
Food Habit of my 1 year old son

by Guest9183  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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This is regarding my 11 months old son. The problem is he hates to eat anything.

He is normal in other aspects (He is active - He plays and sleeps well) but when it comes to eating, he cries. We tried different things like milk, Banana, cooked carrot, Egg , Baby foods etc But he does not like to eat and starts crying whenever I try to give him his food.

We tried not giving any food to him for 1 day. He is hungry, he does not sleep but does not want to eat. We are forcefuly feeding him by holding him by his arms/legs as he is not taking anything. Sometimes he vomits the food after the above routine.

He is 11 months old and his weight is 8.5 kilograms

We have consulted differnt Doctors and got the same responce from them
- He is alright.
- He will eat when he is hungry etc

It would be of great help for us if you could kindly suggest us how to improve his food habits?

Thanks a lot for your help.

 Tags: food, Habit, son



  1. Mary McKinney
    Try cheerios or sliced up really small soft fruit and eat it with him.

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