
Do you think our system based quantity than quality can ensure prosperity ?

by Guest1739  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Only 3% to 5% of our population reach the graduation level, which is further reduced to less than 2% for masters level. How can the 5% compete with the remaining 95% voters who cast their voters based on street lights, thanas' affairs, feudalism, nepotism, etc. Our system need a major overhaul where the votes needs to be weighted according to ability not numbers. Can you please throw some light on this issue in a program in order to realize the role of education and ability to understand the parties' manifestos by the general public. Only then politicians will pull the population towards education. Otherwise they have no reason to compromise their monopoly by focusing on the education of young generation, which is 50% of our population.

 Tags: based, Ensure, prosperity, Quality, quantity, System



  1. Guest8807

    well, that true, quatitative or only degree based education system can never bring prosperity. We need to have skill based learning, proper planning and excellent execution of strategies!

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