
Gonzales Cantata concert script

by Guest3975  |  12 years, 8 month(s) ago

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Gonzales Cantata concert script; who wrote it and why is it so famous all over the net currently.  Everyone seems to be covering it; from fox news to Wall Street Journal Blogs and even LALATE.

 Tags: cantata, Concert, gonzales, Script



  1. Guest9553
    Gonzales Cantata concert script actually comes from former attorney general Alberto Gonzales senate Judiciary committee hearings. If congressional hearings are your idea of a good time, a theater in Philadelphia has a night on the town for you. The Wall Street Journal reports the "Gonzales Cantata" is a concert opera about former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

    Not just some lines but take this every word sung during the 40-minute choral work is taken verbatim from the hearings that punctuated the U.S. attorney dismissal firings back in 2007 (what is next; a move based on the same script, i guess we would have to add some steamy s*x scenes to it to make it Hollywood). The opera's writer, Melissa Dunphy, says she has had a bi-partisan response: "Republicans and Democrats come to the show and remark that it really wasn't about party politics. It's about a man who made some mistakes and is facing the music." Literally in all sense.

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