
Does my Pokemon Diamond team sound any good?

by Guest6725  |  13 years ago

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I'm only up to the fifth gym, but yeah.

Gengar lvl 62
Empoleon lvl 40
Luxray lvl 40
Ramparados lvl 40
Staraptor lvl 40
Buneary lvl 56

 Tags: Diamond, Pokemon, sound, team



  1. paafamily
    Well, that is good. Keep it up. At the fifth stage I think your points are well,

  2. Guest881
    I have a one gym badge and these are my pokemon

       Prinplup Lv.23

       Luxio Lv.23

      Buizel/ Bwe Bwe lv.14

      bidoof  lv.4   (I only caught it to teach it HM's)

      murkrow lv.16

      ponyta  Lv. 15
  3. Guest4142
    I have a one gym badge and these are my pokemon

       Prinplup Lv.23

       Luxio Lv.23

      Buizel/ Bwe Bwe lv.14

      bidoof  lv.4   (I only caught it to teach it HM's)

      murkrow lv.16

      ponyta  Lv. 15
  4. Guest2046
    your team is the most amazing high level's awesome
  5. Guest5249
    your team is the most amazing high level's awesome
  6. Guest8799
    thats a good team but i reccomend my team it is

    Giratina lvl.70

    Regigigas lvl.70

    Heatran lvl.70

    Cresselia lvl.50

    Rayquaza lvl.72

    Kyogre lvl.75
  7. Guest2909
    no, its too low level.

    my teams:

    alamos darkrai lv.100
    gengar lv.100
    garchomp lv.100
    tyranitar lv.100
    azelf lv.100
    salamence lv.100

    its a twist to marrilands team.
    unless your expierienced, dont challenge me. i have beat marriland. -cbs
  8. Guest999
    I dont play Diamond that much but your pokemon are high level
    1.Dont use a normal type
    2. You need a leaf type but its recommended
    3. I hope you have a plan for Psyhic types because Luxrays Bite and Gengar arent going to do enough
    1.I think Piplup stinks because its hard to train.
    2. Do you have a HM Slave (Bibarel)
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