
Do you all think chitta and Manas(minnd) are the same thing?

by Guest4324  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Could some body please teach me the difference.

 Tags: chitta, Manasminnd



  1. Guest6995
    The difference between manas and chitta.

    "Citta" equates to the general phenomena of cognition —whereas, "Buddhi" is Intelligence.


    "We are Spirits in the Material World."

    [IOW, we are non-material energy ergo, conscious individual entities encapsulated within a body in a world of real elements composed of non-conscious energy] —[IOW, "We" are composed of 'sat-chit-ananda' living in and giving conscious-animation to a material vessel (body) in a Material world made of (8) aggregate elements-in-flux (by the tri-gunas) that is always first, "Created"; second, "Maintained" for some time; and then, third, "Dissolved"].

    The material world is composed of elements that are interconnected by Vibration/Frequency similar to the Chemist's 'Elements Chart'.

    The (8) Material Elements:
    1- Earth
    2- Water
    3- Fire
    4- Air
    5- Ether

    6- Mind
    7- Intelligence
    8- Ego (a-hankara, false-ego)

    Besides these 8-Elements there is:
    Brahman (the Void) +
    Time +
    Jiv-atma (individual Soul) +
    Param-atma (Overseer/Source-of-all-Souls) +
    the varied 'interactions' of the above elements.

    The activities of the Mind (manas) is "to be attracted and/or repulsed" IOW "to accept and/or reject" —this simplistic mechanical activity is the some total of all its functions.

    This description alludes to the 'sense-gratification' propensities of a mind that is concerned only with the most superficial level of consciousness.

    The activities of the citta (cognition aka consciousness) is "Buddhi" —Intelligence/knowledge.

    Citta (consciousness) exists as the essence of our being, but we have been conditioned by countless births-after-births (samsara —reincarnation(s) here in the material world) —thus, Citta (consciousness) is achieved by way of the Soul being encapsulated within a body that affords Sense(and Ego)-gratification.

    Such life-times worth of conditioning adds-up to a level of consciousness (Citta) that is ultra-mundane and thus such consciousness cannot rise above the bestial stratum of existance.

    That 'Citta' that uses "Buddhi" (intelligence) practices discrimination of "that which is useful/good/enlivening/non-degrading/non-bad-karma-forming".

    The mind's occupation is to "accept and reject".
    The "Citta" (consciousness) is the particular level of perception that is achieved by a living entity.

    The "Buddhi" (intelligence) is what a human living entity has the free-will to cultivate . . . to achieve whatever the whim chooses . . . during a lifetime.

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