
Hi I'm a 13 year old girl looking for a 13-14 year old boy.Im very lovable and outgoing and I love animals and going outdoors!

by destinythib11  |  11 years, 7 month(s) ago

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Hi I'm a 13 year old girl looking for a 13-14 year old boy.Im very lovable and outgoing and I love animals and going outdoors!

 Tags: 13, 1314, animals,, girl, HI, im, looking, lovable, love, outdoors, Outgoing



  1. Lover13yearold

     I'm a 13 year old boy you answered my question and I can't get to you why don't you call me 3373228212

  2. ramesh
    I send u a pic u saw it on ur email beb
  3. ramesh
    Hey beautiful ur jus my type im Ramesh about to turn 13 nxt month my face book name is Ramsay balani ok my email is and my number is 18762953904 ok we can talk anytime sen me some pics too <3
  4. destinythib11

     My number is 1-409-464-2025 text me sometime ;)


  5. destinythib11

     Hey send me some pics or we can talk my email is

  6. Joshir Singh

     Hey I'm Joshir I'm 12 turning 13 soon I have a eight pack on th swimming and running teams and play drums and guitar. Call me some time 0722621215

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Latest activity: 11 years, 5 month(s) ago.
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Joshir Singhdestinythib11rameshLover13yearold


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