
Healthy eating is not eating bland

by Guest101467  |  10 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Changes in lifestyle including increased consumption of high -calorie fast food and lack of physical activity also contribute to the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, among others.

According to Dr. Arieh Goldberg, medical expert nutriciÃ_ny eating disorders, to maintain good health, we need to change our habits and dietary practices. "Usually, our daily food seems very healthy but actually has 50 % carbohydrate, 40 % fat and 10% protein " Rosenberg said.

The idea is to modify these percentages and consume 70 % carbohydrates, 15 % fat and 15% protein. An easy way to perform this project would be:

Eat more grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, tortillas and bread.

Eat in moderation: lean chicken (no skin), veal, fish, egg, milk and derivatives.

Consuming small amounts: butter, margarine, oils, sweets, dressings, sugar, chocolate, egg yolk and refreshments.

Drink water. Since the body loses daily from 2-3 liters of fluid, it is necessary to replace them by drinking 8-10 glasses of water, as it serves as transport of oxygen and nutritional cells.

Do not skip meals thinking that thins

Author of " Eating is a pleasure when you can do," Dr. Goldberg says that skipping a meal means no boost metabolism and thus fall into the temptation of eating foods high in Calories and not as nutritious. On the other hand, a diet does not mean eating bland.

A little salt (not all the salt), a little olive oil (not half bottle) and limit the amount of two omelettes (instead of 7) helps you lose weight gradually, as it should be, limits the specialist. Above all, Dr. Goldberg ends, learn the difference between hunger and craving. If you have the feeling of bringing something in his mouth, that is NOT hungry.

 Tags: bland, eating, healthy



  1. Guest101780
    Changes in lifestyle including increased consumption of high -calorie fast food and lack of physical activity also contribute to the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, among others.

    According to Dr. Arieh Goldberg, medical expert nutriciÃ_ny eating disorders, to maintain good health, we need to change our habits and dietary practices. "Usually, our daily food seems very healthy but actually has 50 % carbohydrate, 40 % fat and 10% protein " Rosenberg said.

    The idea is to modify these percentages and consume 70 % carbohydrates, 15 % fat and 15% protein. An easy way to perform this project would be:

    Eat more grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, tortillas and bread.

    Eat in moderation: lean chicken (no skin), veal, fish, egg, milk and derivatives.

    Consuming small amounts: butter, margarine, oils, sweets, dressings, sugar, chocolate, egg yolk and refreshments.

    Drink water. Since the body loses daily from 2-3 liters of fluid, it is necessary to replace them by drinking 8-10 glasses of water, as it serves as transport of oxygen and nutritional cells.

    Do not skip meals thinking that thins

    Author of " Eating is a pleasure when you can do," Dr. Goldberg says that skipping a meal means no boost metabolism and thus fall into the temptation of eating foods high in Calories and not as nutritious. On the other hand, a diet does not mean eating bland.

    A little salt (not all the salt), a little olive oil (not half bottle) and limit the amount of two omelettes (instead of 7) helps you lose weight gradually, as it should be, limits the specialist. Above all, Dr. Goldberg ends, learn the difference between hunger and craving. If you have the feeling of bringing something in his mouth, that is NOT hungry.

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