past and present)(15-19 years old) I&#8217;m sure a lot would be horrified, but some would laugh and some may think it was cool.  I&#8217;d have to say though, the majority would react as any of us would.  They would feel the horror and shame of that person and be able to weigh whether that was appropriate given what she was accused of.  Rick, don&#8217;t underestimate teenagers&#8217; ability to think and reason just like the rest of us.  Kai, don&#8217;t underestimate (and I don&#8217;t think you are, but just in case&#8230;) the possibility that a few people would react in a non-positive way to this video (i.e., wanting to copy it, thinking it was funny, etc.)</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 1:40 pm</a>

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    <p>@Kai<br />
    Kids are cruel &#8211; this doesn&#8217;t mean all kids &#8211; but it means enough to make many more lives miserable, and I think that spreading this video will create more incidences rather than less, that&#8217;s my opinion &#8211; you can have yours.</p>
    <p>I&#8217;m surprised you have made out the entire argument for me, you&#8217;ve told me what I&#8217;m &#8220;going&#8221; to say, you&#8217;ve told me what my replies may be, and you&#8217;ve assumed an amazing amount of banter between us based on&#8230;? assumption, assumption, assumption, just as you assume spreading this video will curb more of the same problem.</p>
    <p>Here&#8217;s the thing.  REPORT on it.  Spread the news.  Spread the video.  Spread the story.  Explain the results and why it&#8217;s wrong.  Analyze it and criticize it.  BUT: Censor the girls v****a, Censor the girls t**s, and Censor the girls..most importantly&#8230;FACE.  f**k.  How can you possibly say it&#8217;s alright to use this particular singled out girl as an example for your rampage of &#8220;this&#8217;ll teach the world to be better&#8221; (which I think is jaded opinion, anyways).  You can spread your story without personalizing it and helping to f**k up this girls life beyond all belief &#8211; this type of thing results in suicide.  Fauna may only be doing that which many other sites are doing &#8211; but that doesn&#8217;t make it any more morally justifiable.</p>
    <p>In addition, &#8220;accept that you&#8217;ve seen it&#8221; &#8211; I haven&#8217;t seen it, nor do I want to see it, nor would I click a link or subscribe to the RSS feed to see it, nor would I have any reaction but disgust to even the best of my friends who click that s**t and take part in what I see as exploitation of a young schoolgirl.  I&#8217;m no saint, I&#8217;m not taking some sort of moral highroad pointing down my finger upon the masses, I&#8217;m saying that this particular issue is something I can&#8217;t support in any way shape or form, regardless of your justification for spreading links to a young schoolgirl being forced to show her vag, t**s, and face on camera.  CENSOR IT for f**k sakes, and my entire protest disappears.  (BTW, I&#8217;m assuming it&#8217;s not censored from comments.)</p>
    <p>@Teacher<br />
    I&#8217;m not saying that the majority of kids are going to react in a negative way.  Most kids are good &#8211; just as most people, but there are enough bad ones to f**k up the lives of enough others to make my argument.  I&#8217;m not disagreeing with anything you&#8217;ve said, in fact, but it doesn&#8217;t need to be a majority to be wrong.  It doesn&#8217;t require a mass change in people&#8217;s minds or reactions to be wrong.  It only requires _more than otherwise_ incidents as a result of an action, to be wrong.</p>

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    Ron <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 8:36 pm</a>

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    <p>Oh yeah anyone actually notice that the person who posted this pictures, say he doesnt want to spread this video around but d**n i think i can see the girl&#8217;s face in one of the frame there pretty clearly. With her school uniform, i am sure it is not hard to identify her if you lived in Guang Zhou hien? </p>
    <p>The person who posted this should be sent to jail as well for distributing it. What she needed to have done is either go straight to the press or present it to the appropriate authority. Granted they may not do anything but making it accessible to billions of people online is not any better.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 9:08 pm</a>

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    <p><strong>@ Teacher in China:</strong></p>
    <p>Thanks. I&#8217;m definitely aware of how this video can be misused or otherwise result in negative influence. That&#8217;s why I was careful to reiterate time and time again through my comments my awareness and acknowledgment of such (remember the &#8220;joyriding&#8221; comments?). </p>
    <p><strong>@ Rick in China:</strong></p>
    <p>1. Rick, I used hypothetical banter (you love that word too, right?) to illustrate my points, not necessarily to put words in your mouth. Don&#8217;t make me doubt your intelligence. </p>
    <p>2. How are you accusing me of making assumptions when you&#8217;ve done the same thing? More importantly, why do you assume I&#8217;m arguing for the video to be spread with her face and private parts uncensored? Can you please point out where I&#8217;ve taken that stance? Or are you man enough to admit you&#8217;ve been flailing wildly against a straw man?</p>
    <p>3. Re-read #2, because I&#8217;m annoyed you projected that sort of position onto me. </p>
    <p>4. &#8220;Accept that you&#8217;ve seen it&#8221; was not &#8220;you&#8221; personally nor was &#8220;it&#8221; necessarily the video itself. That phrase was meant to say that one ought to accept what they&#8217;ve seen and react appropriately. My suggestion is that person react by contributing to the message that what happened in the video was wrong, instead of wasting their time whining about not spreading the video inadvertently making everyone all the more curious to see it. The enduring message each person should give and receive is: The kids did something wrong. It should not be: &#8220;this video is bad, but don&#8217;t watch it!&#8221;</p>
    <p>5. So aside from you misinterpreting, misrepresenting, and maligning my position, I think it is important for you to consider how we actually agree on many basic things, but we&#8217;re viewing this entire matter from qualitatively different perspectives. I&#8217;m asking people to consider what this video they&#8217;ve seen or now know about teaches them about our society and our society&#8217;s children, if this is right or wrong, and what can we do about it. It is about the only way we can lead people in the &#8220;right&#8221; direction after their &#8220;innocence&#8221; or &#8220;ignorance&#8221; is lost. Yeah, sucks for the girl, yes, let&#8217;s ask people to blur out the details, but for crying out loud, what the h**l should you be focusing your energy on? Feeling self-righteous?</p>
    <p>6. I&#8217;m going to let you go on your disturbing, nonchalant, wholesale excuse that children are all cruel, and incapable of distinguishing right or wrong. I hope you can acknowledge that this girl is already fucked, and while your minuscule efforts to minimize the damage to her by chiding websites and others to censor her private parts and face certainly still make a minuscule positive difference, it is TANGENT to the larger message that society will not tolerate kids doing these things to each other. </p>
    <p>7. To reiterate yet again, because it seems necessary given all this straw about me, no one, least of all me, is advocating that this video be spread or even spread uncensored. I&#8217;m just saying: now that it has, and everyone knows that it has, whether here or elsewhere, what the f**k should you really be angry about? How are you going to salvage this irreversible situation and what conclusion do you want to reinforce people arriving at afterward? </p>
    <p>Once you figure that out, we can argue about the war on drugs.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 9:30 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Ron:</p>
    <p>I&#8217;m wondering why the OP posted on Mop instead of taking the video and going directly to the police station or CCTV. Now, I DO think the OP is sincere about not personally wanting to spread the video but I imagine s/he&#8217;s also skeptical of the police or media doing anything without first drumming up public attention and outrage by at least exposing the video&#8217;s existence and partially exposing the content of the video.</p>
    <p>It is debatable whether it is better or not to expose this to potentially &#8220;billions of people online&#8221; in the case that the authorities refuse to do anything about it, preferring to sweep it under the rug, and maintain the &#8220;good name&#8221; of the city or the &#8220;good image&#8221; of their society.</p>
    <p>Can you accept kids continuing to beat and humiliate each other with everyone else none the wiser as long as the victim&#8217;s &#8220;shame&#8221; doesn&#8217;t get compounded by the exposure of the beatings and humiliation? </p>
    <p>Your heart is in the right place. Just asking some tough and very real questions relevant to our imperfect society. What should we do?</p>

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    Linda Jung <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 11:37 am</a>

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    <p>hi, do you think you can send me this video?</p>
    <p>I am curious to see&#8230;</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 12:20 pm</a>

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    <p>@Kai<br />
    RE: #1 Banter is fine.  It was simply a comment to you constructing an enormous and detailed back&#8217;n'forth between yourself, basically, I was indicating that no matter what I had said, you have already made up your mind as to what my arguments would be &#8211; therefor it would be difficult to impossible for anything I say to penetrate.</p>
    <p>RE: #2/3<br />
    Your arguments started off ignoring the fact (implicit agreement or support) that her face was uncensored (as well as her vag and t**s) and defending its posting/spreading being supported by the site which we both enjoy reading and commenting on, without mentioning anything about censoring (I noticed somewhere along the lines you agreed with someone in the middle of one of your posts about it should be censored, but it certainly wasn&#8217;t any priority or forethought). I never explicitly said you *support* spreading underage p**n (it&#8217;s not really p**n, but, it&#8217;s p**n-ish) but you have taken that as an implication from my statements, just as I have taken your agreement/disregard implicitly from your non-statements.</p>
    <p>RE: #4  Your point here shows complete and utter disregard for any individual rights of another person.  There&#8217;s a difference between accepting that another place has spread and posted this s**t, to which I would say &#8220;That&#8217;s expected, and while it&#8217;s wrong, it&#8217;s not something we can control.&#8221; and move on.  But this is a site which we both take active part in &#8211; and Fauna pays attention to our comments.  Therefor, I believe that commenting here in terms of &#8220;I think what has happened _HERE_ is wrong&#8221; is very relevant.  Like I said &#8211; as soon as everything is censored, not spread _here_, or something else to that extent my frame of mind and prioritization of discussion change from this girl who is likely going to end her life as a result of s**t like this, to a macro-perspective of how can this story be used to create more awareness of social problems in our school systems and society in whole.</p>
    <p>RE: #5  Like I&#8217;ve said, I agree with your points.  I agree that this story is important to be known, and hopefully it encourages some sort of extra attention to situations like this from parents and schools to help prevent this kind of s**t from happening, or at least curb it.  We don&#8217;t, and I haven&#8217;t previously, disagreed on that.</p>
    <p>RE: #6 RE: &#8220;wholesale excuse that children are all cruel&#8221; Did you even read my post? I specifically said, &#8220;Most kids are good &#8211; just as most people, but there are enough bad ones to f**k up the lives of enough others to make my argument.&#8221;.  Please don&#8217;t make me repeat myself, and, quite frankly, the fact you&#8217;ve contradicted phrases I&#8217;ve specifically use in your rant about how I&#8217;m &#8220;misinterpreting, misrepresenting, and maligning [your] position&#8221; is quite ironic, no?</p>
    <p>RE: #7  I&#8217;m glad we agree on this.  All I&#8217;m asking is that this site, which we both respect, doesn&#8217;t take part in the distribution of this kind of thing without making a clear point &#8211; naked kids put (especially against their will) on the internet should have their faces and genitals censored.  If that was done, none of our heated discussion would have taken place, _none_ of it.</p>
    <p>That being said, I&#8217;m not sure where the link or whatever was, but in a quick glance I don&#8217;t see it &#8211; was it removed?  If so, *applause Fauna*, and thank you.</p>

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    Teacher in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 1:52 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Kai and Rick<br />
    A quickie.  Kai&#8217;s reference to your &#8220;kids are cruel&#8221; statement was from your older post, where you said &#8220;kids are cruel..straight up&#8221; with no qualification.  You did, however, qualify this a little in the next post where you said &#8220;Kids are cruel &#8211; this doesn’t mean all kids&#8221;.<br />
    It seems to me like you&#8217;re both basically saying the same things, in slightly different ways, so I think you can give it a rest more or less now, don&#8217;t you?  Let&#8217;s be friends! :)</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 2:15 pm</a>

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    <p>@Teacher in China<br />
    That is an ill-justification &#8211; as his #1 references my final post, indicating he has read it, as such &#8211; he should have read the qualification. That being said, adding in something like &#8220;all&#8221; even to my original phrase is not a valid quote, either, and shouldn&#8217;t be argued&#8230;it&#8217;s turning a statement with some ambiguity into a black and white absolute on the illogical side of the statement &#8211; I mean, of course not ALL.</p>
    <p>I don&#8217;t think that Kai and I have an &#8216;unfriendly&#8217; relationship; to me, heated discussions are an important part of friendship.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 11:12 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Rick in China:</p>
    <p>Whoa, we went from recognizing each other&#8217;s chinaSMACK comment section names to &#8220;friendship?&#8221; :)</p>
    <p>LoL, anyway, let&#8217;s see&#8230;</p>
    <p>Regarding your responses to my points&#8230;</p>
    <p>1, 2, 3. I am going to disagree a bit here while respecting that you fully believe I have made up my mind about your argument and hence whatever you say will not penetrate me. Why? Because that is precisely what I&#8217;ve been accusing you (and Miako) of with all my &#8220;straw man&#8221; references. You have, at times, criticized me wrongly based upon an assumption that I advocate spreading this video uncensored, or worse, that I cannot see the potential damage such uncensored dissemination will have on the girl. That is wrong and you&#8217;ve consistently argued that. However, you have finally acknowledged that you&#8217;ve made an assumption of that. Given that you made the first assumption, the burden of all your mistaken criticisms stemming from that initial assumption is indeed upon you.</p>
    <p>I&#8217;ve tried to make clear that I&#8217;ve long approached this entire incident as considering &#8220;okay, what do we do now?&#8221; and it has centered around how society should react to the children beating and humiliating each other. Once again, I am not objecting to details censored nor am I defending them remaining uncensored. </p>
    <p>I WILL say that I DO indeed think &#8220;we can&#8217;t let our kids do this to each other&#8221; is a more important message to take from this entire incident than &#8220;her face should&#8217;ve been censored.&#8221; I care far less about perverts on the internet wanking off to this. I care far more about all the maybe curious but still generally decent people who see this video walking away being outraged and doing what little they can to prevent such things from happening again under their watch. </p>
    <p>If my priority is unacceptable to you, there is not much I can do about it. Maybe we have different values. It isn&#8217;t that I don&#8217;t value the individual girl&#8217;s consequences or rights, its that I simply believe that AT THIS POINT where the video has spread, her identity is already out there, that making sure society remembers a key lesson is more critical. I feel my emphasis is on prevention of harm, while your emphasis is on the limitation of harm ex post facto. </p>
    <p>4. Read above, and I reiterate that you&#8217;re making a nice black and white statement by arguing that I have &#8220;complete and utter disregard for the individual rights of another person.&#8221; I disagree and I do take offense. It is untrue especially in the context of everything I&#8217;ve said.</p>
    <p>5. You did say spreading this video won&#8217;t teach &#8220;ANYONE, ANYTHING.&#8221; I disagree. However, just because I do DOES NOT mean I advocate spreading it. It just means I&#8217;m realistic enough to acknowledge that even an uncensored video CAN be positively educational to people. I don&#8217;t think there is any tenable position to argue against that. The only argument is that the potential harm outweighs the potential benefit, and it would have to be tempered by marginal harm and benefits, while all being subject to subjective value-statements. I will try to make this more clear:</p>
    <p>Example:<br />
    Someone has seen this video, uncensored. You can&#8217;t change that fact. What message do you want to communicate to him? What conclusion do you want him to walk away with? &#8220;This video should&#8217;ve been censored&#8221; or &#8220;this s**t shouldn&#8217;t happen.&#8221; </p>
    <p>I AGREE, like I presume you to agree, that BOTH are important. You&#8217;ve just chosen to spend your time championing the first, while I started from the second. Neither of us are inherently wrong, but we value (yes, VALUE) the two things differently based upon our subjective belief of what would produce the most good relevant to our grasp of the situation and relevant to what effect we want to have.</p>
    <p>6. Teacher in China responded for me on this one. I&#8217;m pretty certain I was lambasting you for making such wild unqualified statements. Yes, you qualified them later. The difference, I maintain, is that you built you criticism of me on a mistaken assumption of you. My criticism of your criticism was actually founded on words you wrote but only later qualified. ;)</p>
    <p>7. I think we&#8217;re officially love-hate butt-buddies now (not that anything is wrong with butt-buddyhood in of itself&#8230;for others). But I still think Miako owes me an apology. ;)</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 5:59 am</a>

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    <p>Might I add that, as much as Rick in China values the right for the girl retain her dignity, and Kai values the lessons to be learnt by society, these discussions lack any real substance. Kai rightly claims we have little control over preventing the circulation of the video, but in terms of informing society what to learn from this, mere posters on China Smack likewise have no power over that.</p>
    <p>As I see it, this video will have been viewed by many different people, some who are naturally cruel will laugh, a pervert will indulge in onanism, another will become disgusted, but no-one will learn anything from it. It is merely evidence that yes, children can be cruel. Haven&#8217;t we known all along that children need to be taught good from bad (stealing is wrong, bullying is wrong)? The unfortunate circulation of this unfortunate incident cannot be &#8216;salvaged&#8217; by subsequently providing any real answers or lessons; it is simply an event for an individual, sitting alone infront of his screen, to react to in whichever way he is inclined to react, and I&#8217;m sure most would agree our emotive response should be &#8216;boo&#8217;, not &#8216;hurrah&#8217;.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 9:14 am</a>

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    <p>@ No Links:</p>
    <p>There is as much &#8220;substance&#8221; in this discussion as resigned cynicism (or is it fatalism?) in your comment. The interesting thing is how our cynicism manifests itself differently between Rick, I, and you. </p>
    <p>Rick is cynical about children knowing right from wrong.</p>
    <p>I&#8217;m cynical about efforts curbing human curiosity.</p>
    <p>You&#8217;re cynical about any effect even simple messages Rick or I or anyone else could utter might have upon anyone else.</p>
    <p>From a cynical perspective, all of us have just cause for feeling the way we do, because the world shows each of us to be right, at times. I think Rick and I have our hearts in the right place, even if we emphasize different aspects of a complex mutli-faceted problem. I think most people know that stealing, bullying, humiliating, disrespecting a person&#8217;s dignity, etc. are all wrong&#8230;but people forget. Rick is reminding others for one thing, I another. </p>
    <p>No one is going to argue the world can be made perfect or fixed. All we can do is keep up the fight really. The world keeps turning, but we push back every so often to remind ourselves of who we are and what we value. I do believe that simple action does indeed &#8220;salvage&#8221; whatever ill happens in society. I do believe that simple action does indeed provide some answers and lessons, even if they are just reminders. There shouldn&#8217;t be a moment where we, as a society, stop feeling appalled or outraged enough to express ourselves. We, as a species, are socialized by the cues we take from our surroundings and our peers. </p>
    <p>Rick and I have given our cues. You have too, because despite your argument that there&#8217;s no real substance or no real answers or lessons, you have at least reinforced the sentiment that people should respond negatively to this incident.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12:02 pm</a>

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    <p>You may believe a simple action (like writing on a forum that this incident is bad), ‘salvages’ the spreading of the video, but realistically, (rather than cynically), in this single incident, who will listen to us preach, who will read our comments? My comment was purely a critique of the back-and-forth between you and Rick, which I deemed unnecessary because the goals that you both propound cannot be attained, hence it lacked what I called substance.</p>
    <p>Note however, that I do believe that values can change in a society if a loud and constant voice is used. But on this single occasion, I ask you how many of those who viewed the video alone, learnt anything, or changed from being a bully, to being compassionate?</p>
    <p>If your overarching point is that society as a whole, as a complete entity needs to see this video as a symbol of itself and improve, then certainly I agree with you, there‘s always room for improvement in any society. But this point is not antithetical to anything Rick said, indeed it is implied in his course of action. We may wish that others who see this video subsequently want an improved society, but we can’t expect to see individuals who are already ‘bullies’ take away any lessons by simply watching the video. Why should they? As the video spreads, nothing is salvaged, the video alone evades moral messages, we, as individuals, can only read into it what we already think. We can only hope more people detest it than don’t.</p>
    <p>By all means we can express ourselves, we can ‘keep up the fight’, but in this incidence, it is impossible for our punches to accompany the video.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12:57 pm</a>

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    <p>@ No Links:</p>
    <p>Welcome to the substance-less party, then, eh? ;) Seriously, I understand your point, even your conclusion, and especially how your contribution is no more nor less insightful or substantive than our&#8217;s. </p>
    <p>If we&#8217;re going to veer more philosophically into this, I&#8217;m game. A loud consistent voice is comprised of many small, quieter voices. No matter how loud a single voice by a single influential person may be, it is the combined voices of many that are truly &#8220;loud&#8221; and substantive. Just as Rick and I have acknowledged, yes, us typing furiously in chinaSMACK&#8217;s comments may not be much in the grand scheme of things, but we&#8217;re both contributing something. By my logic, so are you, even if your contribution is to denigrate contributions you deem to be inconsequential.</p>
    <p>I happen to think every bit helps. You never know when one voice might get others talking and lead up to that loud consistent voice you want. Maybe that doesn&#8217;t &#8220;salvage&#8221; anything for you, but it does for me. We&#8217;ll differ on that.</p>
    <p>To be honest, neither I nor you can say with absolute certainty if anything Rick or I said (or you) has changed anyone&#8217;s minds or taught anyone anything. The expectations of my position were modest to begin with. I just hope my comments REINFORCE people&#8217;s conclusions that &#8220;gee golly willikers, that&#8217;s wrong.&#8221;</p>
    <p>A loud consistent voice begins with a proposition and subsequent agreement. It has to start somewhere, even from different places, even from different voices, large or small, dependent or even independent of each other. </p>
    <p>No, you&#8217;re right, my point wasn&#8217;t antithetical to anything Rick said (aside from his earlier statements that were later qualified). But you&#8217;ve misunderstood. Our arguments were about his criticisms of me being mistakenly antithetical to what I said. As Teacher in China has pointed out, Rick and I actually don&#8217;t really disagree. We might felt compelled to comment about different things but we both agree the content of the video is bad, we would like for it to happen less instead of more, and a line needs to be drawn on censoring details if this video is to be of any benefit as a cautionary example.</p>
    <p>That said, I don&#8217;t think society &#8220;needs&#8221; to see the video. I think it CAN learn SOMETHING from seeing the video. I think that SOMETHING can be beneficial, even if it is a wake up call or a reinforcement of their belief that such incidences are wrong and need to be monitored. But &#8220;need?&#8221; No. Insofar as Rick wanted to maintain that NOTHING can be learned, yes, I disagree with him on that&#8230;but I don&#8217;t think he meant to play absolute on that. </p>
    <p>I never stated that I believe &#8220;bullies&#8221; watching this video will learn any lessons. I even explicitly acknowledge the existence of incorrigible people, joyriders and people wanking off to it all. Are you seriously criticizing me for an argument I didn&#8217;t make?</p>
    <p>Yes, if we want to be philosophical, the video itself evades moral messages. That&#8217;s why such a big part of my position was how the people around it, observers if you will, ADD moral messages to it&#8230;and how doing so may or may not reinforce sentiments, lessons, reaffirmations, or reinforcements amongst society at large. We not only read what we may already think, but we also ascribe to it what we think, and whatever we ascribe to it when communicated enters the marketplace of ideas. </p>
    <p>Please re-read what argument you&#8217;re making. I see you saying: &#8220;Whatever people say about this video has no effect and we can only hope others detest it like we do but otherwise there is nothing we can do, nothing we can salvage.&#8221; Is that a reasonably accurate representation of what you&#8217;ve said? If so, then are you suggesting there&#8217;s no way anyone, any individual, can really influence others?</p>
    <p>I doubt it, since you still believe in that &#8220;loud, consistent voice.&#8221; But watch your words. You&#8217;re contradicting yourself. Or rather, you&#8217;re just trying to denigrate Rick and I as unimportant. Hey, we aren&#8217;t that important, we&#8217;re small fries, but so what? As Rick said, we both are active on this website. It may not be a world forum, but its still something. </p>
    <p>It is a shame you feel compelled to dismiss our minor contributions as lacking in substance. I love nihilism, but I suspect you&#8217;re only pseudo-nihilistic. Again, like Rick said, our &#8220;punches&#8221; may not affect much, but they might, even for a wee little bit, affect something here, on this website, for those reading. </p>
    <p>Hey, it got you into the conversation, right? ;)</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 5:56 pm</a>

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    <p>@Kai<br />
    Something I said may have been not so descriptive of my feelings &#8211; I think nothing can be gained *from having the uncensored video spread around*. In that, I mean, censoring the girls face, censoring her t**s and vag, can have ultimately the same benefit &#8211; without all of the negativity on this person&#8217;s life.  She&#8217;s essentially destroyed&#8230;in my view, I would not at all be surprised if she&#8217;s in a future posting about a girl who jumped from her X floor apartment because of internet slander.</p>
    <p>I&#8217;ve said before and will repeat &#8211; I agree with your points, I agree that the story should be spread, I agree that the story should be told, I think that it should be told with taste &#8211; censoring the young girls face and vag, that&#8217;s it.  I&#8217;ve said before, censor that s**t and don&#8217;t take part in the spreading of this video and I can maintain the respect I have for the site, but taking part in the spreading with the &#8220;oh well it&#8217;s everywhere else already&#8221; is a view I totally disagreed with. I think I was unclear in my points here, and maybe it takes all of the posts put together to cypher my &#8216;side&#8217; on this issue&#8230;but it hasn&#8217;t been in contrast to yours in regards to the story having a positive effect when more people can know and analyze the repercussions of these kind of actions.</p>
    <p>To statements like, &#8220;rick is cynical about..&#8221; I&#8217;m not cynical about &#8220;children&#8221; knowing right from wrong &#8211; you&#8217;re propagating the &#8220;unqualified&#8221; statement, I believe that there are enough children who know right from wrong and choose to do wrong to make some children have Fucked up lives.  I&#8217;m not that black and white, and I&#8217;m sure you know it.</p>
    <p>(Also, by the &#8216;friendship&#8217; statement, I meant friendly, as in I&#8217;d have a beer with, likely followed by some kind of debate.)</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 21, 2008 at 8:03 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Rick:</p>
    <p>Re: Your first paragraph: Yes, we agree on this point.</p>
    <p>Re: Your second paragraph: Yes, we agree on this as well.</p>
    <p>Re: Your third paragraph: Okay, yes, I see how I&#8217;m propagating your statement prior to you qualifying it. My apologies. For the record, like No Links and Teacher in China, we all know and agree there are always some bad seeds in society who will misuse this video. As I said before, we all have our hearts in the right place.</p>
    <p>Re: Friendship: LoL, yes, I know. I was just joking about the butt-buddies thing but you know that already. Cheers.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 5:02 am</a>

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    <p>I can see that you now argue merely to defend the worth of giving your opinion on a message board. I do not categorically denounce the worth of one sharing one’s opinion upon a message board, why else would I contribute? </p>
    <p>Incidentally, my point about substance was that all we can really contribute to the discussion is whether or not we share the same negativity towards it or not, which we seem to agree on in your ’modest’ hope to “reinforce people’s conclusions that ‘gee golly willikers, that’s wrong.’” I never once suggested you ought to shut up because you’re ‘small fries’.</p>
    <p>Which brings me on to my next point: if all we can do is reinforce the opinion of others, rather than change them from bully to saint, what real contribution have we made, or rather, how has the spread of the video been ‘salvaged‘? Let us not delude ourselves that it has. (but even this isn&#8217;t my main point, and it seems to have misled you into thinking that I think no human can influence another. See below)</p>
    <p>In terms of the incident being a miniscule force for change in society, another addition to our drive for improvement, I don’t doubt that it contributes. But here I don’t contradict myself with the above. Because as far as this one incident angers likeminded people like you or me, that fact alone isn’t enough to redeem the video’s circulation. You seem to be suggesting that any and all evidence of a ‘bad’ in society is somehow ‘salvageable’ because we are reminded that society is ‘bad‘, and that we must change it. Which seems like quite an empty idea to me, it lacks ‘substance’.</p>
    <p>Possibly our only real disagreement lies in the ‘benefits‘. You see them merely in the fact that we are discussing the video, whereas I think the word ‘benefit’, or ‘salvage’ is too strong a word to attribute to the video if discussion about it is the only effect. Of course you think discussion will lead to something greater, and it is true, discussion can lead to something greater, but I don’t think it is worthwhile to say that is a benefit of this video spreading, for such an attribution is too general to be meaningful.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 11:22 am</a>

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    <p>@ No Links:</p>
    <p>Well, yes, it would only be natural to &#8220;defend&#8221; the worth of giving an opinion on a message board when someone saunters on to accuse others that their opinion lacks any &#8220;real substance.&#8221; We&#8217;re both just being very matter of fact about this. </p>
    <p>Yes, reinforcing a value or conclusion can indeed &#8220;salvage&#8221; something so long as you&#8217;re against that value or conclusion changing. For example, exposure to these incidences may lead to becoming desensitized to it, a common concern in our times with regards to matters of s*x and violence in the media. Will exposure necessarily desensitize someone? Of course not, everyone is different, but if we cannot stop the proliferation of such images, we can still do what we can to remind ourselves and each other what is right and wrong within those images. Maybe it is a losing battle, or maybe it isn&#8217;t, but am I correct in assuming you&#8217;d still fight that battle alongside Rick and I?</p>
    <p>That&#8217;s doing what we can to &#8220;salvage&#8221; something against potentially becoming more harmful than it could be, simply because we&#8217;re reinforcing something.</p>
    <p>If the crux of your disagreement with me lies in semantics, then I think you&#8217;re being needlessly picky. I&#8217;ve made it clear many times now in my back and forth with Rick that I fully acknowledge that whatever we do or say to reinforce what we believe may not change everyone or &#8220;salvage&#8221; everyone. You&#8217;ve also now acknowledged that whatever we do or say MAY &#8220;lead to something greater, and it is true.&#8221; </p>
    <p> I may sometimes be loose with my words, but I never said &#8220;redeem.&#8221; You&#8217;re excising parts of my position so you can point at the remaining husk and say it &#8220;lacks substance.&#8221; My position is not that this entire incident can be salvaged just in the discussion of it, but in the entire process of discussing it, ascribing the right response to it, and propagating that response to reinforce the right conclusion amongst society.</p>
    <p>If you want to talk about benefits or salvaging, it isn&#8217;t just preventing teenage bullying, its also reminding us as a society to care, say something, and figuring out what to say. Again, I have no delusions about the modesty of an individual&#8217;s contribution, but yes, it is intrinsically beneficial for an individual and society to do this and yes, that is their contribution to salvaging whatever benefit can be found from such a video that has spread as such.</p>
    <p>If your personal and subjective value system dictates all of this as being &#8220;too general to be meaningful,&#8221; then fine, that is your opinion. Now, I think you expressing it has a potential drawback of distracting observers into thinking about the unimportant issues relevant to this video, but you make your own calls. </p>
    <p>It is a benefit to reflect upon, discuss, and promote the right conclusions one should have about this incident in hopes of preventing such incidences from occurring again or more in the future. Otherwise, we risk letting such a thing propagate out of curiosity without any moral guidance whatsoever. The ethics and morality of a society come from that society, and we are that society. Our voice counts, what we say can harm or benefit, and yes, again, I think that is meaningful and substantive.</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 1:29 pm</a>

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    <p>@Kai &amp; No Links</p>
    <p>You two have gone off on such an amazing tangent it should really be re-threaded as a new topic.</p>
    <p>Lets argue about arguing and discuss about discussing *yawn* :)</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 1:39 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Rick in China:</p>
    <p>LoL, indeed. Just like you and I before, I think we&#8217;re going around in circles. I really hope he can accept what I said as being reasonable, logical, and entirely valid even if he personally doesn&#8217;t think it means much. That&#8217;s all I&#8217;ll hope for.</p>
    <p>I just read this on my lazy Saturday:</p>
    <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
    <p>I think some aspects of the incident has some bearing upon our discussions here. For example, taking the video and comments offline respects the suicide victim&#8217;s privacy (though I guess we can argue about whether he wanted privacy in the first place by committing suicide on the web cam in the first place), which ties in with what Rick has emphasized here. That the news is reported ties in with all our beliefs that it could educate people, even &#8220;salvaging&#8221; an otherwise tragedy to help others be more attentive to those who may be suicide risks. It even ties in with what I care about: that what an individual says in reaction to something is meaningful.</p>

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    too yellow <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 2:11 pm</a>

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    <p>Chinasmack is too yellow too violent!!!!</p>

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    Teacher in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, November 24, 2008 at 10:23 pm</a>

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    <p>First, I never cease to be amazed by what awaits me after a week away&#8230;jeebus I have to give up all my other free time hobbies just to read you guys!</p>
    <p>Second, Kai, that story is disturbing.  I think a video like that needs to be taken down more because of the fact that it actually depicts death, I think that crosses a line.  Is it odd to say that?  It feels odd to type it.  By saying that it seems like I don&#8217;t really have a problem with the video of the girl being verbally, physically and emotionally abused and humiliated being shared on the net (mostly because I can agree that more good than bad will come from it); yet is death that much worse than that?  In some ways the other girls&#8217; presence there makes that video more disturbing to me than a guy in his room alone dying.  But I just can&#8217;t believe that people sat around and watched this happen, debating whether it was real and egging him on&#8230;that makes that video so much more disturbing than the girl.  Blech, I feel gross now&#8230; and I guess that proves the point of reporting things like this to educate people, because I would certainly be more careful if I ever came upon someone on the net threatening to do something like that.  </p>
    <p>Wow this is really stream-of-consciousness, but I feel really disturbed by that story, sort of like I&#8217;ve stepped into some sort of dystopian novel.  </p>
    <p>Here&#8217;s a question: do you all think it would be necessary to (if we had the ability to do it) circulate that video on the net as a way to educate people?  We&#8217;ve been talking about this girl&#8217;s video here being used in that way, what about the suicide video?  Is it in the same realm?  Where do we draw the line with what we should and shouldn&#8217;t circulate, all in the name of education?</p>
    <p>Qualification: answers must be less than 500 words ;)  (and I&#8217;ll be checking spelling and grammar&#8230;)</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 11:21 am</a>

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    <p>@ Teacher in China:</p>
    <p>No, your reaction isn&#8217;t odd. It&#8217;s merely the difference between a person&#8217;s acceptance of the fake and real. </p>
    <p>It is precisely the issue of &#8220;why did people sit around and do nothing&#8221; that could be educational. Frankly, I think all of us know why people sat around and did nothing. Maybe they thought it was a joke, a hoax, or another whiny brat trying to get attention in immature ways, who knows, but there are understandable reasons based upon real instances in our society. We are desensitized because people desensitize us. No way around that. All we can do is constantly evaluate where our lines are drawn and hope our lines are drawn in such a way that it reasonably avoids us making mistakes in the future.</p>
    <p>To answer your question: I approached this from the perspective that it has already been spread and is spreading, hence my emphasis on ascribing a message to it. Now, what if I was the first person to have the video, would I circulate it to teach a message? That&#8217;s harder to say, but I think I might but I would want to do so in a way that minimizes the harm to the person in the video (ex. censoring identity), minimize lurid voyeurism (ex. censoring sexual details), and maximize the educational aspect (ex. distributing through the right channels such as through the news). That said, I also recognize that all of that may have less raw visceral impact and illicit less outrage than the raw uncensored video.</p>
    <p>What do you think?</p>

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    Rick in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 3:08 pm</a>

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    <p>@Teacher in China<br />
    I find your analysis very amusing.</p>
    <p>The reason why is you are so against one person killing himself on video, but not against the video which *will likely cause* a person to kill themself &#8211; maybe on webcam, to ironically keep in line with that which ruined her life (with your consent).</p>
    <p>Do you truly think &#8220;mostly because I can agree that more good than bad will come from it&#8221; applies to her face, t**s, and vag being shown without censorship all over the internet, by potentially hundreds and millions of her peers, family, friends, classmates, future workmates, future relationships, etc?  I can&#8217;t accept that.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 4:44 pm</a>

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    <p>Uh oh, we&#8217;re falling back into that hole&#8230;</p>
    <p>Rick, I really don&#8217;t think that&#8217;s what he&#8217;s implying or arguing&#8230;</p>

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    Curro <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 9:50 am</a>

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    <p>I&#8217;d like to take a look at that second video, the girl punished for stealing, for a report about violence I&#8217;m composing. I can send you my ID and don&#8217;t worry, I don&#8217;t pretend to spread it out.</p>

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    sakis <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 9:38 pm</a>

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    <p>post the vid so som1 can identify the attackers</p>

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    Ryan <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 11:33 pm</a>

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    <p>I&#8217;m not a reporter however my girlfriend, who is of Korean descent, sent me this link. We both would like to see the actual video, and I more so than her. Not from any twisted desire, but I have to write an eight page paper for college in a few weeks and it deals with racism and inhumane treatment. If I get to watch the video I&#8217;ll have a better, more emotional feel for what happened and be able to write more about it</p>

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    Teacher in China <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 28, 2008 at 10:35 am</a>

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    <p>@Rick<br />
    &#8220;Do you truly think “mostly because I can agree that more good than bad will come from it” applies to her face, t**s, and vag being shown without censorship all over the internet, by potentially hundreds and millions of her peers, family, friends, classmates, future workmates, future relationships, etc? I can’t accept that.&#8221;<br />
    I think that argument has been done to death already, don&#8217;t you?  Let&#8217;s just agree to disagree.<br />
    I have to admit that I don&#8217;t understand what you&#8217;re saying in the first paragraph, could you explain it more clearly?</p>
    <p>@Kai<br />
    I agree about the educational value of discussing why this suicide video happened.  It makes a for a very good conversation about society in general &#8211; have we become desensitized by hoaxes, violence, the free flow of too much information, etc; or is it just because so much more information is available now that we are now hearing about more and more of the darker side of human nature than ever before (not to say it didn&#8217;t exist, it&#8217;s just now easier to find out about).  That would make a great classroom discussion.<br />
    That&#8217;s a tough problem you posed there.  I agree that the impact would be lessened by not actually seeing it.  Of course, if I&#8217;m looking at it from my perspective as a teacher, I could never show it in the classroom (can you imagine?!)  But to spread on the internet with the purpose of education I think I have to agree that the impact is greater if the actual death is shown&#8230;.it would sure cut through any of the people out there who are too jaded to be affected by words alone.  But I still think I would feel guilty spreading a video that depicts an actual death in it.  But on the other hand, if the guy puts himself on video on the internet doing it, he must have known it was going to get spread&#8230;?  I really don&#8217;t know how I feel about this one, half of me thinks one way, half thinks the other&#8230;.</p>
    <p>Anyways, back to work.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Kai</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, November 28, 2008 at 1:33 pm</a>

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    <p>@ Teacher in China:</p>
    <p>Yep, tough questions. Sometimes there aren&#8217;t answers and we just have to go with what we genuinely feel would do more good than bad.</p>

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    dave <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 7:28 pm</a>

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    <p>People need more than feelings they need a foundation.</p>

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    lol <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 7:01 am</a>

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    <p>1 out of billions&#8230; who cares<br />
    china&#8230; LOL</p>

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    tiramisu <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, December 20, 2008 at 8:24 pm</a>

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    <p>so sad.many things happened in school,like as student firht teacher,like as this report.should teach my kid how to protect himself.</p>

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    reddycool2001 <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 9:30 am</a>

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    <p>Pls email me the link or the video. I&#8217;m a reporter from indonesia where these sort of crime is on the rise. This atrocity must be put into attention for the authorities to be aware of what societies might come to if prevention measures are not placed today. The occurence of this heindous act might have happened a long time ago but it still must be made into a lesson for heads of communities. Pls do not censor as well, so that the full nature of the crime can be fowarded into the mind of the viewer.</p>
    <p>Your Partner in Journalism,<br />

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, December 29, 2008 at 1:43 am</a>

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    <p>Can you send me a link to the video please. I whould like to have a look at it for research only. thanks</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>adi</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, September 28, 2009 at 2:27 pm</a>

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    <p>i will send ur sister video u find out ur research</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>jayman</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, December 29, 2008 at 3:49 am</a>

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    <p>There&#8217;s nothing in the video that isn&#8217;t represented in the pictures above. She is surrounded by a group of girls, they push her and beat her about the head. She steps back from the group and starts placing her clothes in a cubby in the wall. She stands naked for a moment, and it ends.</p>
    <p>You might find a torrent for it if you look, but since it&#8217;s illegal not too many people are willing to host it.</p>

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    lailai <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, March 2, 2009 at 8:02 pm</a>

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    <p>Can,someone,send,me,the,video?<br />
    Cant find it in any site.<br />

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 1:35 pm</a>

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    <p>How sad to see that humiliating behavior of girls toward one of their schoolmates. They forgot the old saying: &#8220;don&#8217;t do to others what you woudn&#8217;t like them do to you!&#8221;.<br />
    Human nature without values and restrain can become so insensitive and brutal. We need to identify such abuses and protect those poor victims (as much as possible) from such a vicious behavior. Be it from boys or girls!</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>ME</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, January 1, 2010 at 6:04 am</a>

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    <p>I totally agree with you what if we turned a blind eye everytime to this sort of behaviour we would the world be?</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>mummy</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 1:38 pm</a>

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    <p>there&#8217;s nothing much to say,they can only do that with themselves not me foreigner.Infact,i can&#8217;t steal</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>adi</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, September 28, 2009 at 2:22 pm</a>

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    <p>can u give ur emil id,iwiil say u MUMMY</p>

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    gomer <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, July 24, 2009 at 8:14 pm</a>

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    <p>I am writing a book on bullying and this is an interesting case, we don&#8217;t see this kind of attacks in Australia. I wish to see the full video so I may put it in my book.<br />
    I don&#8217;t want to sound old but “don’t do to others, what you wouldn’t like them do to you!”.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, July 27, 2009 at 4:13 pm</a>

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    <p>email me the video !!!</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>adi</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, September 28, 2009 at 2:19 pm</a>

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    <p>i will email ur sister video&amp;see</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 4:28 am</a>

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    <p>plz send yours&#8230;i m waiting &#8230;nothing wrong in this man..she is too s**y girl&#8230;look at the picture she is enjoying much more&#8230;</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 12:09 pm</a>

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    <p>ppl wanting to see the vid are just pedos..f****n sick f***s!</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, September 28, 2009 at 2:16 pm</a>

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    <p>are vo saale,lanja saale,what about u talk,u think that girl is ur sister now to talking this type words</p>

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    wgh <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 9:57 pm</a>

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    <p>School kids nowadays are no different to adult gangsters.</p>

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    lll <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 9:54 am</a>

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    <p>no video  c what..!!!</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 11:22 am</a>

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    <p>These b******s need to be taught a lesson, doing punishments like that is wrong.</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>adi</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, September 28, 2009 at 2:14 pm</a>

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    <p>it is happend not only china but also all over world,it is shamed for educationed peoples</p>

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    <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>rosebelle</a> <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 6:00 am</a>

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    <p>If kids know that whatever they do to others, their punishment will be the exact same thing, do you suppose they would think twice before coming up with these hurtful and devious humiliation ideas? The best way, is to teach kid, if you can do to someone, let&#8217;s see how it feels if it is done onto you. So these girls that did this to their schoolmate, yup, punish them by having them stripped in front of a crowd. As horrible as it sounds, it should be a lesson to all others the consequences of their actions.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 7:29 pm</a>

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    <p>Rosebelle, I forgot to post my comment on this brutal humiliation of a Chinese girl as a reply to your own comment. I agree that the girl&#8217;s tormentors should be punished severely, including some kind of public humiliation, but forcing them to appear naked in front of a jeering crowd seems excessive.<br />
    <a href=""></a></p>

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    Duchemin <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 5:50 pm</a>

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    <p>I agree with Rosebelle, these bullies should be humiliated in public, but not forced to strip, this is really excessive. Shaving the girls&#8217; hair and forcing them to apologize to their victim, possibly sending them to a disciplinary school for a year. If there are boys involved, they could be drafted immediately into the Army, again in  a disciplinary unit, as I have said elsewhere, drill instructors, both male and female, will train them to respect girls. Probably a good deterrent.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, October 26, 2009 at 3:29 pm</a>

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    <p>You don&#8217;t want to spread the video but yet you&#8217;re willing to give it out to journalists? These girls should be ashamed of themselves, these images and the video can ruin the poor child&#8217;s life.  I didn&#8217;t expect something like this from the Chinese people, it&#8217;s such a disgrace.  Worst, they&#8217;re already facing so much scrutiny online and they seem to be doing everything they can to confirm negative stereotypes.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 7:27 pm</a>

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    <p>she stle frm her friends 3 times so they punished her</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 7:45 pm</a>

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    <p>And now they need to be punished severely, you cannot take the law into your own hands.</p>

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    Angel <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, January 4, 2010 at 10:40 am</a>

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    <p>this behavior is only in a society not governed by the rule of law will be allowed to&#8230;.</p>
    <p>wrong is always wrong. </p>
    <p>we could not say just because the other side have done something wrong, their wrong behavior could be justified.</p>

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    Master C <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 8:02 pm</a>

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    <p>Just pretend she&#8217;s in a Nudist Colony or Naturalist Community and this will all seem trite. She looks to be in good shape and great health, nothing to be ashamed of or hide. The greatest shame here lies in he act of theft. This &#8216;punishment&#8217; is irrelevant and meaningless in teaching her or anyone the value of ethics, honesty and ability in relation to ensuring the stability of society.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 8:30 pm</a>

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    <p>If you have seen the video, you understand that she is being humiliated. Renewed humiliation since millions of people have seen her face, not just her naked body. Again, only judges are allowed to punish. The days of slavery, when &#8220;masters&#8221; and &#8220;mistresses&#8221; could punish their slaves, are a thing of the past, Mr &#8220;Master C&#8221;.</p>

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    Master C <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, January 4, 2010 at 10:59 am</a>

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    <p>Lets help lessen her pain, not worsen it, &#8220;Duchemin&#8221;. And the &#8216;Master&#8217; prefix here has no reference to the Western subculture you are referring to though. Go figure.</p>
    <p>Once again, the humiliation (and actionable behaviour) on display here is on those &#8216;punishing&#8217;.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Monday, January 4, 2010 at 6:21 pm</a>

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    <p>Thanks for the answer.</p>

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    Bill <!--<span class="says">says:</span>-->


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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 6:52 am</a>

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    <p>if anyone knows where I can see the full video please let me know</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, January 1, 2010 at 6:01 am</a>

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    <p>personally i just wanted to see the young lass knaked but seeing this made me question my morales a little,does this s**t still actually happen in the world? perhaps i have grown niave i thought this low level stuff had stopped happening or maybe i have grown too old either way this is one lovely bird,i would like to see the bullies last 5 mins in a uk school especially after this a bit of theft god everyone does it they just dont realise it,yes even you,the people in england used to hang people for stealing in the 15th and 16th century maybe earlier along with all other manner of barbaric acts are these images then just a throwback to medival times in other parts of the world it looks that way to me,I thought i was the last babarian left dam</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, January 1, 2010 at 6:02 am</a>

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    <p>last post is a pretty good summary of what i think about this,disgusted at todays teens,grow up and act your age not the size of your pants</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 5:14 am</a>

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    <p>2 things:</p>
    <p>1. Stop blogging about naked asian girls getting beat up; that&#8217;s an unfair view of China, and not the whole picture at all. The western media already bashes and spreads enough BS about China already.</p>
    <p>2. This happened in Canton (GuangZhou). </p>
    <p>I don&#8217;t know what they&#8217;re like down south, but don&#8217;t group them with us northerners.</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 5:20 pm</a>

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    <p>nice boos love to sucking&#8230;</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 9:40 pm</a>

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    <p>Please give the video. thanks</p>

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    <a href="" title="Link directly to this comment">Friday, May 14, 2010 at 8:06 pm</a>

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    <p>sent me the video to <a href=""></a></p>

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    Japanese girls</a> who will communicate with you by a factor of 10. Japanese
    girls do not like to reply or contact men who do not have a photograph in
    their profile. Even if you don't think you have Hollywood looks, including a
    photo is still going to improve your odds with Japanese girls. Try to
    include at least one head and shoulders shot. Spend sometime taking some
    good photographs. Get a friend to help you out and take lots of photographs.
    Remember professional photographers take many photographs simply to improve
    the odds of obtaining a few good ones. Things to avoid with photographs are:
    messy or busy backgrounds, fuzzy web cam pictures, pictures with
    ex-girlfriends, female friends or sister as they are bound to cause doubts
    in Japanese girl's
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    <h2>Funny Insults</h2>
    Sure, I've seen people like you before - but I had to pay an admission...<br>
    Hi there, I'm a human being! What are you?<br>
    I've seen more life in a down and out's vest.<br>
    You're red shirt goes well with your eyes...<br>
    Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date.<br>
    Shouldn't you have a license for being that ugly?<br>
    Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.<br>
    Folk clap when they see you...but they clap their hands over their eyes.<br>
    You're about as much use as a Betamax videorecorder<br>
    All day I thought of you....I was at the zoo.<br>
    I'd love to ask how old you are, but unfortunately I know you can't count that
    You should learn from your parents mistakes - try using some birth control.<br>
    He does the work of three men: Curly, Larry and Moe<br>
    Next time you shave, try standing an inch or two closer to the blade.<br>
    If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn't say Hi to folk, I'd say BOO!<br>
    You've got the perfect weapon against muggers - yer face.<br>
    You got a face only a mother could love...unfortunately she too hates it!<br>
    I heard that you went to the haunted house and they offered you a job.<br>
    Listen, are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?<br>
    Sure, I'd love to help you, which way did you come in?<br>
    Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice...<br>
    I heard you were so cool that you began teaching remedial classes at Cucumber
    Well, they do say opposites I sincerely hope you meet somebody who
    is attractive, honest, intelligent, and cultured.<br>
    I heard that you changed your mind. So, what did you do with the diaper?<br>
    Why don't you slip into something more a coma.<br>
    You started at the bottom...and it's been downhill ever since!<br>
    I heard that you were a Ladykiller. They take one look at you and die of shock.<br>
    Is your name Maple Syrup? - Well, it d**n well should be, you sap!<br>
    I know what sign you were born under...'RED LIGHT DISTRICT'<br>
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    <h2 style="margin-bottom: 7px;">Caretaker Arrangements</h2>
    <p>On 19 July 2010 the Australian Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held on 21 August 2010.  Information on Human Services Portfolio websites will be published in accordance with the <a href="">Guidance on Caretaker Conventions</a> circulated by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.</p>
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    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/payments/ftb_a_eligible.htm#new">New requirements for Family Tax Benefit children aged 16-20</a></li>
    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/individuals/changes_youth_allowance.htm">Further changes to student income support</a></li>
    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/individuals/income_mgt_nt.htm">Changes to Income Management in <acronym title="Northern Territory">NT</acronym></a></li>
    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/individuals/report_req_jobseekers.htm">Changes to reporting requirements for job seekers</a></li>
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    <p>Centrelink has a range of services for business and community groups including:</p>
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    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/businesses/customer_confirmation.htm">Centrelink Confirmation eServices</a></li>
    <li><a href="/internet/internet.nsf/businesses/income_mgt_business.htm">Income Management for businesses</a></li>
    More information is available in the
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    It wasn't easy but we've tried to include uniquely Australian slang here and to exclude British and American slang even though these are commonly used in Australia. We see no point in informing the world that &quot;fridge&quot; is Australian slang for a &quot;refrigerator&quot;. If you've got any <A HREF="slang.html">comments</A> or suggestions, though, we'd very much like to hear them.

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    Updated 22nd April 2010<BR>[Added &quot;Doovalacky&quot;]<HR>

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    <H3 class=initial>A</H3>
    <B>Ace! :</B> Excellent! Very good!
    <B>Aerial pingpong :</B> Australian Rules football
    <B>Amber fluid :</B> beer
    <B>Ambo :</B> ambulance, ambulance driver<BR>
    <B>Ankle biter :</B> small child
    <B>Apples, she'll be :</B> It'll be all right
    <B>Arvo :</B> afternoon
    <B>Aussie (pron. Ozzie) :</B> Australian<BR>
    <B>Aussie salute :</B> brushing away flies with the hand
    <B>Avos :</B> avocados
    <a name='B'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>B</H3>
    <B>B &amp; S :</B> Bachelors&#039; and Spinsters&#039; Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in rural areas
    <B>Back of Bourke :</B> a very long way away
    <B>Bail (somebody) up :</B> to corner somebody physically
    <B>Bail out :</B> depart, usually angrily
    <B>Banana bender :</B> a person from Queensland
    <B>Barbie :</B> barbecue (noun)
    <B>Barrack :</B> to cheer on (football team etc.)
    <B>b*****d :</B> term of endearment
    <B>Bathers :</B> swimming costume<BR>
    <B>Battler :</B> someone working hard and only just making a living
    <B>Beaut, beauty :</B> great, fantastic
    <B>Big Smoke :</B> a big city, especially Sydney or Melbourne<BR>
    <B>Big-note oneself :</B> brag, boast
    <B>Bikkie :</B> biscuit (<I><B>also</B></I> &quot;it cost big bikkies&quot; - it was expensive)<BR>
    <B>Billabong :</B> an oxbow lake cut off by a change in the watercourse. Billabongs are usually formed when the course of a creek or river changes, leaving the former branch with a dead end.
    <B>Billy :</B> teapot. Container for boiling water.<BR>
    <B>Bingle :</B> motor vehicle accident<BR>
    <B>Bities :</B> biting insects
    <B>Bitzer :</B> mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that)
    <B>Bizzo :</B> business (&quot;mind your own bizzo&quot;)
    <B>Black Stump, beyond the :</B> a long way away, the back of nowhere
    <B>Bloke :</B> man, guy
    <B>Bloody :</B> very (bloody hard yakka)
    <B>Bloody oath! :</B> that&#039;s certainly true
    <B>Blow in the bag :</B> have a breathalyser test
    <B>Blowie :</B> blow fly
    <B>Bludger :</B> lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend him things<BR>
    <B>Blue :</B> fight (&quot;he was having a blue with his wife&quot;)
    <B>Blue, make a :</B> make a mistake
    <B>Bluey :</B> pack, equipment, traffic ticket, redhead
    <B>Bluey :</B> blue cattle dog (named after its subtle markings) which is an excellent working dog. Everyone&#039;s favourite all-Aussie dog.
    <B>Bluey :</B> heavy wool or felt jacket worn by mining and construction workers.<BR>
    <B>Bluey :</B> bluebottle jellyfish<BR>
    <B>Bodgy :</B> of inferior quality
    <B>Bog in :</B> commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm
    <B>Bog standard :</B> basic, unadorned, without accessories (a bog standard car, telephone etc.)<BR>
    <B>Bogan :</B> person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer<BR>
    <B>Bogged :</B> Stuck in mud, deep sand (a vehicle). <BR>
    <B>Bondi cigar :</B> see &quot;brown-eyed mullet&quot;
    <B>Bonzer :</B> great, ripper
    <B>Boogie board :</B> a hybrid, half-sized surf board
    <B>Boomer :</B> a large male kangaroo
    <B>Booze bus :</B> police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers
    <B>Boozer :</B> a pub
    <B>Bored shitless :</B> very bored
    <B>Bottle shop :</B> liquor shop
    <B>Bottle-o :</B> liquor shop (originally a man with hessian bags going around picking up beer bottles in the 50's and 60's)<BR>
    <B>Bottler :</B> something excellent
    <B>Bottling, his blood&#039;s worth :</B> he&#039;s an excellent, helpful bloke.
    <B>Bounce :</B> a bully
    <B>Bourke Street, he doesn&#039;t know Christmas from :</B> he&#039;s a bit slow in the head. (Bourke Street is a brightly lit Melbourne street)
    <B>Bowl of rice, not my :</B> not my cup of tea; I don't like it<BR>
    <B>Brass razoo, he hasn&#039;t got a :</B> he&#039;s very poor
    <B>Brekkie :</B> breakfast
    <B>Brick s**t house, built like a :</B> big strong bloke
    <B>Brickie :</B> bricklayer
    <B>Brisvegas :</B> Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
    <B>Brizzie :</B> Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
    <B>Brown-eyed mullet :</B> a t**d in the sea (where you&#039;re swimming!)
    <B>Brumby :</B> a wild horse
    <B>Buck&#039;s night :</B> stag party, male gathering the night before the wedding
    <B>Buckley&#039;s, Buckley&#039;s chance :</B> no chance (&quot;New Zealand stands Buckley&#039;s of beating Australia at football&quot;)
    <B>Budgie smugglers :</B> men's bathing costume<BR>
    <B>Bull bar :</B> stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos (also roo bar)
    <B>Bundy :</B> short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum that&#039;s made there
    <B>Bunyip :</B> mythical outback creature
    <B>Bush :</B> the hinterland, the Outback, anywhere that isn&#039;t in town
    <B>Bush bash :</B> long competitive running or motorcar race through the bush<BR>
    <B>Bush oyster :</B> nasal mucus<BR>
    <B>Bush telly :</B> campfire
    <B>Bushie :</B> someone who lives in the Bush
    <B>Bushman's hanky :</B> Emitting nasal mucus by placing one index finger on the outside of the nose (thus blocking one nostril) and blowing.<BR>
    <B>Bushranger :</B> highwayman, outlaw
    <B>Butcher :</B> small glass of beer in South Australia - From the theory that a butcher could take a quick break from his job, have a drink and be back at work<BR>
    <B>BYO :</B> unlicensed restaurant where you have to <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>B</B></FONT>ring <FONT  color="#FF0000"><B>Y</B></FONT>our <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>O</B></FONT>wn grog, also similar party or barbecue<BR>
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    <H3 class=initial>C</H3>
    <B>Cab Sav :</B> Cabernet Sauvignon (a variety of wine grape)<BR>
    <B>Cactus :</B> dead, not functioning (&quot;this bloody washing machine is cactus&quot;)
    <B>Cane toad :</B> a person from Queensland<BR>
    <B>Captain Cook :</B> look (noun) (&quot;let&#039;s have a Captain Cook&quot;)
    <B>Cark it :</B> to die, cease functioning
    <B>Cat burying s**t, as busy as a :</B> busy
    <B>Cat&#039;s p**s, as mean as :</B> mean, stingy, uncharitable
    <B>Chewie :</B> chewing gum
    <B>Chokkie :</B> chocolate
    <B>Chook :</B> a chicken
    <B>Chrissie :</B> Christmas
    <B>Christmas :</B> see <I>Bourke Street</I>
    <B>Chuck a sickie :</B> take the day off sick from work when you&#039;re perfectly healthy
    <B>Chunder :</B> vomit
    <B>Clacker :</B> a**s (from Latin <I>cloaca</I> = sewer). Also the single o*****e of monotremes (platypus and echidna) used both for reproduction and for the elimination of body wastes.<BR>
    <B>Clayton&#039;s :</B> fake, substitute
    <B>Cleanskin :</B> Bottle of wine without a label. Usually bought in bulk by companies who then add their own personalised label and use the wine as e.g. gifts to clients<BR>
    <B>Cleanskin :</B> cattle that have not been branded, earmarked or castrated.<BR>
    <B>Click :</B> kilometre - &quot;it&#039;s 10 clicks away&quot;
    <B>Clucky :</B> feeling broody or maternal
    <B>Coathanger :</B> Sydney Harbour bridge<BR>
    <B>Cobber :</B> friend
    <B>Cockie :</B> farmer (Farmers were called cockies in the early days of European settlement because, like the birds of the same name, they made their homes on the edges of permanent waterholes)<BR>
    <B>Cockie :</B> cockatoo<BR>
    <B>Cockie :</B> cockroach<BR>
    <B>Cockroach :</B> a person from New South Wales
    <B>Coldie :</B> a beer
    <B>Come a gutser :</B> make a bad mistake, have an accident
    <B>Compo :</B> Workers&#039; Compensation pay
    <B>Conch (adj. conchy) :</B> a conscientious person. Somebody who would rather work or study than go out and enjoy him/herself.<BR>
    <B>Cooee, not within :</B> figuratively a long way away, far off - England weren&#039;t within cooee of beating Australia at cricket
    <B>Cooee, within :</B> nearby - I was within cooee of landing a big fish when the line broke. He lives within cooee of Sydney.<BR>
    <B>Cook (noun) :</B> One&#039;s wife
    <B>Corker :</B> something excellent. A good stroke in cricket might be described as a 'corker of a shot'<BR>
    <B>Corroboree :</B>  an aboriginal dance festival
    <B>Counter lunch/Countery :</B> pub lunch
    <B>Cozzie :</B> swimming costume
    <B>Crack a fat :</B> get an erection
    <B>Crack onto (someone) :</B> to hit on someone, pursue someone romantically<BR>
    <B>Cranky :</B> in a bad mood, angry
    <B>Cream (verb) :</B> defeat by a large margin
    <B>Crook :</B> sick, or badly made
    <B>Crow eater :</B> a person from South Australia
    <B>Cubby house :</B> Small, usually timber, house in the garden used as a children's plaything.<BR>
    <B>Cut lunch :</B> sandwiches
    <B>Cut lunch commando :</B> army reservist<BR>
    <B>Cut snake, mad as a :</B> very angry
    <a name='D'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>D</H3>
    <B>Dag :</B> a funny person, nerd, goof
    <B>Daks :</B> trousers
    <B>Damper :</B> bread made from flour and water
    <B>Date :</B> a**e[hole] (&quot;get off your fat date&quot;)
    <B>Dead dingo&#039;s donger, as dry as a :</B> dry
    <B>Dead horse :</B> Tomato sauce<BR>
    <B>Deadset :</B> true, the truth
    <B>Dero :</B> tramp, hobo, homeless person (from &quot;derelict&quot;)
    <B>Dickhead :</B> see &quot;whacker&quot;<BR>
    <B>Digger :</B> a soldier
    <B>Dill :</B> an idiot
    <B>Dingo&#039;s breakfast :</B> a yawn, a leak and a good look round (i.e. no breakfast)
    <B>Dinkum, fair dinkum :</B> true, real, genuine (&quot;I&#039;m a dinkum Aussie&quot;; &quot;is he fair dinkum?&quot;)
    <B>Dinky-di :</B> the real thing, genuine
    <B>Dipstick :</B> a loser, idiot
    <B>Divvy van :</B> Police vehicle used for transporting criminals. Named after the protective 'division' between the driver and the villains.<BR>
    <B>Dob (somebody) in :</B> inform on somebody. Hence dobber, a tell-tale
    <B>Docket :</B> a bill, receipt
    <B>Doco :</B> documentary
    <B>Dog :</B> unattractive woman
    <B>Dog&#039;s balls, stands out like :</B> obvious
    <B>Dog's eye :</B> meat pie<BR>
    <B>Dole bludger :</B> somebody on social assistance when unjustified
    <B>Donger :</B> p***s
    <B>Doodle :</B> p***s
    <B>Doovalacky :</B> used whenever you can't remember what something is called. Thingummyjig, whatsit.<BR>
    <B>Down Under :</B> Australia and New Zealand
    <B>Drink with the flies :</B> to drink alone
    <B>Drongo :</B> a dope, stupid person
    <B>Dropkick :</B> see 'dipstick'<BR>
    <B>Drum :</B> information, tip-off (&quot;I&#039;ll give you the drum&quot;)
    <B>Duchess :</B> sideboard
    <B>Duffer, cattle :</B> rustler
    <B>Dummy, spit the :</B> get very upset at something
    <B>Dunny :</B> outside lavatory
    <B>Dunny budgie :</B> blowfly
    <B>Dunny rat, cunning as a :</B> very cunning
    <B>Durry :</B> tobacco, cigarette<BR>
    <B>Dux :</B> top of the class (n.); to be top of the class (v.) - "She duxed four of her subjects".<BR>
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    <H3 class=initial>E</H3>
    <B>Earbashing :</B> nagging, non-stop chatter
    <B>Ekka :</B> the Brisbane Exhibition, an annual show<BR>
    <B>Esky :</B> large insulated food/drink container for picnics, barbecues etc.
    <B>Exy :</B> expensive
    <a name='F'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>F</H3>
    <B>Face, off one&#039;s :</B> drunk (&quot;He was off his face by 9pm&quot;)
    <B>Fair dinkum :</B> true, genuine
    <B>Fair go :</B> a chance (&quot;give a bloke a fair go&quot;)
    <B>Fair suck of the sav! :</B> exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief (see also &quot;sav&quot;)
    <B>Fairy floss :</B> candy floss, cotton candy
    <B>Feral :</B> V8 ute (q.v.) sporting large heavy bullbar, numerous aerials, large truck mudflaps and stickers almost all over the rear window and tailgate. Sometimes seen with a Mack emblem on the bonnet and always with large (multiple) driving lights<BR>
    <B>Feral (n.) :</B> a hippie<BR>
    <B>Figjam :</B> &quot;<FONT color="#FF0000"><B>F</B></FONT>*ck <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>I</B></FONT>&#039;m <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>g</B></FONT>ood; <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>j</B></FONT>ust <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>a</B></FONT>sk <FONT color="#FF0000"><B>m</B></FONT>e&quot;. Nickname for people who have a high opinion of themselves.<BR>
    <B>Fisho :</B> fishmonger
    <B>Flake :</B> shark&#039;s flesh (sold in fish &amp; chips shops)
    <B>Flat out like a lizard drinking :</B> flat out, busy<BR>
    <B>Flick :</B> to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her
    <B>Flick it on :</B> to sell something, usually for a quick profit, soon after buying it.
    <B>Fly wire :</B> gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway.
    <B>Footy :</B> Australian Rules football
    <B>Fossick :</B> search, rummage ("fossicking through the kitchen drawers")
    <B>Fossick :</B> to prospect, e.g. for gold<BR>
    <B>Fossicker :</B> prospector, e.g. for gold<BR>
    <B>Franger :</B> condom
    <B>Freckle :</B> a**s
    <B>Fremantle Doctor :</B> the cooling afternoon breeze that arrives in Perth from the direction of Freeo<BR>
    <B>Freo :</B> Fremantle in Western Australia<BR>
    <B>Frog in a sock, as cross as a :</B> sounding angry - a person or your hard drive!
    <B>Fruit loop :</B> fool
    <B>Full :</B> drunk
    <B>Furphy :</B> false or unreliable rumour<BR>
    <a name='G'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>G</H3>
    <B>G&#039;Day :</B> hello!
    <B>Gabba :</B> Wooloongabba - the Brisbane cricket ground<BR>
    <B>GAFA (pron. gaffa) :</B> the big nothingness of the Australian Outback. Great Australian F**k All.<BR>
    <B>Galah :</B> fool, silly person. Named after the bird of the same name because of its antics and the noise it makes.
    <B>Garbo, garbologist :</B> municipal garbage collector
    <B>Give it a burl :</B> try it, have a go
    <B>Gobful, give a :</B> to abuse, usually justifiably (&quot;The neighbours were having a noisy party so I went and gave them a gobful&quot;)
    <B>Gobsmacked :</B> surprised, astounded<BR>
    <B>Going off :</B> used of a night spot or party that is a lot of fun - &quot;the place was really going off&quot;
    <B>Good oil :</B> useful information, a good idea, the truth
    <B>Good onya :</B> good for you, well done
    <B>Goog, as full as a :</B> drunk. &quot;Goog&quot; is a variation of the northern English slangword &quot;goggie&quot; meaning an egg.
    <B>Greenie :</B> environmentalist
    <B>Grinning like a shot fox :</B> very happy, smugly satisfied
    <B>Grog :</B> liquor, beer (&quot;bring your own grog, you bludger&quot;)
    <B>Grouse (adj.) :</B> great, terrific, very good
    <B>Grundies :</B> undies, underwear (from Reg Grundy, a television person)
    <B>Gutful of p**s :</B> drunk, &quot;he&#039;s got a gutful of p**s&quot;
    <B>Gyno :</B> gynaecologist
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    <H3 class=initial>H</H3>
    <B>Handle :</B> beer glass with a handle
    <B>Harold Holt, to do the :</B> To bolt. (Also "to do the Harold")<BR>
    <B>Heaps :</B> a lot, e.g. &quot;thanks heaps&quot;, &quot;(s)he earned heaps of money&quot; etc.
    <B>Holy dooley! :</B> an exclamation of surprise = "Good heavens!", "My goodness!" "Good grief!" or similar<BR>
    <B>Hoon :</B> hooligan
    <B>Hooroo :</B> goodbye
    <B>Hotel :</B> often just a pub
    <B>Hottie :</B> hot water bottle
    <a name='I'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>I</H3>
    <B>Icy pole, ice block :</B> popsicle, lollypop
    <a name='J'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>J</H3>
    <B>Jackaroo :</B> a male trainee station manager or station hand (a station is a big farm/grazing property)
    <B>Jillaroo :</B> a female trainee station manager or station hand
    <B>Joey :</B> baby kangaroo
    <B>Journo :</B> journalist
    <B>Jug :</B> electric kettle<BR>
    <B>Jumbuck :</B> sheep
    <a name='K'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>K</H3>
    <B>Kangaroos loose in the top paddock :</B> Intellectually inadequate (&quot;he&#039;s got kangaroos loose in the top paddock&quot;)
    <B>Kelpie :</B> Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
    <B>Kero :</B> kerosene
    <B>Kindie :</B> kindergarten
    <B>Knock :</B> to criticise
    <B>Knock back :</B> refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb)
    <B>Knocker :</B> somebody who criticises
    <a name='L'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>L</H3>
    <B>Lair :</B> a flashily dressed young man of brash and vulgar behaviour, to dress up in flashy clothes, to renovate or dress up something in bad taste
    <B>Lair it up :</B> to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
    <B>Larrikin :</B> a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster
    <B>Lend of, to have a :</B> to take advantage of somebody&#039;s gullibility, to have someone on (&quot;he&#039;s having a lend of you&quot;)
    <B>Lippy :</B> lipstick
    <B>Liquid laugh :</B> vomit
    <B>Lizard drinking, flat out like a :</B> flat out, busy
    <B>Lob, lob in :</B> drop in to see someone (&quot;the rellies have lobbed&quot;)
    <B>Lollies :</B> sweets, candy
    <B>London to a brick :</B> absolute certainty (&quot;it&#039;s London to a brick that taxes won&#039;t go down&quot;)
    <B>Long paddock :</B> the side of the road where livestock is grazed during droughts<BR>
    <B>Longneck :</B> 750ml bottle of beer in South Australia<BR>
    <B>Lucky Country, The :</B> Australia, where else?
    <B>Lunch, who opened their? :</B> OK, who farted?
    <B>Lurk :</B> illegal or underhanded racket
    <a name='M'></a>
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    <H3 class=initial>M</H3>
    <B>Maccas (pron. &quot;mackers&quot;) :</B> McDonald&#039;s (the hamburger place)
    <B>Mallee bull, as fit as a :</B> very fit and strong. The Mallee is very arid beef country in Victoria/South Australia.
    <B>Manchester :</B> Household linen, eg sheets etc.<BR>
    <B>Mappa Tassie :</B> map of Tasmania - a woman&#039;s pubic area
    <B>Mate :</B> buddy, friend
    <B>Mate&#039;s rate, mate&#039;s discount :</B> cheaper than usual for a &quot;friend&quot;
    <B>Matilda :</B> swagman&#039;s bedding, sleeping roll<BR>
    <B>Metho :</B> methylated spirits
    <B>Mexican :</B> a person from south of the Queensland or New South Wales border
    <B>Mickey Mouse :</B> excellent, very good. Beware though - in some parts of Australia it means inconsequential, frivolous or not very good!
    <B>Middy :</B> 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales
    <B>Milk bar :</B> corner shop that sells takeaway food
    <B>Milko :</B> milkman
    <B>Mob :</B> group of people, not necessarily troublesome
    <B>Mob :</B> family or herd (?) of kangaroos
    <B>Mongrel :</B> despicable person
    <B>Moolah :</B> money<BR>
    <B>Mozzie :</B> mosquito
    <B>Muddy :</B> mud crab (a great delicacy)
    <B>Mug :</B> friendly insult (&quot;have a go, yer mug&quot;), gullible person
    <B>Mull :</B> grass (the kind you smoke)
    <B>Muster :</B> round up sheep or cattle
    <B>Mystery bag :</B> a sausage<BR>
    <a name='N'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>N</H3>
    <B>Nasho :</B> National Service (compulsory military service)
    <B>Naughty, have a :</B> have s*x
    <B>Never Never :</B> the Outback, centre of Australia
    <B>Nipper :</B> young surf lifesaver
    <B>No drama :</B> same as 'no worries'<BR>
    <B>No worries! :</B> Expression of forgiveness or reassurance (No problem; forget about it; I can do it; Yes, I&#039;ll do it)
    <B>No-hoper :</B> somebody who&#039;ll never do well
    <B>Not the full quid :</B> not bright intellectually
    <B>Nuddy, in the :</B> naked
    <B>Nun&#039;s nasty, as dry as a :</B> dry
    <B>Nut out :</B> hammer out or work out (an agreement, say)<BR>
    <a name='O'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>O</H3>
    <B>O.S. :</B> overseas (&quot;he&#039;s gone O.S.&quot;)
    <B>Ocker :</B> an unsophisticated person
    <B>Offsider :</B> an assistant, helper
    <B>Old fella :</B> p***s<BR>
    <B>Oldies :</B> parents - &quot;I&#039;ll have to ask my oldies&quot;
    <B>Op shop :</B> opportunity shop, thrift store, place where second hand goods are sold.<BR>
    <B>Outback :</B> interior of Australia
    <B>Oz :</B> Australia!  
    <a name='P'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>P</H3>
    <B>Paddock :</B> see 'long paddock'<BR>
    <B>Pash :</B> a long passionate kiss; hence "pashing on"
    <B>Pav :</B> Pavlova - a rich, creamy Australian dessert
    <B>Perve (noun &amp; verb) :</B> looking lustfully at the opposite s*x
    <B>Piece of p**s :</B> easy task
    <B>Pig&#039;s a**e! :</B> I don&#039;t agree with you
    <B>Piker :</B> Someone who doesn&#039;t want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early
    <B>Pink slip, get the :</B> get the sack (from the colour of the termination form)<BR>
    <B>Pint :</B> large glass of beer (esp. in South Australia)<BR>
    <B>p**s :</B> beer. Hence &quot;hit the p**s&quot;, &quot;sink some p**s&quot;
    <B>Plate, bring a :</B> Instruction on party or BBQ invitation to bring your own food. It doesn&#039;t mean they&#039;re short of crockery!
    <B>Plonk :</B> cheap wine
    <B>Pokies :</B> poker machines, fruit machines, gambling slot machines
    <B>Polly :</B> politician
    <B>Pom, pommy, pommie :</B> an Englishman &#8226; See the <A HREF="pommy.html">complaint</A> about &quot;Pom&quot; etc.
    <B>Pommy b*****d :</B> an Englishman (see also 'b*****d')
    <B>Pommy shower :</B> using deodorant instead of taking a shower
    <B>Pommy&#039;s towel, as dry as a :</B> very dry - based on the <I>canard</I> that Poms bathe about once a month
    <B>Porky :</B> Lie, untruth (pork pie = lie)<BR>
    <B>Port :</B> suitcase (portmanteau)
    <B>Postie :</B> postman, mailman
    <B>Pot :</B> 285 ml beer glass in Queensland and Victoria
    <B>Pozzy :</B> position - get a good pozzy at the football stadium
    <B>Prezzy :</B> present, gift
    <a name='Q'></a>
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    <H3 class=initial>Q</H3>
    <B>Quid, make a :</B> earn a living - &quot;are you making a quid?&quot;
    <B>Quid, not the full :</B> of low IQ. [Historical note: 'quid' is slang for a pound. &#163;1 became $2 when Australia converted to decimal currency]
    <a name='R'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>R</H3>
    <B>Rack off :</B> push off! get lost! get out of here! also &quot;rack off hairy legs!&quot;.
    <B>Rage :</B> party
    <B>Rage on :</B> to continue partying - &quot;we raged on until 3am&quot;
    <B>Rapt :</B> pleased, delighted
    <B>Ratbag :</B> mild insult
    <B>Raw prawn, to come the :</B> to bullshit, to be generally disagreeable
    <B>Reckon! :</B> you bet! Absolutely!
    <B>Reffo :</B> refugee
    <B>Rego :</B> vehicle registration
    <B>Rellie or relo :</B> family relative
    <B>Ridgy-didge :</B> original, genuine
    <B>Right, she :</B> it'll be all right<BR>
    <B>Right, that'd be :</B> Accepting bad news as inevitable. ("I went fishing but caught nothing." "Yeah, that'd be right.")<BR>
    <B>Rip snorter :</B> great, fantastic - &quot;it was a rip snorter of a party&quot;
    <B>Ripper :</B> great, fantastic - &quot;it was a ripper party&quot;
    <B>Ripper, you little! :</B> Exclamation of delight or as a reaction to good news<BR>
    <B>Road train :</B> big truck with many trailers
    <B>Roadie :</B> a beer you buy to take away with you<BR>
    <B>Rock up :</B> to turn up, to arrive - &quot;we rocked up at their house at 8pm&quot;
    <B>Rollie :</B> a cigarette that you roll yourself
    <B>Roo :</B> kangaroo
    <B>Roo bar :</B> stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos (also bull bar)<BR>
    <B>Root (verb and noun) :</B> synonym for f*ck in nearly all its senses: &quot;I feel rooted&quot;; &quot;this washing machine is rooted&quot;; &quot;(s)he&#039;s a good root&quot;. A very useful word in fairly polite company.
    <B>Root rat :</B> somebody who is constantly looking for s*x.<BR>
    <B>Ropeable :</B> very angry
    <B>Rort <I>(verb or noun)</I> :</B> Cheating, fiddling, defrauding (expenses, the system etc.). Usually used of politicians
    <B>Rotten :</B> drunk - &quot;I went out last night and got rotten&quot;
    <B>Rubbish (verb) :</B> to criticize
    <a name='S'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>S</H3>
    <B>Salute, Aussie :</B> brushing flies away
    <B>Salvos, the :</B> Salvation Army, bless them
    <B>Sandgroper :</B> a person from Western Australia
    <B>Sanger :</B> a sandwich
    <B>Sav :</B> saveloy (see also &quot;fair suck of the sav!&quot;)
    <B>Schooner :</B> large beer glass in Queensland; medium beer glass in South Australia
    <B>Scratchy :</B> instant lottery ticket
    <B>Screamer :</B> party lover; &quot;two pot screamer&quot; - somebody who gets drunk on very little alcohol
    <B>Seppo :</B> an American
    <B>Servo :</B> petrol station
    <B>Shag on a rock, stands out like a :</B> very obvious<BR>
    <B>Shark biscuit :</B> somebody new to surfing
    <B>She&#039;ll be right :</B> it&#039;ll turn out okay
    <B>Sheepshagger :</B> A New Zealander<BR>
    <B>Sheila :</B> a woman
    <B>s**t house (adj.) :</B> of poor quality, unenjoyable ("this car is s**t house", "the movie was s**t house")<BR>
    <B>s**t house (noun) :</B> toilet, lavatory<BR>
    <B>Shonky :</B> dubious, underhanded. E.g. a shonky practice, shonky business etc.
    <B>Shoot through :</B> to leave
    <B>Shout :</B> turn to buy - a round of drinks usually (&quot;it&#039;s your shout&quot;)
    <B>Show pony :</B> someone who tries hard, by his dress or behaviour, to impress those around him.<BR>
    <B>Sickie :</B> day off sick from work (chuck a sickie = take the day off sick from work when you&#039;re perfectly healthy!)
    <B>Skite :</B> boast, brag
    <B>Skull/Skol (a beer) :</B> to drink a beer in a single draught without taking a breath<BR>
    <B>Slab :</B> a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer
    <B>Sleepout :</B> house verandah converted to a bedroom
    <B>Smoko :</B> smoke or coffee break
    <B>Snag :</B> a sausage
    <B>Sook :</B> person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive. Hence sooky (adj.)
    <B>Spag bol :</B> spaghetti bolognese
    <B>Spewin&#039; :</B> very angry
    <B>Spiffy, pretty spiffy :</B> great, excellent<BR>
    <B>Spit the dummy :</B> get very upset at something
    <B>Spruiker :</B> man who stands outside a nightclub or restaurant trying to persuade people to enter<BR>
    <B>Sprung :</B> caught doing something wrong
    <B>Spunk :</B> a good looking person (of either s*x)
    <B>Squizz (noun) :</B> look - &quot;take a squizz at this&quot;
    <B>Standover man :</B> a large man, usually gang-related, who threatens people with physical violence in order to have his wishes carried out.<BR>
    <B>Station :</B> a big farm/grazing property
    <B>Stickybeak :</B> nosy person
    <B>Stoked :</B> very pleased<BR>
    <B>Stonkered :</B> beaten, defeated, cornered, perplexed<BR>
    <B>Strewth :</B> exclamation, mild oath (&quot;Strewth, that Chris is a bonzer bloke&quot;)
    <B>Strides :</B> trousers
    <B>Strine :</B> Australian slang and pronunciation
    <B>Stubby :</B> a 375ml. beer bottle
    <B>Stubby holder :</B> polystyrene insulated holder for a stubby
    <B>Stuffed, I feel :</B> I&#039;m tired
    <B>Stuffed, I&#039;ll be :</B> expression of surprise
    <B>Sunbake :</B> sunbathe
    <B>Sunnies :</B> sunglasses
    <B>Surfies :</B> people who go surfing - usually more often than they go to work!
    <B>Swag :</B> rolled up bedding etc. carried by a swagman
    <B>Swaggie :</B> swagman
    <B>Swagman :</B> tramp, hobo
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    <H3 class=initial>T</H3>
    <B>Tall poppies :</B> successful people
    <B>Tall poppy syndrome :</B> the tendency to criticize successful people
    <B>Tallie :</B> 750ml bottle of beer<BR>
    <B>Taswegian :</B> derogatory term for a person from Tasmania
    <B>Tea :</B> supper<BR>
    <B>Technicolor yawn :</B> vomit
    <B>Tee-up :</B> to set up (an appointment)
    <B>Thingo :</B> Wadjamacallit, thingummy, whatsit
    <B>Thongs :</B> cheap rubber backless sandals
    <B>Throw-down :</B> small bottle of beer which you can throw down quickly.<BR>
    <B>Tickets, to have on oneself :</B> to have a high opinion of oneself
    <B>Tinny :</B> can of beer
    <B>Tinny :</B> small aluminium boat<BR>
    <B>Tinny, tin-arsed :</B> lucky<BR>
    <B>Togs :</B> swim suit
    <B>Too right! :</B> definitely!
    <B>Top End :</B> far north of Australia
    <B>Trackie daks/dacks :</B> tracksuit pants<BR>
    <B>Trackies :</B> track suit
    <B>Troppo, gone :</B> to have escaped to a state of tropical madness; to have lost the veneer of civilisation after spending too long in the tropics.<BR>
    <B>Trough lolly :</B> the solid piece of perfumed disinfectant in a men's urinal
    <B>Truckie :</B> truck driver
    <B>True blue :</B> patriotic
    <B>Tucker :</B> food
    <B>Tucker-bag :</B> food bag
    <B>Turps :</B> turpentine, alcoholic drink
    <B>Turps, hit the :</B> go on a drinking binge
    <B>Two up :</B> gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
    <a name='U'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>U</H3>
    <B>Ugg boots :</B> Australian sheepskin boots worn by surfers since at least the 1960s to keep warm while out of the water. Also worn by airmen during WW1 and WW2 because of the need to maintain warmth in non-pressurized planes at high altitudes.<BR>
    <B>Ugh :</B> ugly. hence Ugg boots<BR>
    <B>Uni :</B> university
    <B>Unit :</B> flat, apartment
    <B>Up oneself :</B> have a high opinion of oneself - &quot;he&#039;s really up himself&quot;
    <B>Up somebody, get :</B> to rebuke somebody - &quot;the boss got up me for being late&quot;
    <B>Useful as an ashtray on a motorbike / t**s on a bull :</B> unhelpful or incompetent person or thing - "he, she or it is about as useful as t**s on a bull" etc. etc.
    <B>Ute :</B> utility vehicle, pickup truck
    <a name='V'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>V</H3>
    <B>Vedgies :</B> vegetables
    <B>Vee dub :</B> Volkswagen
    <B>Veg out :</B> relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable)
    <B>Vejjo :</B> vegetarian
    <B>Vinnie's :</B> St. Vincent De Paul's (charity thrift stores and hostels)<BR>
    <a name='W'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>W</H3>
    <B>WACA (pron. whacker) :</B> Western Australian Cricket Association and the Perth cricket ground<BR>
    <B>Waggin&#039; school :</B> playing truant
    <B>Walkabout :</B> a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time
    <B>Walkabout, it&#039;s gone :</B> it&#039;s lost, can&#039;t be found
    <B>Weekend warrior :</B> army reservist<BR>
    <B>Whacker, whacka :</B> Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have little patience; a dickhead<BR>
    <B>Whinge :</B> complain
    <B>White pointers :</B> topless (female) sunbathers
    <B>Whiteant <I>(verb)</I> :</B> to criticise something to deter somebody from buying it. A car dealer might whiteant another dealer&#039;s cars or a real estate salesman might whiteant another agent&#039;s property
    <B>Wobbly :</B> excitable behaviour (&quot;I complained about the food and the waiter threw a wobbly&quot;)
    <B>Wobbly boot on, he&#039;s got the :</B> drunk<BR>
    <B>Wog :</B> flu or trivial illness
    <B>Wog :</B> person of Mediterranean origin. A milder insult than the same word in the UK and perhaps elsewhere.
    <B>Wombat :</B> somebody who eats, roots and leaves (see also <I>root</I>)
    <B>Woop Woop :</B> invented name for any small unimportant town - &quot;he lives in Woop Woop&quot;
    <B>Wowser :</B> straight-laced person, prude, puritan, spoilsport
    <B>Wuss :</B> coward; nervous person or animal
    <a name='X'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>X</H3>
    <B>XXXX :</B> pronounced Four X, brand of beer made in Queensland
    <a name='Y'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>Y</H3>
    <B>Yabber :</B> talk (a lot)
    <B>Yabby :</B> inland freshwater crayfish found in Australia (<i>Cherax destructor</i>)<BR>
    <B>Yakka :</B> work (noun)
    <B>Yewy :</B> u-turn in traffic (&quot;chuck a yewy at the next traffic lights&quot;)
    <B>Yobbo :</B> an uncouth person
    <a name='Z'></a>
    <H3 class=initial>Z</H3>
    <B>Zack :</B> sixpence (5 cents) - &quot;it isn&#039;t worth a zack&quot;, &quot;he hasn&#039;t got a zack&quot;
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    Ba Da Ba Baaaa. You know you want to say it.
    Share my channel.


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    Highlights: Melbourne v South Sydney at AAMI Park.


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    <span id="video-added-time-SFTmNDH4-Bw" class="video-date-added">5 days ago</span>

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    Monday, August 16th 2010: Local Tahiti Timeline (Billabong Pro, Teahupo'o, Tahiti)...


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