
Goji berries

by Guest9486  |  12 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Goji berries: A health trend with deep roots - do they really work?

 Tags: berries, Goji



  1. Merlyn
    Peruse the shelves of a grocery store and you will find cereal that contains goji berries, energy drinks made from goji berries, goji berry supplements and straight-up bags of goji berries. Shriveled and small, the pink of pencil erasers, goji has been anointed a "superfood," one in a line of fruits touted for their health-boosting powers: the acai berry, the pomegranate, the mangosteen, Tahitian noni. It has a sweet-tart flavor, like a golden raisin crossed with a rosehip and steeped in hibiscus tea. Goji berries can be eaten out of hand like hard, leathery raisins or used in baking, as you would dried cranberries.

    Google "goji" and you'll find the fruit praised, often by people who are selling it, as a weight-loss aid, cancer fighter and "the most nutritionally dense food on the planet.

    obviously everything in proportion though.. too much of the fruit can make you feel a little sick..

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