
Do I need to fast for eid al Adha?

by Guest8451  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Hi everybody, Sallam! I am new to Islam and want to know more about it. I usually use to have related gossip with lots of my friends, colleagues and associates. As the Eid al Adha is arriving soon, I wanted to ask whether I need to fast for it or not? I do not know much about Islam yet, as I told earlier that I am new Muslim, some people have asked me to fast for Eid al Adha, whether some of them are of the view that I should not fast. I am getting confused, so, please help and tell me if I need to fast on the day of Eid al Adha or there is no need to? Looking for your kind and generous help! Thank to all in advance!

 Tags: adha, Al, Eid, FAST



  1. Guest81

    Your answer is quite relevant to the one who was seeking a similar answer. So you should rather refer to the following lines:

    Well, there are no such authentic traditions available regarding fast on the day of Eid, especially the Eid al Adha. Also, there are no such rules available that can justify that you have to keep fasting on or before Eid al Adha. But on the other hand, you can fast ten days earlier than Eid al Adha, which most of the Muslims call 10 Hajj days. The reason of fasting during this period is to achieve reward, which is similar to performing physical Hajj. There is no doubt that the people performing Hajj do not fast, but if you were also unable to go for physical Hajj, you can practice fasting for those ten days to get reward of real Hajj.

    I hope this answer will provide you enough information about your required query.


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