
Does s*x during pregnancy is recommended?

by Guest101513  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Having s*x during pregnancy does not cause any complications, it does no harm to the baby and is considered completely safe. Unless for special reasons or circumstances beyond the gynecologist usually indicate otherwise.

There are certain positions that should be avoided during pregnancy, as the missionary position, but all those where the belly of the mother does not stay or obstructed Efforts are well recommended.

There have many consecutive orgasms is highly important because it may suffer from the vaginal uterine cramping contraction.

During oral s*x is not recommended that your partner blow into the v****a, only in very rare cases, the air can cause a blockage in the blood vessels that would put the fetus at risk according to the Cli nica Mayo.

Pol Carlos Bravo, specializing in sexology from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain psychiatrist, says the sudden movement and deep penetration are not suitable for drinking.

It should be noted that the excitation occurs in the outer third of the v****a, realizarel sexual act, a somewhat rude manner is not recommended.

Remember it is very important to consult your doctor for any specific questions.

 Tags: pregnancy, recommended, sex



  1. Guest101826
    Having s*x during pregnancy does not cause any complications, it does no harm to the baby and is considered completely safe. Unless for special reasons or circumstances beyond the gynecologist usually indicate otherwise.

    There are certain positions that should be avoided during pregnancy, as the missionary position, but all those where the belly of the mother does not stay or obstructed Efforts are well recommended.

    There have many consecutive orgasms is highly important because it may suffer from the vaginal uterine cramping contraction.

    During oral s*x is not recommended that your partner blow into the v****a, only in very rare cases, the air can cause a blockage in the blood vessels that would put the fetus at risk according to the Cli nica Mayo.

    Pol Carlos Bravo, specializing in sexology from the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain psychiatrist, says the sudden movement and deep penetration are not suitable for drinking.

    It should be noted that the excitation occurs in the outer third of the v****a, realizarel sexual act, a somewhat rude manner is not recommended.

    Remember it is very important to consult your doctor for any specific questions.
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