
Does my new marriage will affect my Canada green card?

by Guest7385  |  12 years, 9 month(s) ago

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I divorced my husband who was a Canadian national and then married to another guy. Does it really affect my Canada green card process? Let me know, if you have some useful information about the affects of divorce or new marriage on my Canadian green card.


 Tags: affect, Canada, card, Green, Marriage



  1. Guest7071

    Hello there

    If you have got the Canadian green card then there is no issue at all. Just keep your spirit high as there is this is no need to be afraid. There is no possibility of any negative impact on your green card if you are planning to get married again with some other guy. You have told me that you were married to a green card holder, and if you have got the card then there is no problem at all.

    I have seen a lot of cases in my professional career which were facing the same issue and still living happily in Canada, while enjoying the benefits of Canadian green card. I hope so you have go the basic information about green card and marriage.

    But still if you have some confusion in your mind regarding your green card issue and marriage you can consult with some professional lawyer. And get satisfied answers. There are thousands of such cases which are facing the same problem, but in the end they solve their queries by consulting such resourceful professionals. If you think your case needs to be reviewed, you can go out for some professional lawyer.

    I am happy to be of your help.



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