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ABOUT TalkQueen

TalkQueen is a user powered question & answers service where you ask questions and experts from across the world answers your queries. Ask questions about your favorite celebrities, places, local discount deals, shopping guides and all what you want to know about and online users will give quick answers to your queries. Our system directs all unanswered queries to experts who deal them on instant basis as they come in the queue. Question & answers and live help at are not restricted to be of any particular type, you can ask questions of any type, i.e. factual, evaluative etc.

Whether you need a detailed opinion or quick tips on any personal, professional or societal issue, it’s always good to get and try free service first. Run a quick search to check if your problem has already been identified by someone else in our existing question & answers database. If you don’t find any direct or better answer then ask questions and people online will help you. Asking question here at is too easy. Unlike other question & answers and live help sites, no registration is required to ask questions; you can ask just anything while keeping your identity hidden. Start a question & answers session now and get best free help including quick answers and detailed advice.