
For Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fans, who would win?

by Guest2852  |  12 years, 7 month(s) ago

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If these pairs were put into a fight to the death, who would win:
1.Frodo or Harry?
2.Dobby or Gollum?
3.Boromir or Malfoy?
4.Sam or Ron?
5.Nazgul or Dementors?
6. An army of Uruk Hai/orcs or death eaters?
7. Horcruxes or the One Ring?
8. Dumbledore or Gandalf?
9. and of course, Sauran at full power or Voldemort?

 Tags: fans, Harry, Lord, potter, rings, win



  1. Guest5435
    1. Frodo doesn't have a chance againt Harry.
    2. Gollum would win, Dobby is too nice.
    3. Boromir is a soldier of Gondor and Malfoy is a wizard. It's hard to decide but I'll say Boromir.
    4. Ron is a coward and Sam is a hobit, Ron would win.
    5. Dementors vs. Nazgul, hmm. Really hard to say. Dementors feed off of good emotions which Nazgul have none of. Nazgul really only care about the ring bearer, so neither can win because they are both bodyless spirits.
    6. Uruk Hai have numbers, crossbows, sheilds, trolls and other things. Deatheaters, as seen in half blood prince can easily take structures like bridges down. So the deatheaters win in my books.
    7. Horcruxes are strong, but can be destroyed by alot of magical stuff. The one ring can only be destroyed in the lava of mount doom. Horcruxes dont influence decisions, the Ring can tempt the ring bearer's mind. So yeah, the ring wins.
    8. Let's see, an Istari vs. a mortal man. Gandalf wins.
    9.Obviously  Sauran wins.

    Lets take a tally. Lord of the Rings 5, ties 1 and Harry Potter 3.

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