
Foreign investment in Indonesia?

by Guest6066  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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I am planning to invest in Indonesia. Do you know that how much foreign investment is coming in Indonesia?

 Tags: foreign, Indonesia, investment



  1. Guest5044
    According to Jakarta Globe, Indonesia saw foreign direct investment jump 32 percent to Rp 111.1 trillion ($12.4 billion), excluding oil and gas, and banking, in the first nine months of the year, with the property sector attracting the most investment.
    The top five sectors were plantations (Rp 4.5 trillion); transportation, storage and telecommunications (Rp 3.1 trillion); foodstuffs (Rp 2.8 trillion); chemicals and pharmaceuticals (Rp 1.4 trillion); and other services (Rp 1.1 trillion).

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